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Posts posted by Kupar

  1. 1 hour ago, gldenwetgoose said:

     Perhaps the sensor could also be sync'd to a remote vibrator - perhaps worn by the partner such that any leaks give the wearer a very pleasant tingle...

    If the vibrator were replaced by a miniature motorised valve attached to the outlet of a bag of liquid worn by the dry partner close to the body, then the leaking / flooding partner could effectively wet their partner at a distance.

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  2. I know I said no more, but ... I ran 10 miles on Saturday, at 8:06 / mile, and on the back of that (and the fact that I recovered quickly) I have decided that I will aim to run a half-marathon in 1hr 40min in the next few weeks. I think that would be pretty good for my age.

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  3. There has been some discussion in chat recently about pee-related toys and gadgets that might enhance the pee experience individually, or between partners, or even more widely. So, for instance, a device that detects early signs of wetting and alerts a partner to get home - something exciting is about to happen. Or a pressure gauge to measure the extent of fullness. Or a moisture detector  that rewards a peeing woman with additional, err, stimulation either mechanically or electrically.

    So what pee-related toy might give you and others more fun (as if peeing/wetting etc itself isn't enough)? It doesn't have to be cutting edge technology, and I can't promise that the PeeFans design engineers will build it for you ... it's just a bit of fun.

    Here's one from me to get you started: an AI image analyser that can answer the question "is that person over there actually bursting for a pee, or do they just have their legs crossed and a pained smile on their face?".

    Over to you.

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  4. I honestly cannot remember. There are two reasons for this. First, it was a *long* time ago. Second, simply weeing in front of others has never been a big deal for me - growing up we had an open door policy at home - and that hasn't really changed since I've lived with K. There must have been a first time of course but I think both must just have been an everyday wee where we happened to be at the time ... perhaps at university. Perhaps in the grotty house I lived in after I graduated. My pee kink was latent at the time, and that's probably why I can't bring the occasion to mind.

    I am sorry that's such an uninteresting answer! Perhaps to make it more interesting, a back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that since we've pretty much never chosen to shut ourselves away at home (unless we've had an argument!), K must have seen me wee in front of her about 15,000 times at home ... but a very small % of those have been anywhere other than the toilet. Wees in front of each other away from home are a bit different. We'll still go to the bathroom together and wee in front of each other no problem in others' homes and in hotels, but we've not sneaked into restaurant toilets together for instance. I'll wee in front of her when we are out in the countryside as well - she's not interested in watching really.

    But that first time remains an elusive memory.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Sophie said:

    On another note - Kupar is saying he does not have the option to use the prefix "Site Error / Bug". I would have thought that was available to everyone. 

    Thanks @Sophie. This is what I see. Those three drop down options are the only ones available. Sorry - the resolution is low - hope you can make out that "Site Error / Bug" isn't there.


  6. 14 hours ago, Sophie said:

    You may 🙂 Ask as many as you like, no matter what it is.

    I'm afraid I haven't really driven any other exciting cars 😞 The most exciting thing I've even sat in, nevermind driven was a MG TF, Very nice but I'm not sure if people would consider it exciting.



    Been thinking about this. Would you fancy a track day in Suzy, or one of those 'driving experience' days where you get to take a Porsche 911 or Lamborghini round an old airfield? If so, maybe drop hints to M about when your birthday's approaching?

  7. 10 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    We did something similar when I was at school. We ran up and down the stairs as many times as we could in a minute and then measured our heart rate.  I'm a little biased but science teachers are the best! In my experience they are always the ones who are a little bit nuts but also the most fun and creative. They always seem to be the most popular because they can have a laugh and don't take the job super seriously, and that in turn keeps the students engaged because they're having fun. We also get to enjoy all the mad science experiments. A geography teacher is never going to make elephants toothpaste or torture a jelly baby! I have fond memories of standing in front of a Van de Graaff generator and my physics teacher lighting one of those tube lights by putting one end against my body. 

    Absolutely 🙂

  8. 12 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I'm sure this must have been posted many times already...

    How I wish, how I wish you were here. We're just two lost souls Swimming in a fish bowl, Year after year, Running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears. Wish you were here.


    I'll say three things about this. First, it's magnificent - and by far my favourite Floyd song. Second, one of the greatest live music experiences of my life was hearing, with my daughter, the Swedish tribute bank Pünk Flöyd play this song at the Cambridge Folk Festival in 2018 in front of a big and hugely enthusiastic crowd, singing along with real feeling (Pink Floyd are *revered* in Cambridge). Third, you know where I am, my friend.

  9. 8 hours ago, Sophie said:

    You may 🙂 Ask as many as you like, no matter what it is.

