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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. I love it! These girls are fantastic ... I love how their day is starting to focus around drinking and peeing, almost to the exclusion of anything else. It's taking over their life right now ... they are looking for opportunities to be naughty ... and the bubbling undercurrent of their deepening relationship is tantalising. Thanks @Ppgirl!

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  2. 8 hours ago, oliver2 said:

    I would!


    3 hours ago, speedy3471 said:

    Sounds like a very interesting idea, I would be interested as well

    The challenge for us will be to make our versions all different, yet plausible - perhaps developing varied scenarios in which the story is taking place, or developing the back stories more, or examing what's going on in the minds of the protagonists, rather than simply describing the action from the POV of the other person.

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  3. 11 hours ago, TurningMeOn said:

    Hello! This is my first story here and also happens to be my first sighting ever. Hope you enjoy!

    It was summertime in New England (U.S.) and I was just finishing my 9-5 job when I was asked by one of my friends if I'd like to join her and one of our other friends (also female) at a country concert happening in a few hours. At the time I wasn't that into country, but I figured what the hell, it's a nice sunny, hot day and it'd be fun to get out and party a little. I told them I was down and they insisted I hurry home and change as we were going to be pre-gaming in the parking lot ahead of time. This would be my concert ever at this location and I had no idea how big this main lot would end up being. 

    Fast forward to where we're on the main road leading in to the lot and the traffic is unbelievably slow. It took us about 30 minutes to get in, but it also allowed me to take in how many beautiful girls were in nearby cars and walking in from other lots close by.

    We finally reach our main lot and I couldn't believe how many people were already in there, drinks fully flowing. We get directed to park towards the back where the lot is lined with trees, some areas way more dense than others. We get out, open the trunk, set up our area and the partying begins. It didn't take me long to notice groups of girls, looking around at the wooded areas and then going in. I immediately realized that there were long lines for the very few porta potties on site and everyone would rather relieve themselves in the outer skirts of this lot. My excitement and adrenaline went up a notch immediately.

    About 30 minutes into us drinking up and chatting, my two friends announce they really need to pee and head off to the trees. I try not to make anything of it and tell them "Ok have fun!" While they're gone, I go on Snapchat and notice one of my other really good girlfriends (let's call her A) is also at the concert so I text A asking her where she is. While I'm doing that the girls come back and share how much of a relief that was as they were holding on as long as they could to break the seal.

    A few minutes go by and A texts back saying she's in the same lot where we are and after a few replies back and forth she ends up finding me and my other two friends. She's looking good as always, wearing a v-neck t-shirt, a nice skirt and has her hair straightened. She's about 5'2", a little thick but the perfect. She doesn't have the biggest boobs but has a nice, bubble butt that attracts many guys.

    We all say hi, small talk, chug our current drinks and then decide to fill up our solo cups with new drink. My friend A doesn't need a refill at the moment as she had an XL McDonalds cup that was mixed with vodka and was about 1/2 full.

    After about 30 minutes the girls I came with head off to go pee again but A doesn't go as she doesn't want to break the seal yet. The girls head off to the same tree-lined area and we casually watch them go in as A and I continue to catch up. While we're doing so I can tell A is a little fidgety and possibly regretting her choice to not join the girls and relieve the pressure that building up. I notice her cup is now about 1/4 full.

    My two friends come back and about 15 minutes later, A says "I really need to pee now." I tell her that I could go as well. About 5 minutes go by and she asks my two other friends if they'll join her and they tell her they don't really need to go as they're still good from their recent trip. Now I'm like well this is my time to make a move and "help" her out. I say "Well I don't mind going with you as I have to go pretty bad too and I can stand guard for you." A replies "Really, you're ok with that? I really have go now." I tell her "Of course, let's go."

