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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Today is the turn of @thedudeler - have a great day.
  2. I must admit for me personally, it's not on my radar - but my loss. I'm sure there must be many others (and not just UK) who are keenly following it.
  3. @WantonLee - Happy Birthday my friend
  4. Hi and a huge welcome to Peefans - great that you're able to explore this with her help together. In terms of videos, you'll find there's already lots of pee video content on the site - or female pee the area to browse is Pee Videos or also Pee Pictures (the Video Gallery is part of our subscription member service). There's also the Pee Talk & Questions area and the Real Pee Experiences where you'll find lots to read and maybe get involved with. Hope that helps, do shout up with any questions as you go - and welcome in.
  5. Good on you Steve. My wife got told at hairdressing college, do a good job and the client will tell five people. Do a bad job and they'll tell everyone they meet. And that was pre-internet. In your industry, that'll be a customer who comes back to your supermarket repeatedly and probabaly recommends it to friends and family too.
  6. Hi @smallnew and welcome to Peefans. As you've just found out, we do have some limits on the type and size of files that can be attached. As you'll see from the dialogue box when typing a post or a reply, there are limited types of image files which can be uploaded directly to the site - essentially JPG, PNG or GIF (which can include moving GIFs) with a size limit per post of 5MB. We don't support other file types being uploaded - so for example with movies, if they're hosted elsewhere like maybe Erome, Eroprofile, Pornhub, Youtube then you can just post the link to them. Any such
  7. Have an awesomely great day @peeLIZZ @Couple92 @pussylover
  8. Seems like everyone has a birthday today - everyone important anyway* @pfa229 @wuyetuzhuren @Zevashea @Crisper * You know everybody is equally important, right?
  9. Thanks for sharing - and at least you made it to your room rather than anything more humiliating.
  10. Today's honours go out to: @jslim986 @J3738 @Ljj
  11. That's not a question which @Desperata needs to answer - we are a worldwide community of online friends - locations are not really that important.
  12. Hi and a huge welcome to the site. No promises to make that fantasy come true - but you're definitely not the only person thinking like that.
  13. Huge, huge, huge Birthday wishes to @Gotah & @PixieWings
  14. Hi and a huge welcome to Peefans
  15. Today's the big day for @Tingr16 - The Peefans Bar has got a couple of extra crates in ready for your party.
  16. Don't worry - she'll never be able to select second gear wearing those.
  17. I suspect the ladies may have been very sympathetic to your need - and huge kudos to your improvising skills @peegirl99
  18. That's great to hear. And one day at a time is a good approach...
  19. A question from me if I may be so bold - it's a while since I did. And pee related I'm afraid: Knowing how painfully shy you've described yourself as being, can you clearly remember the first time you wee'd in front of a partner / husband or someone special - can you remember the circumstances of that moment ?
  20. And we are forever grateful for every time you can't resist giving us those teases - thank you for each and every one of them!
  21. Hello and a very warm welcome as you become part of our community. We are very widespread in our views. Many people associate pee totally as a sexual activity, particularly in the gender they're attracted to. But many others partake in incontinence and can totally relate to your situation. One thing we are very proud of is our warmth and genuine friendship and respect for all our members - so you are truly welcome here.
  22. The last really nonchalant sighting I had was in August, on a warm summer evening in a UK northwest city. It was actually in the early hours of the morning, but being quite a party city the streets were still pretty busy and people were still queuing to get into nightclubs. The young lady in question here crossed from one side street towards a club on the next, but broke off from her friends and turned onto the main street - shouting loudly to anyone in earshot that she needed a piss. You can read about it here....
  23. Some big contributors today - have an amazing birthday: @Takashi96 @PissBoner @awesomagic
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