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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 9 minutes ago, puddyls said:

    it was election day in the US, and i bought these a few weeks ago to wear for the occassion. F2F31F86-6607-46F6-B2EF-17E49B0E58D2.thumb.jpeg.53cecdcf8997c040498163fd39b10df5.jpeg9354A42C-A68A-4798-9600-53C3201D5DBF.thumb.jpeg.342c35fbd4c3f12d929cffa92f29bb49.jpegFE6D94C1-3460-4A19-8C03-190D95CED27B.thumb.jpeg.21ef61a89a12987956baf29ddf45dd99.jpeg

    Nice! Just saw this post pop up, and had a proper chance to look back through your other pics in this thread - wow! So much to enjoy - you model everything beautifully and you've perfected the teasing! Thanks for sharing 😊

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  2. 36 minutes ago, UnabashedUser said:

    That's how it is between wife and I at times. If I'm watching something stimulating or just get hard I can haul it out and stroke while she's sitting on the sofa.  Sometimes she'll ask me to tell her when I'm ready to cum and she'll come over, stroke me off or take my knob in her knowing weapon of a mouth and accept my jizz there.

    After that she'll probably want more which I'll give after a prolonged period of pussy munching and fingering while I recover.

    Sometimes she'll be watching one of her chick-flicks and I'll see her sneak a finger into her panties so I may take my cock out and we'll watch each other get off. Most hot.

    Sounds like a good arrangement

  3. Nowhere near as impressive as the previous posts, and not really geeky, but I am pleased with my optical refractometer that arrived today. It means I can now reasonably accurately measure the alcohol content of the wine and cider I make, rather than having to estimate it from the specific gravity (SG), read by hydrometer, of the starting liquid before fermentation, and assuming it ferments to dry.

    With the refractometer I don’t need to know the starting SG, but the SG of the finished product is still needed to correct the refractometer ABV value for residual sugars.

    The accuracy is about +/- 0.5% ABV – which is quite a high margin of error for a cider of perhaps 5 or 6% ABV, but better for my wines which I’m guessing are typically around 10-13% ABV.

    A small pleasure, I know, but I’ll now be able to label my crab-apple and blackberry wine with an ABV so people can know it’s quite strong before discovering this when they try to stand up after drinking a few glasses. This year's strawberry wine is 10% ABV, if anyone's interested. And delicious.

    refractometer and hydrometer (2).jpg

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  4. I meant to reply to this topic a few days ago, but never got round to it. Context: I'm a middle-aged man, so probably have an enlarged prostate and consequently smaller bladder space!

    If I'm awake, at first, there's a short 'twinge' - for about a second - about midway between my navel and the base of my penis, and about an inch under the skin. That's the first cue I get. I can choose to respond to that and go to pee somewhere, but generally I don't because it passes. After some time that twinge will return and last longer, until gradually it lasts for 30 seconds to a minute at a time. But by moving around, or changing position, it will go away for some time. But as the urge increases, the twinges become a continuous dull ache spreading in a bigger area from the initial point.

    By the time I'm getting desperate, I'll have to be moving about all the time - it's instinctive - I know if I just stayed still I would pee. Then the leaks start. For a man, I think the leaks might be a little different from what a woman experiences because our urethras are longer. I can feel pee entering the urethra and travelling down my penis, and if I make a conscious effort I can stop it. I have no idea where the pee goes at that point - whether it's sort of absorbed back again up the urethra, or (more likely) just gradually dribbles out. This might happen several times, and with increasing frequency and volume until there are definite leaks happening. By this point, the dull ache can be a significant pain (well, for a man, a significant pain!). Then it's the point of no return ...

    If I'm asleep, and the urge to pee wakes me up (remember I'm 57, so this happens 1, 2 or 3 times a night), I'm already into the "the twinges aren't going to go away" stage, and moving about isn't really an option without waking my wife.

    I'm not sure if this is what you wanted, but it's as close as I can get to a description. I'd be interested to see some other replies!


