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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Welcome to the site Mark - and great to meet you too. Hope you find yourself right at home, and do shout up if you need anything.
  2. Hi - and a massive welcome to this very friendly community. Hoping you feel at home very quickly and enjoy yourself finding your way around.
  3. I’m going to suggest @DoctorDoctor and the other guys here, dropping the subject and the tone of all this presumption… ‘you must do this, that, or the other’. Would you go into a kitchen and tell the chef in minute detail how his dough rises or the technique he must use? Personally I’d just appreciate his efforts and enjoy the meal. Here’s a thead doing exactly that - from a bunch of people who don’t actually own that particular biology. We all appreciate pee in slightly different ways. Lots of different feelings, and yes a sense of wonder. But a huge amount of us just enjoy
  4. What a great day for a birthday @Loller - make it the best!
  5. @amzy90 @hibillymayshear @highhopes123 - Have a great day!!!
  6. People - please read the site rules before posting here. Particularly Rule 2. “References to events/memories whilst you were a minor may be acceptable if they are not sexual.” Just today alone I have removed two separate posts where people talked about their sexual arousal (whilst minors) in response to other children (also minors) wetting or peeing. This is not acceptable!!!
  7. A bumper birthday haul today... Have a great day @Tman27 @mikeviewline @Sammerz2010 @LZP
  8. Sounds worth just keeping that one as your own delicious fantasy there @Eliminature - and here’s hoping…
  9. Hi and a huge welcome to this online community - you’re in exactly the right place for virtual networking with a world wide group of similarly minded people. Hope you have fun finding your way around and just shout up with any questions.
  10. Totally agree @Kupar with the 'of a certain age' but at the same time those photos have a timeless appeal - it's irrelevant whether they were taken 5 years ago or more like fifty. A classic and classy timeless natural beauty. Thanks!
  11. How did I miss this for the last ten days??? Excellent mission, perfect execution (within the limits of what your bodies would allow) and generally top kudos all around. Huge thanks to K too for allowing you to share. She's a good 'un. Just excellent.
  12. Happy Birthday @Yawyd @jtcpee - Hope you have an absolutely amazing day!!!
  13. Welcome 'out of the shadows' Lilly - look forward to hearing more from you.
  14. Interesting how different people interpret sexy. (commenting as a huge enthusiast of femininity, especially of the sexy variety)
  15. Following with interest…. Three recommendations from me - I may be way behind the curve though. - Sex Education. Comedy with a bit of farce, but at the same time some great moments - Space Force. Great comedy and so plausible. - Stranger Things. First series came across initially as a kids series, or movie like Goonies - but stick with it into series two. Much more grown up.
  16. As much as we all seek real life friendships- this unfortunately isn’t the place to ‘advertise’. We’re a purely online community as such we don’t encourage random strangers arranging to meet one another (and in fact our site rules work against the asking for personal information or off site contact details). Site friendships which develop into real life friendships do happen and no issues with them - but if then that’s not what you’re asking here. (Topic closed to further replies)
  17. Seems correct reading the Telegraph article - the Spanish authorities are having a clampdown on beach and tourist behaviours in general, from people leaving litter, using non-environmentally friendly products, wearing beach clothing away from the beach, being excessively drunk. So the authorities have the power to ban those seen leaving human waste (of any form) either on the beach - or those being blatant about using the sea. So if you stand in the sea up to your knees and piss you're potentially at risk. Of course if you're submerged then nobody is going to detect it. And of cou
  18. Have a great Birthday today @Pissslouer
  19. Hi Brian and a huge welcome to a huge community. Great to have you on board. Just for info - as we're a forum and community, then PM'ing you isn't the most effective communication channel- we're all about posting on the main pages of the relevant forums, and we'd love to hear your experiences there.
  20. @wetwulf - Definitely no forgiveness needed - submission of any content is always better than a blank page... 😉
  21. I’m kind of glad @steve25805 had said something I’ve been biting my tongue on for a while. I’ve always seen this topic as a ‘readers’ letters’ section of a magazine, where anything more than a few hundred words wouldn’t get past the editor. I could be wrong though lol.
  22. @C1D2 - Today is the day…. Your challenge awaits. It will take strength of character, imagination, courage - are you prepared to face the risks - are you prepared to have an amazing birthday? Hope you do.
  23. You will however find a few things working against you - the vast majority of people either don’t give a location in their profile or just keep it really broad, like the whole country or continent. Then there’s the fact that only about 1 in 5 members are ladies, and actually the number of active members is quite small. And many of the ladies are married, in committed relationships or just not interested in mutual pee play. Just as well then that we’re an online community and not a hook up or dating site. If we were we’d suck.
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