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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. This was the one that did it for me: I bought that video from a shop - yes, pre-Internet. Almost on a whim. And *bang* that was it. Rule 34 kicked in for my pee kink (even before Rule 34 had been though of) 🙂.
  2. If you ever find yourself over my way, and are happy getting naked, I could see if I can find another similar group hike you could join me on 😊
  3. And happy birthday from me too 😊
  4. I think we're a pretty civilised group 😉 There might be disagreements but it's always polite. I haven't seen anyone getting particularly worked up about theme preference 🙂
  5. Absolutely! Similar here - one of the first 'warm' hatches a long time ago as my first car (kindly provided by my employer 🙂) then a long list of sensible cars to ferry kids and their stuff around. But ... when they left home, it was a second chance to enjoy driving something more fun (within a budget of course). so your chance may come again 🙂
  6. Kupar


    And welcome from me too! It's great isn't it? To find a community where you can feel among friends who all share the same kink in its many variations? Have fun on the site!
  7. Well @JesseP. I just got in from some interval training 🙂 so thank you for the inspiration! In miles, run / walk: 1.0 / 0.15; 0.85 / 0.15; then 4 x fast 0.25 / 0.15 where 'fast' = 6:30 mins/mile pace. Over to you 😉.
  8. Good question. I think for many of us it's a sexual fetish or kink (I believe there's a difference: a fetish being something *required* in or to achieve sexual fulfilment, and a kink being something most would consider unusual / abnormal, practised because it adds to the feelings or is fun but is not *necessary* to be sexually fulfilled. (Oh, and I very much second @gldenwetgoose's view of the sex vs non-sexual fun distinction too 🙂.) I guess there is a possibility of addiction as well - that would be something on top of any pee fetish or pee kink, or even non-sexual pee fun. FWIW,
  9. Oh wow @Bacardi! That's a different experience for you! Not nice to have to use a horrible bathroom, but I'm hoping it didn't make you feel bad, and that maybe you even got pleasure from being a bit naughty and leaving some of your pee around the already trashed bathroom. How did you feel? Oh, and maybe you could have fun practising your hovering technique for the next time you need it 😊
  10. Welcome @Pissbby01 and @Curious_George. It's nice to meet you 😊. I am sure that when you choose to interact with posts, and post your own things, you'll soon get to know people and feel at home. It's a great community and you'll have realised that members are non-judgmental and supportive of each other whatever aspect of the pee kink you are into. Oh, and the moderators are superb 🙂 I look forward to seeing you around ... and great photo @Pissbby01 - thanks for sharing it with us ❤️
  11. Pineapple generally is code for "I'm a swinger"; upsidedown is "and I'm looking for a party". Apparently. So know what you're doing when you're next in the supermarket 🙂
  12. You are definitely making the most of your opportunities 🙂
  13. A few days ago I went on a 12 mile hike with a group of naturists (in the US, nudists). Here, the profile of participants in such events is overwhelmingly male and overwhelmingly over 50 years old, so stop reading at this point if this turns you off lol. It's not like that in many other countries of course. On such a hike it's inevitable that several pees are going to be needed, but with this group, personal inhibitions are pretty low - there's a lot on show already. So for anyone into the idea of many men peeing into hedges and against trees, often together, it is a great thing to do. O
  14. I should clarify, especially for @Ms. Tito, that I mean 'people with a penis'. 🙂 Hopefully no offence taken - certainly none intended.
  15. That's my situation too. Also, I have come to realise that men (either cut or not) develop a pretty quick feedback loop for aiming: women might not believe this, but we can pretty much make the stream go where we want it with a good degree of accuracy, and if you want to know how impressive that control can be, I am more than happy to let disbelievers have a go with mine 🙂
  16. Great post and lovely photos 🙂 If you're still there on your own, is there a chance for a completely nonchalant pee? So if you're in the kitchen making something to eat, can you just let it go while you're walking around? Don't worry about the cleaning up until later? You'll probably find the freedom quite exciting 🙂
  17. Wow! Explosive is the right word ❤️
  18. I only recently found out about the pineapple code (and upsidedown pineapple). I am somewhat naive lol. I'm a little disappointed there's a perfectly innocent explanation for the wipers 😉
  19. Ooh ... that's a nice line-up of vehicles you have had, and is that an S4 Quattro estate? Awesome!
  20. No worries about all the posts @Sweets. It's good to see all these, and read about your own cars 😊. I was wondering though ... Does leaving the wipers up mean something? Perhaps it's a code for "a pee fan lives here" 🙂
  21. I love this thread so much. It introduces me to so much new music that I would never have listened to otherwise. Thank you @Sophie and all other regular contributors ❤
  22. Hahaha! Nothing you don't want to my friend! You have already inspired me to do some intervals. So thank you!
  23. Nice 🙂 Interval training is good. I should do more of it to mix things up a bit. I'll do it if you do - deal?
  24. Thank you 🙂. Oh. I think you mean the car, don't you? 😉
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