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  5. 19 minutes ago, beachmom said:

    There have been a few paperbacks over the years like "Do you do it with the lights on" and a few others that have done their own polling. Mostly though I've seen polling from websites like"Cafemom" , "Mothering" ,  "Babycenter" , "Mr.Poll".  While there's a bit of variance between them, possibly due to the way they word the question or by the age, location of the moms, for the most part the results are similar. What I do find to be telling about them is the disconnect between what moms think and what the men in the household assume they'd think. Here's a poll, "Your thoughts on boys peeing in the yard" 15% said "That's disgusting, I'd never allow them to."    17% said "Whatever, I haven't seen or thought about it."  51% said "There would be nothing wrong with them doing so."   and finally  17% said  "Our boys do so all the time."    What I find interesting is not only that 68% of moms okay with guys doing so, while only 15% are opposed, but the fact that only 17% of moms are aware that their boys actually do so. In various other polls around the internet I've seen that some 65% to as high as 85% of guys have peed in the yard, but are apparently must believe that mom would object and therefor do it quietly.

    Those are really interesting numbers, and questions. Thanks for explaining them for me!

  6. On 10/25/2020 at 2:38 PM, beachmom said:

    I think you'd be very surprised by the number of moms whom are fine with guys peeing in other places. Some 75% to 85% of normal mainstream moms say they'd at least tolerate guys peeing outdoors or in a few other places like showers, pools, ect. Curiously, some 40% to 55% of moms say there's been times when they wished the guys wouldn't track into the house or ask to find a restroom, but would rather they just pee elsewhere.

    I'm curious - where are the numbers from? Has there been a survey of attitudes to peeing, or are you going by your own polling?

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  7. Interesting question. When I'm working from home on my own I can and do pee in various places around the house and garden. I clean up in the house, and it's generally been on to hard surfaces or mats / rugs that are going to be washed. I choose not to pee on carpets or furnishings, but I guess that may change if I want to experiment with being more naughty. Outdoors I just pee anywhere in the garden, on the patio, in the compost bin, against walls, trees etc. It's my garden and it's not particularly overlooked. I pee in the compost bin with the full knowledge of others in the house (it's just sensible - it helps make better compost).

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  8. 6 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Does anyone else find their horniness levels ebbing and flowing - I mean guys, I know the ladies experience changes in hormone level over the month.

    I find that sometimes my desires pretty much gradually fade down and can be non existent for a while.  Then I'll at some point masturbate and then it's back to full horniness levels and maybe masturbating every day. For a while anyway.   It sort of feels like after a dry spell, the first time is the action which 'reawakens' the desire - but it could be that the desire has just subtly crept up and that masturbation is the first noticeable sign.

    The funny thing is, my mind is still just as active throughout - mental stimulation levels seem unchanged... just the drive to do anything about it.

    Yes - I'd agree with that - there's certainly variation of willingness to do anything about the desire. There's also an element (as with sex in general) that the more you do it, the more you want it. But from time to time, that pattern needs reawakening.

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  9. This is a really interesting topic. Masturbation can be really varied - there's a huge difference between knocking one out quickly in the shower or because the desire overwhelms you when you're in a place you need to be quick, compared with knowing you've got a long time and can edge for ages, during an online conversation or while watching porn or whatever. (I've always found it interesting that porn clips from the big studios, shortened from longer videos, are often about 6 minutes long: is that how long they expect a wank to last?)

    From my experience (I'm in a long-established marriage and am monogamous) there's lots of complex factors here - a bit of guilt if you want sexual pleasure and your partner doesn't leads to suppression of desire and / or secrecy, which in turn can lead to specific patterns of behaviour. For me and for my wife masturbation used to happen completely independently, when we were not physically close together. For instance, when she'd got up in the morning before me, I'd have a quick wank before breakfast. And for her, after we'd had sex before sleep, I'd go and make some tea (no - not cocoa - we're not quite that old...) and she'd buzz herself to another O because she was still horny and I was shagged out. There was some guilt thing happening here.

    Now we are more open with each other, we're at the stage where neither of us is so secretive about it - we'll sometimes just do it, while the other is around: we've even agreed a wank classification system: Type A is we're doing it and the other doesn't need to know; Type B is we're together (this is generally in bed when one person's horny and the other is tired or just not in the mood and the horny one just does it); Type C starts off as a Type B but there's some helping out ... and sometimes it leads to sex. By the way, Type B allows for the situation where, for instance, I'm horny and I can just get my cock out and wank while my wife carries on with whatever she's doing. She might look up from her patchwork or knitting ... This is *incredibly* erotic.

    Sorry for the essay!


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  10. 18 minutes ago, Geepee9 said:

    About 2 weeks after my wife and I started going out when we were teenagers I just asked when she went to the toilet, "can I come too" as I had to every girlfriend I'd had since I was about 5. She said yes and I watched and after we fondled. A couple of months later I passed my driving test and the outdoor peeing began! She has been very good to me as its not her thing but loves outdoor relief.


