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Everything posted by Alfresco

  1. Always happy to hear more! I'm sure that you must have also had to pee several times and would be interested in whether you had any displays of your own peeing for the photographers or others. This certainly sounds like a great photo shoot.
  2. Nice situation. You already said that you also needed to pee, so did you pee there as well? Possibly swap with one of them as a guard?
  3. Thank you for the detailed account @Bacardi. Sounds like a lot of fun and you would benefit from more practice, so hopefully will do it again. Maybe try standing IN the tub for a few times until you get the technique sorted? Sorry you ended up with cleanup to do, but I am sure it was worth it!
  4. Your early morning pee on the beach sounds idyllic. Just you alone attuned with nature. I have done similar when I have woken early and gone out for a cycle ride. With nobody around I have openly peed next to the lake in places where that would be impossible in the day because there would be too many people. On a calm quiet morning it is so natural and relaxing.
  5. I am guess that is NOT the toilet then! Sorry, couldn’t resist, but it seems fair to assume from your posts that you don’t spend much time in an actual toilet.
  6. I totally agree with what others have commented. A fantastic story which is both original and extremely hot. Thanks @gyrate, I definitely look forward to any further contributions.
  7. The problem with any family - not everyone has the same attitudes or even morals and respect. However, I think that here we have far less negativity than most internet forums. As for getting married, much as I am honoured by your proposal, I am sure we could have a great life together, I am afraid that ship sailed 25 years ago.
  8. Firstly, yes it absolutely is the place to share your experiences as there are certainly people here who enjoy them greatly. I do agree about there being lots of people who watch in silence, but I like to think that those who make the step into contributing and engaging are more of a family than a club as we all care for each other and appreciate the differences between ourselves and enjoy discussing the different perspectives that we all have on life. I don't think that there is any case of you being unpopular, nor is there anything to be concerned about in respect of the way you pr
  9. The problem is that so many people just want to take enjoyment from other people's input and can't be bothered to even simply click a like/love/hot reaction. I know that others have commented similarly before and I and others have made posts appealing to the better nature of our casual readers, asking them to take this simple action to show appreciation, but many don't want to be bothered. This doesn't help people who want to write and spend a lot of time on doing so for little feedback. I used to write quite a lot of fiction, but I've lost the impetuous, partly due to lack of feedback,
  10. Intelligence right there! Good idea.
  11. Excellent account of a great night-time desperate pee. Exactly the sort of situation that I love and yes I would love to hear more.
  12. Indeed this is true and it used to be very common to be able to stand on station platforms (especially terminus stations) and see wads of tissues on the track from where passengers had done exactly that. The theory was that when travelling along, the water, tissue and other waste would be spread out as it hit the track and cause little impact. In stations it was just emptying the toilet straight into one place, hence the reason for the notice. Some people never realised why the notice was there or what the consequences of flushing in a station were, because the sign didn't explicitly inform
  13. I didn't waste any flush on peeing on Saturday. The morning pee I peed in the toilet but then left it as my wife was going to use the toilet, and she would have flushed anyway, so I left it for the one flush. I was at the railway where I volunteer for the the day and I peed outside behind a rail vehicle most times during the day. I did use the toilets once, but I used a urinal which flushes on a timer anyway, so no additional flush was used. When I got home, I had a shower and peed in the shower before going to bed.
  14. Sorry you were walked in on. Hope you were not too embarrassed.
  15. Did you enhance the mess? Certainly I'm guessing you wouldn't sit on it.
  16. Me using a historical urinal at the Severn Valley Railway yesterday. Write up about the urinal including pictures of the structure and inside it can be found here: As I said in that write up, I couldn't ignore the opportunity to pee in such a vintage facility and of course thought some of you may like to see the evidence: And just one picture of the outside in case you don't look at the link to the other pictures and description of this wonderful piece of history:
  17. Another historical railway related urinal. I was at the Severn Valley Railway and found that they have restored an original Cast Iron Urinal that was previously located at Melrose Station but was threatened with destruction when the station closed in 1969. It was restored at the railway and although not used for some time, it has been plumbed in and has been returned to use. It now stands on the Island Platform at Bewdley Station with laminated information signs giving a summary of its history. I am sure many people think that it is just a museum exhibit and I don't doubt that some ladi
  18. I much prefer to avoid the toilet but I have no problems using it when necessary. I certainly don't feel wrong about it, I just enjoy peeing in other places and will avoid using the toilet it I think there is a chance of peeing elsewhere.
  19. Surely the reason it is made of wool is to make it absorbent so it doesn’t matter when you miss as it is soaked up with no mess.
  20. Interesting perspective - I had always considered that cups and glasses were good options because they would always go through the dishwasher before the next guess - ok there could be lazy room attendants who just give them a wipe over but if you want to be really sure, make a cup of tea or coffee afterwards (your choice whether you actually drink it) leaving the dregs of that in the cup would definitely mean it got sent for washing properly. I would have thought that would leave less of a hazard than peeing on the floor, bed or chairs where the pee will stay there indefinitely. Although
  21. In addition to the comments regarding CCTV, most hotels are large enough that they can’t have CCTV covering every spot. Yes, they probably do have cameras giving a general view of corridors and public areas but there are many corners and alcoves that escape coverage. You need to be aware of what is around you, spot the cameras and then consider which points are out of cover. For example one hotel near me I sometimes would walk in off the street because I needed a pee even though I wasn’t staying there. I established that the bar area had cameras and there were cameras covering the ent
  22. And I trust that if you satisfied that desire you charged an additional fee for the extra content...
  23. @Bacardi, firstly sorry that you were in a position of meltdown, but I hope you are OK now and your friends supported you through it. For someone who is so shy about everything, that was a very bold thing to accept a video call when you were about to pee and to go through with peeing whilst on that call. I totally get why you wouldn't want to show the details on the call but just to answer it and talk whilst peeing shows a building confidence - at least with that one friend. I am sure that he fact that she had already seen you pee made a big difference and you probably wouldn't do tha
  24. Well I try to stay as young as I can and do as much as I can. Unfortunately retirement is still more than a decade away and the way the government keep moving the goal posts it could be longer especially as I still have a large mortgage!! My daughter left home for university 3 years ago but I still end up being too busy to do many of the things that I'd like to do although my wife and I do get to do things together. I'd still like to have more time to do some of the things that I've not done but would like to do such as going to festivals and I wish I was young enough to fit in better an
  25. Great catch there @Havelock. Also good that when they saw you they just smiled and carried on. You obviously put them at ease that you were not upset by it and they didn't mind you enjoying the view from a distance. Best result all round.
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