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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 4 hours ago, Tigerlily said:

    I’m not proud of it, but I would probably get pretty turned on as well. First the desperation, then seeing someone else get aroused by my pissing. It’d be a lot! 😜

    That's the thing about getting turned on ... it often happens whether you want it to or not!

  2. 3 hours ago, Tigerlily said:

    I was going to karaoke with some friends for a birthday party. I realized I had to pee when I got there but I didn’t want to come in and immediately go find a bathroom so I just got out of the car, moved my panties to one side, hiked up my skirt and went on the curb. Near the end, I saw some headlights straight ahead. I still don’t know if they were driving or stopping to take in the view, but I kept going, finished, and neatly brushed my skirt back into place before entering the building.

    Practical ... and hot!

  3. 10 hours ago, Sophie said:

    You're very welcome 🙂

    Things have definitely changed for me over the last 5 years or so but I'm not sure I would say they have changed in a negative way. I feel like I have calmed down a little and prefer the less exciting aspects of the kink. Before I would be really adventurous and naughty, but now I enjoy a simple wetting, or squatting next to my husband, or even just peeing in front of him. There are still occasions where I'm a really naughty girl but they are less frequent.

    A thing I have started to enjoy more and more is being desperate, not absolutely bursting because I find that uncomfortable, but that nice full feeling, the gentle reminder that I need to pee. I enjoy the feeling but my favourite part is the secrecy. Unless I'm wriggling and hopping about, nobody knows just how badly I need to pee, nobody knows that wonderful feeling I am experiencing. To them I am just a girl waiting in line at a shop or whatever.

    Some things have changed or evolved. Peeing outdoors used to be one of my favourite things, I would really get off from leaving a puddle somewhere but that has now become something more loving I like to share with my husband. Instead it has been replaced by wetting, if I want to be sexy and show off a little, I'll usually wet myself for him.

    Thanks for your thoughtful reply Sophie.

  4. Thanks for answering that first one in the affirmative @Sophie 🙂

    I have looked back through several pages of this topic, so I think I'm not repeating things. I have a few questions, but I won't bombard you with all of them at once. the first is: how do you think your pee kink has developed and changed over the last 5 years or so, if at all? Have you found new things to do that excite you? Have things you used to find fun lost their appeal?


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  5. There was a very tedious online meeting today and I was working from home alone so I planned some fun. I wore a pair of jeans that were due a wash, covered the chair with a couple of towels, had a cup of tea and a large glass of water, and settled down for the meeting with the intention that when I really needed to pee, I would, without moving. And when I found out that the meeting was a one-way presentation and we didn't need our cameras or mics on, I decided I would make a video too.

    I lasted quite a while before feeling the familiar twinges, and after that getting a bit twitchy. The meeting started at 1pm, but I hadn't peed for a couple of hours before it started. We were given a 'comfort break' about quarter to 3, which I didn't bother with, and instead made another cup of tea, but by the time I had drunk that, I was getting pretty close to going. I didn't want to make myself painfully uncomfortable - that's not my thing - so when the urge was pretty strong, I reached for the phone ... and let go, while continuing to listen to someone droning on in the background... I don't recall exactly what was being said, as I was too busy enjoying the feeling of warm pee soaking into my jeans leg, running on to the towels and the floor.


    In fact the pee came straight through the denim in little jets from time to time...


    ... and flowed off the towels to puddle on to the wooden floor below.


    Then I sat in my wet jeans as they cooled down over the next hour or so before stripping off and throwing jeans and towels into the wash and wiping the floor.

    All in all a fine way to make the meeting more pleasurable.

    Apologies - the video is very wobbly, but if you want to watch it, it's here: https://www.erome.com/a/CJLiJSCV

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  6. 30 minutes into the meeting ... still feeling fine - at a 5 or 6. Just watching a speaker who has one of those Teams backgrounds - it's a building with a curvy ceiling and the way she is sitting it looks a bit like she has wings, like an angel. She is quite attractive too ...

    I've finished my tea and I'm working my way through the water.

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  7. I'm feeling in a naughty mood today. I have a boring online meeting stretching ahead of me this afternoon, starting in 15 minutes and expected to last three hours ... which is significantly longer than I will last 😉 

    From the waist down I am wearing a pair of jeans that are due for a wash. I've covered my chair with a couple of towels, and my plan is to just let it go during the meeting some time when it all gets too much, and sit in my wet jeans until the end. I'll update this thread with any significant events. I have a cup of tea and a big glass of water on the table right now.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Ppgirl said:

    He knows that I don't mind, he even said that I liked it, which is true, but I denied because I was too shy

    OK - that's understandable 🙂  But maybe if and when you feel more confident, you can gradually 'admit' how much more you're enjoying it! It's up to you of course, how quickly you feel you are able to let things develop. Good luck!

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  9. [Mods please move / delete if this is in the wrong place]

    I don’t always remember my dreams, and when I do, they are generally just weird, like dreams often are. But occasionally they involve sex, and very occasionally, wet sex (though it has been many a year since I had an actual wet dream).

    Last night I had two dreams – one was just weird (about a burglary at a house I was staying in with some friends) which I won’t bore you with. But the other was rather nice.

    I was an undercover security guard at some sort of street festival. It may have had an anime theme to it because there were many people dressed up, including a stunning girl in tiny tight white shorts and a turquoise crop top (sort of like Misty but without braces, and the wrong colour clothes … so nothing like Misty!). She was signing autographs for people so she might have been well known.

    All of a sudden I knew I had to protect her from some unknown threat. She was standing on a short flight of brick steps, bending over to sign something for a couple of young girls who were with their mother. I needed to keep sexy girl safe so I moved close to her and whispered “security – we need to get down.” She handed back the pen and paper she’d been signing and lay down on her back on the steps, as I lay on top of her to protect her (from what I have no idea).

    I had the chance to look properly at her. She was extremely beautiful. Despite the anime feel to the dream, she wasn’t Asian, but rather Mediterranean, with dark straight hair cut into a bob, big brown eyes, a little upturned nose and a very sexy mouth with quite full lips. Her skin was tanned and smooth. Slim and lithe … altogether gorgeous.

    She was staring straight into my eyes and I could tell there was an immediate chemistry (that’s probably the most unbelievable part of the dream). I can’t remember what we said – if anything – but the next moment we had rolled slightly on to our sides and were kissing, and her hands were moving down my back to my bum, then one reached in front to give my crotch a squeeze.

    I took her lead and slid my hand to the front of her tight shorts and started stroking with my fingertips – gently at first, and then in response to her sighs, more firmly. She was unbuttoning my jeans fly and slipping her hand inside – then she disengaged her lips from mine, lifted her face away a little so she could look straight at me and whispered “Please will you lick my pussy?”

    How could I refuse? I slithered down the steps a bit (curiously we were both perfectly comfortable despite being on a set of brick steps outdoors … great things dreams, aren’t they?) and pulled down her shorts – she wasn’t wearing anything under them. She kicked them off and spread her thighs and I nestled my head between them and started work on her smooth slit. I really like going down on a woman because it’s possible to be responsive very quickly to the feedback you get – more so than when you’re in the throes of penetration. She seems to like my technique anyway, and my face was soon covered with her wonderful juices. But … no pee in this dream! And then I woke up, with a smile on my face, and a big hard-on. Altogether one of the nicest dreams I have had in a long while.

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