    I let her lead and she starts heading to the wooded area. In my head I feel like I'm dreaming as I haven't seen a girl pee in front of me before in the daylight. We see a group of three girls heading in to our right and another group straight ahead, but we find another spot just off to the left that still has some cover for both of us. I moved ahead of her and a little bit to her right. She blurts out "omg I have to pee so bad thanks for coming with me. Are you sure you're ok with this." Keeping my composure and acting totally natural I say "Yes I got your back. That's what friends are for." She looks around to make sure no one is coming in behind us, reaches under her skirt to pull down her panties and gets into a squat while I turn around to give her privacy and pee myself. She says "Oh man I can't believe you're going to hear me pee. This is embarrassing." I reassure her it's fine and I start to pee, also trying to go as fast as I can because I know as soon as I hear her I'm going to get hard. Also her saying that I'm going to hear her reassures me she pees quite loud. Within seconds I hear a hiss and a gush hitting the soil underneath her. Just like that I instantly get hard and am trying to force my pee out as fast as I can because this was my seal breaker as well. I look over my left shoulder and she has pure relief on her face looking around her to make sure no one is coming as she's still pissing away with a loud hiss. She goes for maybe 45 seconds and at this point there's no way I can pee anymore and I'm trying to get my hard dick in my pants and unnoticeable that A peeing turned me on. I hear her finish, pull her panties back in place and she says "Wow you're still peeing, you must have really had to go as well." I chuckle and reply "Yeah I did" as I do the 'ol tuck your dick up towards your waistline to hide my raging boner. I turn around and she's waiting for me, sharing how much of a relief that was. I think all I replied was "yeah" because I couldn't believe that still happened and the hissing sound she made.

    We re-joined our friends and A stuck around with us until pre-gaming was finished. Before we headed into the concert I told A and the girls I was going to go take a quick pee as the walk to the venue was a decent one. I got a quick reply from A that she would join as well. All it took was one pee together and she was comfortable I guess! My dick was getting hard just walking with her to the spot as all the memories from a little while ago came back. This time she had no hesitation and got back into a low squat and let go. It was a loud hiss again and I stood there nearby trying to pee as much as I could being hard. She peed for about the same time again and as soon as she was done I did the tuck again and we met with our friends and went in.


    Note - That first occurrence led to more peeing together on other occasions down the road. One of them was at another concert years later at this same venue that I'll share below soon.


    Great story! I wonder if her interest went further than being comfortable with you peeing together? I am looking forward to reading of your other experiences!

  4. 6 hours ago, WendyMarty said:

    oh yes please!!

    mine would have to be a camping holiday with no toilets for peeing in. 

    i will plan the activities and post tomorrow. 

    right now I'm just desperate to watch any man naughty peeing.....

    Thanks Wendy. I'm looking forward to reading about that. Hope you get the sighting you're craving!

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  5. I'm thinking of a different type of pee themed holiday. Now I have read the variants of the 'house party among friends' I'm not at all sure anything would top that for pee experiences, but here's a different take anyway: the "European Pee Summer Walking Tour".

    A group of like-minded people - individuals, couples, friends - meet up at a mountain chalet exclusively booked for the group in rural Austria. What they share is a love of pee and a desire to spend a few days walking in stunning Alpine scenery to the next chalet. Think maybe Julie Andrews, squatting in a dirndl and no knickers singing "High on a hill was a lonely pee fan, Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo."

    The group doesn't all know each other, yet. But we all arrive gradually during the afternoon and awkwardly say hello to our fellow chalet guests. The tour organiser is a tall, blonde self-confident Austrian lady - perhaps she's called Heidi, who speaks several languages well enough to converse and put everyone at their ease - sorting out the sleeping arrangements and running through the itinerary. The first evening is just a getting to know you session - to break the ice and understand everyone's preferences. Over a shared meal, we take it in turns to introduce ourselves and start to talk a little about our kinks.

