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Everything posted by Paulypeeps

  1. My bit of fiction on the matter is here:-
  2. I can only agree, drink - drink - drink! Your body will produce the yellow stuff in pee depending on what you eat, it will not make more yellow from drink unless you drink something that has carotene or similar in it. Tea, cola and orange juice all appear to make nice dilute pee if drunk in sufficient quantity and these are my staples. Probably best to avoid too much plain water in order to keep some electrolyte balance. I find that Spandex is the best fabric to hide any wetness. I have a black Spandex dress that does not show any wetness at all even when it is soaked. I can pee through i
  3. I am sure that she enjoyed the warmer rain. People only get upset when they know what it is!
  4. Yes, I would date a pampered girl. I would encourage her to leave the pampers off, but on no account would I encourage her to use the toilet!
  5. Always stockings, I never leave home without them.
  6. Perhaps while you are out and about together but inside somewhere warm where the two of you are standing alone you could just let a little pee go under your skirt so that he sees it trickling on to the floor. You can do just a little that will make you deliciously wet, but he will be so waiting to get you home...
  7. Always wetting myself when I go out means I have to have nice dilute pee, so I have tried a few things and this really works to have me wanting to pee within about thirty minutes of leaving the front door. I find it hard to drink just water in sufficient quantity - I think it stays in my stomach too long...
  8. I drink tea a lot, but when I go out I have a cup of tea, then drink a litre of orange juice (not on your list!) and while I am out I drink a lot of cola. Tea is easy to drink a lot of, orange juice seems to encourage peeing! Cola is convenient to drink in quantity.
  9. I pee straight in the compost rather than use the toilet! I don't tend to use the compost toilet for No2, but should really.
  10. I always pee in the compost bin when I get the opportunity. It really helps it rot down. I sometimes have to empty the five gallon urine bottle from the composting toilet in to the compost too which can be interesting. It is not so nice being splashed with the contents of that as much as I like being splashed with my own pee!
  11. It depends. If it is cold the warmth of my pee on my legs and feet is really delicious, but I don't feel it so much when it is warm. I always enjoy feeling the drips running off the back of my skirt on to my legs after I have wet my skirt though. It is too hard to call!
  12. I am always bare under my skirt, but when I pee I like to feel it soaking in to my skirt or running down my legs.
  13. I would worry about new carpet perhaps not being quite as absorbent as old carpet. I guess that the most premium carpet I have peed on would have to be the boardroom carpet where I used to work. The MD was quite proud of the boardroom and took a shine to me so showed me around. I knew it had to be done so I just stood and peed a little down my legs while we were discussing what went on there.
  14. I suppose that for me my favourite place is exactly where I happen to be when I want to pee, and if I can do it there I am happy. I like to feel confident when I pee so realistically anywhere that I will not be making a puddle wins on that score so peeing on carpet or into some nice plush upholstery is preferable. If the puddle is hidden it is not so bad, so somewhere dark is fine. I stood behind a low wall once in the busy city centre and made a puddle once that was well hidden from all but me but that type of peeing is the exception. I guess that sitting or standing in the pub chat
  15. When I am at home it is usually in the shower or garden, but when I go out I try to pee wherever I happen to be when I want to pee with having to make minimal provision. If I can just pee down my legs, or pee in the seat that is ideal!
  16. Yes, I have peed in my own bed, and got quite hooked on doing it. I only really do it now when I stay in a hotel, so not very often, but I still really enjoy it. It is nice to climb in to bed and let out that little trickle knowing that a tiny pee won't be a problem, and feel it run over my thighs and then feel it soaking in to my mattress under me. It is so nice that I find it impossible to resist the temptation to let out another, and then of course another won't hurt. In no time at all of course I have emptied my whole bladder in to my bed. And when I wake in the morning, my bed i
  17. I quite agree. I just love the nonchalance of Kelly's wetting.
  18. Hi, you like peeing in front of people, but are a bit reluctant to admit that you like peeing in front of people, so I would suggest that perhaps you might like to just discreetly pee on the seat while you are in the pub. You can do it, but don't need to tell anyone. Quite a few ways of doing it - perhaps a very short skirt so you don't wet any clothing, perhaps a black skirt so you can pee through it and no one notices, or perhaps a light turquoise skirt where no one knows that you have done it until you get up to leave, and then you have the fun of how well you hide it from the people y
  19. Hi There is something very nice about just peeing where you happen to be. It gets easier to do the more you do it! I look forward to hearing more... PP
  20. I find that an important part of trying on a new skirt in a fitting room is to pee in it. Just a dribble usually, but sometimes a bit more if there is carpet.
  21. Welcome! Yes, it is quite normal that when a girl wets herself it is just something that happens, but for a boy it is disgusting and depraved behaviour.
  22. @Hamster245 Well done for coming across well. It is very hard to have such restraint and not say something that the production can jump on and make you seem weird.
  23. I think Emma need to do some post-coital relaxation in the bed...
  24. ...while in the shower in the evening you have to remember to pee, or else you will end up doing it in bed before you go to sleep.
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