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  11. 1 hour ago, DxD said:

    I actually have a really funny story about this one. Me and me mates were going to a festival and granted there were a lot of people peeing everywhere it was heaven! But anyway i was dressed as a girl i had a dress, a push up bra, make up and really nicely made cute hairstyle (i still had my rock hair at this time it was long like halfway back long) and now well most of you are probably wondering why? Well because i lost a bet to me mates and so it happend now there i was peeing behind a bush just lifting up the dress when a group of 6 girls came to the same bush to pee and one of them just goes ”damn girl you got skills” then they came closer and and noticed i wasn’t a girl and they just started laughing and said i looked cute before proceeding to pee there right next to me then we got to talking and laughing about it and it was a really fun festival in all in all 😂😊

    Fantastic story!

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  12. 1 hour ago, Philup said:

    I just found this too. I love how many variations on pee excitement there are here. My descriptions of fantasies could fill a book, but one of my earliest (and least realistic!) one is being tied up with a woman I don't know, so we're forced in a sort of loose hugging way. Eventually she starts squirming a little and, in a very embarrassed tone, says that she has to pee. I'm desperate to pee too, so I say it's OK, I'm in the same situation. And she starts to squirm more, panting a little, saying she doesn't know if she can hold it. This gets me hard, and my cock ends up pressing against her hip a little, and I apologize. She laughs it off, but she has noticed I'm excited. But she's mostly panicking that she's about to wet herself. I say it's OK, don't worry. And then I realize I'm feeling like I'm going to leak, so I say so, which makes my cock throb against her. She finally asks what's going on down there, and I say I can't help it. Then I let a spurt out, and she moans a little as she feels it against her thigh. She says how hot it is, and I'm not sure if she means literally, or if it's about her being aroused, or both. And how she's rocking against me, trying not to wet herself, and it's pressing against my cock. Finally she starts to pee herself, and she keeps saying sorry, and I say it's OK, it feels fine. I tell her I can't hold it either, and I let out a huge spurt, and she moans again and now she twists her body a bit so my cock is pushing against her clit through her jeans. We both have wet patches, and she starts to grind just a bit, saying she's trying to hold it in, but she's also flush on her cheeks and neck, and her eyes are half-closed. I am getting close to coming, and I'm so excited, I let loose with my pee, flooding her jeans, and she says again, "That's so hot, and she grinds hard as she lets her pee go onto us both. I start coming, and she comes right after....  (That's the short version!)... 

    Wow! That's an innovative one! But shouldn't you really have let her come first? 😉

  13. 23 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Interesting that both of these articles make no mention at all of rock chicks delivering their finest performances.

    If I can add a bit to the narrative - regular readers will be sick of me mentioning live music photography - which actually came about some 12 years ago when I first photographed a friend's band. In that time I've not only photographed a small-ish network of related bands and venues, but also from time to time I give his band a hand as an inept roadie when they are gigging.

    We all think of bands like the Stones as mega stars, with their six figure gig fees and contract riders bounded only by their imaginations (was it Freddie Mercury who reputedly had dwarves at his parties to offer cocaine to his guests?) but in reality all these bands start somewhere.  Generally playing pubs, working mens' clubs, weddings and other similar low key venues.

    The way their gig would run is having to drag and set up their own gear - amps, cabinets, drum kit, keyboards and all to the venue, maybe up a few flights of stairs and early - to be set up and sound checked before the public arrive. Then once that's done there's not much to do - except sit backstage with a pint or two. I say backstage and that creates a rock n roll atmosphere - but very often a four piece band crammed in a tiny broom cupboard by the stage, share with pantomime costumes and props.  Usually the toilets would be the normal club toilets, generally at the opposite end of the room.

    Gigging is of course a thirsty affair - whether it be Townsend-esque windmilling on the guitar, belting the drums like Clem or just power-ballading into a microphone, so a normal gig would see the band downing 3-4 pints of water each.  During any breaks between sets, or after the gig itself crossing the room to the toilets beyond can be a nightmare - not exactly getting mobbed by fans, not at this level, but just people who want to chat with the band. 

    And at the end of all that, change back into less sweaty normal clothes to pack down and drag all the gear back into the van. All the band really want to do by this point is get home, no after party or lock-in.

    So really, that explains at this local small town level, bands peeing behind vans, at the loading bays of halls and the like or just on the road is a perfectly normal event.  All fame does is introduces the ego and the outrageousness of how to outrage bigger numbers of narrow minded people.