    Heidi's quick to pick up on everyone's desires and level of trust, and it's not long before some in the group are demonstrating how they prefer to pee - some against a wall, some just on to the floor ... Heidi reassures everyone that specialist cleaners have been hired and that no-one needs to feel worried or inhibited about whatever they want to do. The drinks flow freely and as the evening progresses, so does the pee. Any damp clothes are put into specially marked laundry bags - they'll be delivered by the end of the day to the next chalet where we'll spend the following night.

    After a good night's sleep everyone's awake early - hiking boots on, day rucksacks packed (other belongings are being ferried to our next destination for us), muesli consumed - perhaps a first couple of pees taken - some over the railing cascading down the mountainside into the valley; others into the dining chairs on the terrace, and for some of the couples an early morning golden shower to start off the day. And then we're off - Heidi striding out in front; her long muscular legs looking magnificent in very short shorts. It's going to be a warm day, so like most of us - she's wearing just a teeshirt (and quite clearly no bra), and she has walking poles in her hands.

    We've been going a couple of hours before the first of us needs to pee. We've all agreed that when that happens, it marks the proper start of the holiday, so we all stop to rest for a moment to support Sarah - one of the solo travellers - who needs relief. She's a little shy, so Heidi offers to pee with her. Sarah puts down her pack and lifts her skirt, then squats on the trail. Heidi stands next to her with her legs slightly apart. We all hear Sarah's hiss as her strong stream hits the ground, and watch as Heidi's shorts turn dark ... she's just standing and wetting, the river of pee streaming down her left leg to her boot. There's a spontaneous round of applause for both women.

    Before we set off, though, Heidi is clearly finding the sunshine too much: "I'm too hot," she says, and in one swift movement, she lifts her teeshirt up and over her head.... It's going to be a great day's walking.


    I'm sorry - I got carried away a bit there and it sort of turned into pee fiction rather than a holiday brochure entry.


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  6. 3 minutes ago, ukpeegirl86 said:

    After several months working at home I went into the office today and spent my day working alone in a single office on the top floor. Going to the toilet would have meant a trip down to the third floor below (the building is an old town house with the top floor offices in the attic space). 

    I needed a wee mid way through the morning so I locked the office door and closed the blinds over. There's a palm tree type plant in a pot in the corner so I pulled my skirt up and my knickers aside. I squatted over the pot and pissed into the soil. My pee soaked away quickly so I rearranged my skirt and sat back at my desk to continue working.

    Another coffee later and once again I squatted over the plant pot, this time pulling my knickers down and taking my time to enjoy it.

    In the afternoon I did a wee for a third time into the plant pot but this time it wasn't as quick to absorb although it did soak my pee but you could see the soil glistening. 

    As I was leaving the office a cleaner came in and emptied the rubbish bag. I was fairly horrified as she touched the soil in the plant pot to see if it needed watering. She asked if I'd watered it, and all I could do was reply saying yes I had as it had looked a bit dry. She thanked me as I left!

    I bet I wasn't the first to wee into that plant pot and I'm sure I won't be the last!

    That's a funny story! Hot too. I wonder how well the plant will survive if this becomes your new office pee routine?

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  7. On 12/2/2020 at 11:48 AM, Rider028 said:

    Does anyone else make mixed drinks with pee as the main ingredient? A piss margarita is my favorite,  3 parts piiss, 1 part tequila,  lime juice to taste. 

    Shaken or stirred? Actually, more to the point - warm or chilled?

    • Cheeky 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    My dream pee-themed holiday would be loosely based on the Big Brother TV show. There would be a bunch of us in a really nice house somewhere warm, possibly a mansion with cameras *everywhere*, even in the toilet. The difference being there wouldn’t be any tasks, any nominations or evictions. We would all know each other, or know a friend of theirs and we would all be into pee in some way or another, or at least curious. The idea being it was two weeks away from everyone to just enjoy ourselves, anything goes, and it’s all captured on camera.

