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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. It needs at least one Leia cosplayer, surely?
  2. I'll add my welcome - great to have you on board. There is a huge amount to look at and read on the site, so have fun. And I can strongly endorse the view that people here are great, and the staff do a fantastic job keeping everything respectful ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. That would be lovely - sounds like you had a good time! No pressure though ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Wow! Lucky guy - those are great photos ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. I'd not seen this one before Sophie! Fantastic as ever ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. It is irritating, isn't it? Maybe it's just a personal-physiological thing and some people seem to be able to do it and some can't ๐Ÿ˜ž
  7. It's tough. I think I can't do it if I am properly erect. However - here's a strange thing. When I wake up with morning wood, and needing a pee, I can do it! I'm not sure if the plumbing / valves / whatever are arranged differently in such a situation, but it is definitely easier to pee with a 6:30am stiffy than if I've spent time getting myself worked up. I don't know whether that helps you or not!
  8. You'll get there. I know you will.
  9. That is a drastic way to hide a wet patch! Great story - thanks for sharing!
  10. Wow Eli! Your latest photos are fantastic ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks so much to you and Mr E for sharing them. It looks like you had a fun time at the microbrewery. And the languages! I had no idea. I'm in awe of people who have that ability. Hungarian - that's a tricky one I should think. Not much that's familiar to native speakers of other languages.
  11. Yes she has! Twice more since this first try. And thanks for asking about it. I've put links to the descriptions below. No photos I am afraid. It has been good fun both times, but I'm not sure she'd ever practice on her own (though I may be wrong!). I will pass on your encouragement to her Eli! (And I wouldn't describe you as a 'random person on the internet'. More a legend ๐Ÿ˜‰). Thanks again!
  12. Yes! That's *exactly* what she's like ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. I replied too. Most of my 'public' peeing tends to be in the countryside. It could be along reasonably busy paths where other people might be walking by at any moment (in which case, the 'nip behind the tree so as to be out of sight' method is probably the most discreet) or it could be in more open and emptier places. One could argue that if you can see there is no-one around, it's not really public peeing. I tend to prefer peeing into a bush - it's possible to do this without drawing attention to the fact that you're peeing, even if there are other people around. One option that's missing is
  14. All Along the Watchtower. Got to be done from time to time.
  15. Note to admins: please don't delete the comment!
  16. Wow! That's a first for me. Never seen anything like that.
  17. Sounds like you're self-aware enough to make it work my friend. (And without wishing to trivialise anything, I reckon sometimes simple vanity can be a decent motivator of lifestyle change - it played its part for me!)
  18. I hope you find the strength you need to get those good habits established @p1ssputz. Your need to give up things that you know are bad for you, and get more active, for health and ageing reasons resonate with me. It was largely fear that motivated my exercise at the start. But I found that I actually really enjoyed my choice of physical activity (running); I think I was lucky there. With the cigarettes a few years earlier, it was a combination of fear, a supportive wife and a personal challenge to do something I knew was right. It turned out not as difficult as I thought it would be, but I kn
  19. Sounds wonderful! I hope that when that time arrives, the party's all you want it to be.
  20. And a welcome from me too. As Goose says, lots of nice people on the site. Hope you have a good time browsing around and interacting.
  21. Well, since you ask, I'll suggest that the bedroom isn't the only place you could go if you're keen to take things out of the bathroom. It can be exciting to play elsewhere in the house, or maybe sneaky peeing or wetting outside. Maybe talk things through first. And of course, not everything has to be photographed or filmed - it's for your pleasure ๐Ÿ™‚
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