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Ms. Tito

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Everything posted by Ms. Tito

  1. Man, I'm jealous. I'd totally wanna see some drag queens peeing.
  2. From what I've heard it seems to be more common in LGBTQ spaces, like queer bars and stuff. The Stonewall Inn has this happen a lot.
  3. I've peed in front of a friend in a port a potty once.
  4. I have this weird mental block when it comes to peeing on the side of the road, mainly super busy roads like highways. I have to go further into the woods on the side of the highway in order to do it. If I have to pee and there are no woods or it's just a flat plain, I'm just fucked. I don't have much of a problem going by my car on quiet back roads, and I've done in front of some people I know, like my friends, but highways, I just can't for some reason.
  5. Aaron Paul is one of mine. Idk if I can think of any others rn. Bitch.
  6. I don't tend to pee in front of my blood family, but I absolutely would pee in front of my "found family" also known as my gay ass friends.
  7. So I just found out about these female urinals called "Pollee," and they were surprisingly successful and well-recieved by women. Developed by Peebetter and UIWE, They debuted at the 2011 Roskilde music festival in Denmark, where three prototypes were unveiled. These were: Pollee Shy – "for those who appreciate privacy" a fully enclosed open-air variant for those hesitant to bare all in front of possibly hundreds, thousands of people. Pollee Topless – "a good view, yet some discretion" a middle ground between shy and naked, that offers some privacy but still fairly open. Poll
  8. Welcome! I'm a trans woman and an advocate for piss equality for all.
  9. Over here, it's F40s. Or GEVOs.
  10. This warms my little foamer heart.
  11. Same tbh. The yard is fair game though.
  12. I've been pissing outside all week.
  13. I'm not averse to peeing in the toilet, but I'd rather do it somewhere else. Peeing in the toilet just feels... boring.
  14. There is a proposal out there by an activist group to turn a golf course into a public sex forest. I think that's pretty cool. It'd be closed off to anyone under 18, obviously. https://archive.org/details/sexforest/Sex Forest print/page/n1/mode/1up
  15. I am more into the free spirited and borderline feral nature person who always pees outside and is also a nudist. I aspire to be that kind of person.
  16. I'm more of a "keep an empty cup/bottle in case of emergency" or "pull over and pee at the side of the road" kind of girl.
  17. I wanna do sword fight with a friend.
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