    I'm afraid I haven't really driven any other exciting cars 😞 The most exciting thing I've even sat in, nevermind driven was a MG TF, Very nice but I'm not sure if people would consider it exciting.



    And if money were no object? Are you a Ferrari girl? Or an Audi R8 queen?

    Update: sorry, I think your second reply was posted at the same time as this one!

  10. 1 hour ago, Tigerlily said:

    I’m into most everything about pee haha. Naughty peeing and desperation are my main interests though I’m also curious about diapers. Love wetting, being peed on 😍, would love to pee on someone but I get a little shy. I’m open to basically everything else!

    Sounds like you'll fit right in here then 🙂

  11. 2 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    I haven't posted for a while, so I'll post a few that I've collected up over the last couple of weeks.

    Firstly, one of my rare visits to a public toilet.  I went there specifically to photograph it because some of the ladies, including @Eliminature have expressed interest in peeing in urinals.  This particular toilet has a urinal, but there is nothing saying that it is reserved for gentlemen, so any lady who wished to use it would be perfectly within their rights.  The toilet has no discriminating labels on the outer entrance, then once inside, there is a door to the left into a cubicle and a wall straight ahead with a sign that simply says "Urinal".  Behind the wall is a stainless steel urinal.  The photos demonstrate this and I felt obligated to show the urinal in use, but part way through I found myself missing the urinal altogether and peeing on the wall and then the floor.   I was expecting that there would be a floor drain under the urinal, but there wasn't.  It was a tiled floor and the only drain was a gutter drain across the main entrance door, so I can only assume that the council staff either hose down or mop the whole floor into the drainage gutter.

    Main Entrance - you can see at the back the cream wall behind which is the urinal.  You can also just see the urinal sign on the back wall and the gutter drain across the door.


    Inside to the left is the door to the cubicle which says unisex.


    The sign on the back wall:


    Around the corner behind the wall - Urinal in use:


    Although I wouldn't be that bothered if there wasn't a urinal:



    A quite enlightened place ... is it in Brighton?

  12. 4 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    You're on!  And likewise if you're 'oop north.   Will think of a non-PF reason we know each other for my wife's benefit.


    That would be lovely GWG. And likewise ... though I could be open with my wife about how I know you, you probably wouldn't want that!

  13. 13 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Good question!  I don't consider myself an expert by any means, so I'll give you a bit of a history too...

    I've enjoyed coffee for a good while, but I suppose became aware of drinking reasonably good coffee maybe nearly 10 years ago now when our company opened a Costa Coffee franchise in the building right next to mine. Subsidised prices too...   The occasional coffee turned from small to medium (always Black Americano which I gather is a UK term for an espresso topped up with hot water - or a double espresso in the medium case).

    Then I changed jobs, still the same company and same site but different buildings to work in a big office with half a dozen Italian guys. The office had a syndicate to run a Jura bean-to-cup semi-professional machine at a few pence a cup, with the Italians offering me espresso shots "we take coffee, you like one?"   Now their espressos are like nothing you've ever tasted before, strong but silky smooth, and it truly is like watching a craftsman at work when they prepare them. I learned from them that opinion in Italy on the finest coffee is split and just comes down to region between Lavazza and Illy, with the latter being their choice.

    So - at home, if I'm after a quick coffee we have a Tassimo pod machine (one of those presents you buy your wife because you want it yourself) and by chance I've found a passable espresso pod on Amazon for it - Marcillo brand.  One shot of that plus freshly boiled water is drinkable.

    Preference though is to use a Moka pot - the classic hexagonal base aluminium stove top pot. Technically it's not an espresso I believe, in that it doesn't use the same pressure.  I use Illy moka ground tinned coffee, I seem to get through quite a lot to get the flavour out of it. Heat on a medium heat until water starts to filter through and then reduce the heat, taking it off the hob as soon as it starts to bubble more angrily.  A standard pot full will make me two mugs when topped up with boiled water, so I tend to have one immediately and then the other later warming it up with the hot water. If I'm going into the office I'll have one at breakfast and take the other in a small flask for mid morning.

    Cleaning the pot is just a case of shaking out the grounds and rinsing out the two chambers.


    Hope that long winded ramble helps...


    Thanks - that's interesting and helpful. If you are ever down my way, pop in and I'll make you an espresso or Americano with my mid-life-crisis Lelit machine, or the Moka pot as your prefer 🙂 I'm not promising it'll be as good as if made by your Italian colleagues though! Strangely, I get my beans from a supplier not far from you, in Bolton.

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  14. 11 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

    Sounds like a great dream, a great way to wake up as well😜

    I never can remember my dreams unfortunately 

    I occasionally do ... but mostly they are just plain weird. I do envy those few people (I know of only 1) who can manipulate their dreams ('lucid dreaming'). Imagine what fun you could have!

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