    I'll ask my son about this ... he's done a bit of gigging with his band - would be interesting to hear if he has any stories (though venues like the Newmarket summer fete (!) or various pubs / clubs in Cambridge or Liverpool mayby even less glamorous than those you describe!

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  14. 39 minutes ago, navesink01 said:

    I have noticed a very string correlation to edging an orgasm and edging a pee.  Both build tension and tension can lead to more intense orgasms.  I also think that if more people were less shamed by peeing, or more precisely, the possibility of losing control, they would enjoy the affects a full bladder does have on the intensity of orgasms.  

    I definitely think you can learn to enjoy the similarities - and therefore enjoy the holding / peeing properly - and the start of that is losing the association in the mind that peeing is just a bodily function for eliminating waste. Some people - maybe most on this forum - have always had the view that peeing is pleasurable, but for others of us, it's something we have to learn, or re-learn 🙂

  15. 8 minutes ago, Eliminature said:

    I didn't tell my husband, he guessed. I'm not even sure how, but he did. One evening, we were hugging and kissing in bed, working our way up to lovemaking. Out of the blue he said "You are turned on by peeing, aren't you? Especially outdoor peeing." I admitted, feeling like a kid who'd done something wrong and was owning up to it. 

    He was fine with it, though. He indulges me in both fantasies and actual peeing together. He takes my photos for this forum. He even gives me the odd golden shower. 

    I don't know how he guessed, but he did. 

    A perceptive man. I'd hold on to him ... they are quite rare, or so my wife tells me

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  16. Only just found this thread - some great fantasies here! My biggest fantasy would be a piss party - lots of friends drinking and chatting and laughing, and indulging all evening in multiple aspects of pee play - wetting, watching each other pee in various places in the room, peeing on each other. One of the (for me) slightly disappointing aspects of the pee kink is that the pee itself flows for about a minute if you're lucky, then you have to wait a while before you can enjoy it again. I know that holding and desperation, and the post-pee wetness are all pleasurable and prolong the excitement, but it would be even better with lots of people - a succession of happy pee moments that the whole party can enjoy. I have to also admit that being peed on by about a dozen sexy women is a massive fantasy for me. Oh - and one more: having a woman with a big backside (my wife will fulfil this part just fine), wearing a high-cut thong leotard, sit heavily on my face, and then let go with a full, powerful stream.

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  17. On 10/26/2020 at 5:16 PM, WethotSummer said:

    I've always wondered how people opened up about their own interest in pee. 

    From 18 to 22 I was single and only had a couple of 'friends' who knew and joined me and I think they all admitted it to me first. One time I was having a ONS with someone whilst pretty drunk and I didn't actually ask him, I just peed all over his chest and face, luckily he enjoyed it. 

    However, when I met my now husband, it took a few years to open up about my love for pee. I almost thought I'd be doomed to secretly peeing my pants forever... But one day we were having a little joke about  on the sofa and he said he had to go pee and I kept hold of him and he said "ill just pee on you instead" and then we ended up having a really sexy kiss, before he got up and went to the bathroom. 

    A little while later we were sending each other naughty messages and he asked if there was anything I wanted to do and so I shyly said that actually that time on the sofa really turned me on and maybe i would like to maybe try that for real maybe... 

    His answer shocked me when he said it was something he'd been thinking about for so long. We ended up having a very filthy conversation all day via messages and when he came home he pissed all over me and in my mouth in the shower and I absolutely loved that whole day. 

    It's now a regular part of our sex life and I can't imagine having never brought it up. 

    So I'm wondering how other people brought it up with others and how long did it take you? 

    That's such a great story with a happy ending!

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  18. 5 hours ago, beachmom said:

    I really don't see why teenagers would suddenly become bashful around mom, when they weren't at a younger age. If anything boys become more curious about sexuality.

    My son and daughter didn't become bashful teens around my wife and me. We've always had an open door and sharing bathroom policy, and no issue with nakedness either. I'm sure it's good for body confidence.

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  19. 3 hours ago, Eliminature said:

    This one not only relates the Rolling Stones incident, but another one of my favourite sixties icons, Jim Morrison. 

    Oh yes. I can imagine him, inebriated and bloated with booze, unzipping the iconic leather pants and producing his celebrated cock, showering the bar with his hot piss whilst everyone stared, torn between outraged shock and voyeuristic titillation. I'll bet a few ladies went home wet between the legs that night. 

    Speaking of which...


    Nicely written... both the article and your post 🙂

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