    For the housemates I’d like it to be me and my friends, our partners and some people we’ve invited along. Maybe 20 of us at most and a mixture of male and female. I love the thought of someone squatting on the patio while relaxing in the garden or maybe nonchalantly wetting their jeans while stood talking to someone. The toilet cameras capturing the gushing stream of the first pee of the day, the unmistakable relief on their face.

    Of course there would be pee games too but they would be things we have come up with ourselves and want to do rather than set challenges. There could be things like holding contests and pee distance challenges. Perhaps each couple could be given a set amount of fluids and the first to empty it wins, or the opposite – they could be given a container and the first to fill it wins! Maybe for one day only the bathrooms are out of bounds so we all need to get creative.

    It wouldn’t be limited to just peeing either, all other adult activities are allowed to if you want to get frisky on camera with one of your friends and everyone is okay with it? Go ahead! Now is the time.

    At the end of the two weeks all the recordings will be compiled into some sort of movie highlighting the best moments.

    You make a compelling case Sophie. It's all in a safe, controlled environment (an extended house party ... and I know you've experience of some aspects of what you're suggesting - this extends it nicely!). I love the nonchalant peeing thing so much, and the idea of cameras everywhere (being a bit of an exhibitionist I'd find that a really special aspect to the holiday). Not much sight-seeing, but when you're having that much fun on holiday with friends and partners ...

  9. You can go on all sorts of niche, themed vacations these days. You can spend a week or two bird watching in Peru; hill walking in Scotland; practising yoga in Bali ... you get the idea.

    So why not a pee-themed holiday where the destination, accommodation and potential activities (organised or not) are all designed for the pee enthusiast? (I know you can turn any holiday into a week-long pee-fest - but this would be something special.)

    What would your dream pee holiday look like? Where would you go? Would you stay in a 5-star hotel with full spa facilites, or sleep under canvas in the wilderness? Would a group of 40 take over a villa complex with a shared pool?

    And what about activities? An organised peeing distance competition on the beach? An electric scooter tour itinerary of the tourist sights where there's a prize for first couple back producing photographic evidence that they have peed on all of them? And who would you go with?

    This is just a bit of fun ... but in a year when vacation opportunities have been somewhat limited, I for one have found my thoughts drifting ... 

    So describe *your* dream pee holiday in as little or as much detail as you like.

  10. On 11/4/2020 at 7:07 AM, steve25805 said:

    As we get older we may forget some of the wonder up in the skies and take it for granted. But who amongst us has never looked up in the sky and wondered at the full moon? It is worth remembering some of the awe we felt as we gazed upon it.....


    Seeing a beautiful full moon this morning I was reminded of @steve25805's photo earlier in this thread, and of my attempt a few months ago to capture the beauty of the moon with my camera, lensless, attached to a bird-watching telescope. It's not as good as the photo Steve posted - some vibration blur is noticeable here (and I'm not sure I got the focus spot on anyway). It's a pity the image stabilization on my camera is actually in the lenses, not the camera itself. This was my best effort. No colour correction.


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  11. 8 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I wasn't really thinking to try and match the nerve density in a fingertip, more just a single 'actuator' on each finger, so instead of feeling the touch of five fingers on your skin you'd feel five vibrating stimulations wherever those fingertips touched.

    Sure. Sorry for raising the sensor density thing at all. The actuators are equally tough.

  12. 9 minutes ago, wettingman said:

    I have long hoped to see a bladder level sensor showing the wearer's level of need, from empty to about to burst. It could indicate how close they are to involentarly peeing, how long they have been in this painfully full state, and if and when they leak. This could be done via a phone app securely linked so just the desired   person(s) would know.

    Yes I would wear one for an appreciative female who reciprocates .

    So here's the closest thing I can find on the market now: https://www.dfreeus.biz/blog/ultrasound-is-a-true-breakthrough-for-urinary-incontinence

    It's marketed for controlling incontinence ... but we would put it to much better use, wouldn't we?

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