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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. As an example, this is a post in the Pee Videos section by one of our fellow members Lucy, who has chosen to share content: So in the Pee Videos section you'll see lots of threads, so of them being general posts on particular topics. But if you create a thread there it's generally kept as just for your content - especially if you title it in a way that makes it clear they're your submissions.
  2. Hi @AnnaKarina - and a huge welcome to Peefans. I'm glad you've said you're not in this for money - that would be a very quick way of saying goodbye, as we're a community of friends here and very opposed to being seen as a marketplace by those eager to sell to our members. We are a forum, so we're all based around posts being made in the various topic areas - of which 'Pee Videos' sounds like the place for you to freely share your content to our members. Please note that as a site we don't have the space or bandwidth to host video clips directly. Instead what people do is host thei
  3. It's been a while since I did any exercise (that didn't involve solely my right hand). Today I've been WFH and it's been looking like a lovely day out of the window. Blue skies, sunshine, nothing like the last few weeks. On a whim I decided to get my bike out at lunchtime, for a quick ride. I did get quite into cycling a couple of years ago but then over the last two years spent some time awaiting for a medical way forward. Now, I have the answer to that question - I can ride but I have a very compelling reason to watch and control my heart rate. So this is the first time I'v
  4. ^^^ I have to say I was a bit worried the first time I read through that. But thank goodness for the 'and' at the end of the first and particularly the second clauses. A significant part of my job is interpreting requirements, and they are always fraught with the risk of misunderstanding: The first line is clear enough 'produced solely for the purpose of...' but the second line less so... Does it mean grossly offensive, or just disgusting. My wife for example would consider any show of genitals as disgusting especially if they were peeing. So thank goodness for the 'and' stat
  5. Great observations there @MidoriLemonade85 - and no disputing a single one. You've said they're the reasons why YOU have penis envy. Personally, I have a perception (happy to be proven wrong, but based on a few ladies I know) that on point 5 guys get to release sooner and hold for less time. Whether that's down to the quicker time it takes to piss in a urinal, and the smaller size a urinal takes compared to a cubicle, meaning no desperate squirming in long queues at big events. And also the points 1, 2, 6 & 8 meaning practically and socially it may be harder for a lady to just pee
  6. You saw it here first…. Get yourselves into town and make the most of the chance now while you can:
  7. That was my first thought as to the answer to the question... "Because men are from Mars..."
  8. I'm not a fan of the sort of generalisations that sometimes creep into these posts - and what we're talking about here is the 'what seems to happen from what I've noticed'. I'm guessing the common themes, no matter who's doing the peeing, are that people peeing don't want to attract unwanted attention. In the case of a guy, that attention could be someone shouting offence and causing a shitstorm or them being arrested for indecent exposure. And for the guy opening his fly, pulling a penis out and pissing - the easy way to avoid that being seen is just to face the wall, bush, corner o
  9. I love the idea of peeing around stables. And also the way that it was the most natural thing in the world to your friend S. Probably just an everyday occurrence for her, or at least regularly as she tends to her horses. And too the fact that your friend was so ok with it too. Wonder if your other friend really just didn't need a wee or was too scared / embarrassed? Anyway, enough rambling on - huge thanks for sharing a wonderful experience (loved hearing about the very last part too).
  10. The orientation here totally confused me. I must have looked at it for minutes before I realised which way round the picture was. I'm still staring at it mind you... These things can't be rushed.
