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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I don't recall any direct accounts coming up on this subject, other than featuring in a story I wrote some time ago. Between you members (female & male) is there anyone who leads an equine lifestyle? and if so does that involve urgent releases during the course of taking after your horses? I used to be involved in an agricultural college, which took on school leavers - generally who didn't know what they wanted to do, but thought it could be fun brushing horses manes all day. At the college open days you could see a stream of them, all made up with makeup, eyelashes, scarves to go
  2. ...and you haven't been arrested yet, or at least barred from the gym?
  3. Welcome!!! If your BF doesn't already know the extent of your love for it, then perhaps time for a 'new start' for his benefit. Time to play some mind games in an entirely positive way: Step 1 - As has been suggested use the 'been out for a drink, walking home' - the trick here is for the amount of alcohol being sufficient to 'apparently' reduce your inhibitions, without being so drunk it can be brushed off as solely down to alcohol. Step 2 - Whilst walking home, explain to him how much your need to go is increasing - introduce the concept that the full bladder stimulates nerves
  4. I've finally elected on a profile picture - rather than just a G in a green circle - hope you like it, didn't want to post anything too explicit and didn't want to create any falsehood over who I am. So, who am I... ask away and let's find out....
  5. First of all, can we just clarify that being old is an entirely different thing to having experience of life. I think I qualify in the having experienced a few decades of post-puberty life, and my date of birth tells me I'm a certain age, but that doesn't mean I have to act it. Advice would be - Be bold (not brash, not over confident - just have sufficient confidence in yourself). If there's someone on their don't be scared to talk to them - not to hit on them - just to chat. Anything further can develop from there. You don't have to be the loudest, richest, most outgoing in your p
  6. That's a very boring google article... no decent pictures or anything - and the advice not to go commando.... Am I right in thinking that 'Cleft of Venus' refers to the same thing as Cameltoe in a more romantic way - or is that just referring to the slit itself? I do sometimes wonder - when you see a large lady in tight jeans, with a mound of flesh bulging out around either side of the central seam, does that not hurt - or does it have an altogether more pleasant effect? Would like to know...
  7. Isn't psychology wonderful - the way we can bluff and double bluff. Slightly different scenario, but I remember a colleague at work explaining a domestic incident, where is wife had been picking his young kids up from junior school and eldest daughter from high school. On the way home mum bumped into a friend and stopped to chat - during which the eldest kept trying to interrupt, pulling at mums arm etc. In the end mum had shouted at her to stop it and behave. Eventually the conversation concluded and when they got home the daughter went straight to the bathroom. Rather than sitting on t
  8. Love it @sd91 I think the summer dress / no pants combo is one of my favourite things right now. So liberating and must feel just a bit naughty too. kudos too to the shy girl. Can imagine how much she blushed, hope you encouraged her into lots more trail weeing.
  9. I've just posted in the Male Section (for those who visit that area) of a roadside emergency / partial wetting / flooding the tarmac. In the past, I have tried the cup solution, but nature and the limited opening on zippers and the height of cup really don't work, unless I could sit off the front of the seat.
  10. This last week has been an amazing blast of a time, where I've almost lived a fantasy double life - away from the normal domestics and office routine, to photograph a huge live music festival. Hence I've been living away from home for six days - working with my last band last night at 10pm. It was an indoor gig, several hundred people in a small-is space with no aircon, so was hot - maybe 30 deg plus sort of hot and stuffy, During the night I tried to keep myself hydrated with a couple of pints of lemonade. Once the gig had finished I made my way back to my car, taking a wrong turn or t
  11. To say it was a pleasure would be the understatement of the millennium - That was an incredible, amazing blast of a morning. I can honestly say I've never done anything like that before, the circumstances, the opportunity and the timing just came together (snigger) perfectly so we could both hit the jackpot. Thanks for everyone else's support too.
  12. This is a very generic comment sort of based on some of the responses - and on other related circumstances too. I’ll freely admit that I’ve got a huge thing about the thought of a girl squatting to pee - if I walk past an alleyway at night you can pretty much bet I’m going to look. If a girl I was with took a pee within sight I’d be victim to the boner too. My point is though, when a girl does pee it’s most likely down to need far more than desire. I’ll make an exception for @Sweets and @spywareonya. Sometimes in a secluded forum surrounded by videos, stories and chat it’s easy to
  13. It's not about the amount, it's about every feeling, every nerve screaming, every muscle spasming - more so about the wave of relief. No wonder it's called relieving yourself.
  14. Now I've got that male thing going on again...... 😉
  15. That's sooooooo much better.... wasn't a massive volume, filled a 0.5l drink cup. Towel feels hot too
  16. slowly trickling.... going to pee in the cup and see how much there is Next wave anyway
  17. That put a 3" circle on my jeans before i could get them off. sitting on the towel now
  18. Can feel it right on a knife edge.... and here comes the next wave
  19. every wave comes and goes just a bit worse than the last
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