  11. Anyone from the UK will most likely be familiar with Boots the Chemists - the UK's largest national chemist / pharmacist chain, with a high street shop in almost every town. Out of curiosity I've just looked at the history of their logo. The company originated in the mid 19th century, something around 1850 and as shown below that logo was in use from 1883 through to the 1960s. For there to be products such as this bottle carrying the logo suggests that the company was prominent at that point, in terms of commissioning their own branded products and having a sufficient retail pres
  12. Without getting too much into your real world career - how strongly do your moral beliefs shape your conscience when it comes to work. As an example to describe what I mean, if you were offered a significant raise to work in a market sector which would be legal, but bordering on unethical. For example a NSFW site like this or maybe a cruder sort of online service. Something socially unacceptable. You can construct arguments in your mind - the guys or girls working there aren't being totally exploited, it's providing a service for people with 'those' needs. At the same time though you
  13. I know I've answered before - at least twice. I really suspect I had mentioned Lilly James - actress of many looks. I'm loving her brunette school teacher look with the torment of unrecognised and unrequited love in the movie Yesterday. But even more the wavy blonde haired cheery summer dress wearing beauty of the Sky TV advert campaign. I know I've enthused about the manic temptress that is Helena Bonham Carter. I'm going to say no more there. I may have mentioned Jess Hawkins or Abbie Eaton, and right now I'm wondering if I can get a 2-for-one deal there. They are an item
  14. Just to follow up - it’s possible that terminology may be at the heart of any misunderstanding here @lemonade drinker Just to be clear (and apologies if I jumped in the deep end in response to a misuse of terminology). When we place content in the forum such as these words, or a photo or link to video we term that a Post in a relevant thread or category. When we use the term Message, we would understand that to be either a specific communication sent to one or several members by composing a new message from the Inbox - like sending an email, addressed to specific people an
  15. There’s a huge difference between posting images in the public forum where people can choose to view or not, compared to being sent in private messages. Like you can easily change TV channel if the content doesn’t appeal - compared to somebody phoning or emailing you. Perhaps a refresh of site rules ? Rules 3, 8, 15 & 17 are hopefully clear enough.
  16. Go ahead - if you don’t mind being banned as quickly as you arrived. If it was in direct reply to a very specific member request - and you know that member well enough to be good acquaintances (as in you’ve got to know them over a long period and you know 100%) then ok. Otherwise unsolicited sending is in effect harassment, how would you know if the member wants to receive such explicit content? It’s tantamount to flashing random ladies in street which would get you arrested. I’m going to sound like a stuck record here - we are a community of friends. Just to conti
  17. I hate to think of anyone feeling that way. If only someone could think of a way to help.
  18. Right... I don't think this is necessarily in 'the news' and I sincerely apologise (genuinely) for any implication that I may be supporting the Sun newspaper (the Scum as it's generally known to a lot of my close friends). Also, I have never watched a second of Love Island - but did find this promoted on one of my social media feeds. Synopsis - pretty, blonde, northern lass wees in the bath and has other pee related habits she doesn't mind sharing. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/21517231/love-island-claudiadisgusting-habit-wee-bath/
  19. In my book, I don't see that as too much of a problem. In fact an added bonus. But you would expect that sort of thing around here.
  20. Bless you @Sophie - How to make the very best of an awkward situation? Huge thanks to you for sharing with us. Moments earlier, and you'd be panicking about drying your beautiful car seat. And later, well I'm sure you'd be writing about your last minute wee. But as it is, as long as the washing isn't a problem - wonderful. xxx
  21. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. And no need to single yourself out or apologise if what you're into seems weird to you. Around here, weird is normal - and it's the vanilla people that are odd. You may find yourself drawn to the Men Peeing area as a starting point.
  22. I thought exactly the same. A simple MOSFET or other power transistor driven by a PWM would work perfectly. And then the other area for improvement - mounting and electrically driving a servo to mechanically operate a switch that applies electrical power to a motor… when instead it’d be far easier to just replace the switch with another semiconductor device. And that would allow soft start of that motor too.
  23. Last night's dream for me was.... different. I had a really realistic dream that I was just leaving my own home, in my own village to walk to the shops - and suddenly realised I desperately needed to pee, literally just a few yards after leaving the house. Instead of going back home which would have taken seconds, I instead just took a long piss in my jeans as I was walking. And by long, it was a long powerful stream that just continued for maybe a minute with the same strength. But the thing was, although I could feel the glorious wetness on my legs, absolutely nothing was showin
  24. Hi and a huge welcome. As we always say, do shout up if you have any questions. Always happy to help.
  25. Beaten to it there, was just about to say exactly the same thing. I don't know who's the luckiest one - you for having such a caring, sharing best friend of a wife willing to partake or us for being able to enjoy reading of it. Of course I know, and no contest. Huge thanks though for giving the time and intimacy to share with us.
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