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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Five hours too late - would love to know how long you held on for, did you use the toilet or somewhere else?
  2. I think you should! Great stories, very exciting - thanks for sharing. I'd suggest skirt and panties - the worst is the panties may get wet, but it's an extra bit of risk. How about peeing outside on a wall at night?
  3. I'm guessing you've got a ring stain outlining where it got wet? I don't know about the product mentioned or your exact floor, some wooden floors you'd need to sand down the top layer of wood and retain or varnish it. Depends on the type though. If it's stained I guess it's real wood and not a laminate type finish....? Get an expert in and blame the stain on the dog.
  4. Possibly related to the issue @owlman76 has mentioned, I heard a debate on the radio a week or so ago - a large UK theatre - had proposed open unisex bathrooms, which would have some urinals shielded from view at one end, but then the rest of cubicles. The argument for it was exactly the 'how to balance the demands between ladies / gents' where the existing gents space was under-utilised and the ladies were always struggling during performance intervals. It was the usual debate between logic vs. the paranoia of sex pests. As if anyone would ever take an interest in the opposite sex pee
  5. ...and to cut a long story short, that my friends is why I'm banned from B&Q* 😉 * Large British DIY store - insert your own national store chain instead.
  6. Easier.... where's the fun in that! Great memories @sd91. Looking forward to a few more replies...
  7. Hi @Plea - welcome to the site. Love the 'hottest experience' on your profile. Lots of people would love to hear a few more stories like that - Grazie mille.
  8. Spot on @lovestoseepee... Maybe I didn't explain very well. Currently on a page, at the bottom are the links on the left for 'Return to Topic Index' and on the right for 'Next Topic'. What I'm wondering about is at the top of the page having a link for 'Go to bottom' (and then as suggested have a 'go back to top' link - although not really necessary I guess). Just my way of browsing though...
  9. Just a minor suggestion... For a future page update. I might be a bit unique, but when I log on I tend to look at the topic areas that interest me most - Pee Talk & Questions, Experiences etc and then I'll click on the threads which I'm interested on. Often these are threads which I've previously visited - so I'm interested in the later, most recent updates. I'll click on the latest page link for a thread, which shows me the content from the top of that page. Would it be possible to put a hyperlink or button into each page header which jumps the user to the bottom or that page?
  10. Just browsing through and I'll give it a big high five.... It's one of the first things I look at when I jump online - who's chatting at the moment and how recently were they on. So it's a yes from me.
  11. It is an interesting one - and I've no clue how to answer... Actually I have, I think my answer would be to decline - that I didn't want to participate - but to do it in a way that didn't take away their innocent fun and let them carry on. It is similar to a thought that popped into my mind a week or so ago, which in turn related to a thread about young children witnessing a parent's accident. Let's suppose your child has toilet trained as a pre-schooler, gone through junior school, perhaps now at high school but not an adult. As a parent you become aware that they've started having a
  12. Welcome back - sorry to hear about your situation, but welcome back!!!
  13. Thanks Admin, it wasn't anything offensive or lewd... I think just really a case of a guy who likes to hold and wanted me to hold with him, so the picture was of his jeans. Male wetting and peeing isn't generally my thing, sorry chaps, so I've just ignored. In the event there's a reoccurrence or anything more explicit then I'll be sure to address it. Accuse me of double standards, but had it been female...... 😉
  14. I’ve just had an unsolicited DM from a newbie new member, with photo... Thanks but no thanks sir - not my thing.
  15. A great take on The Emperor's New Clothes... Take something which to the general populace is unthinkable - and make it THE thing to have. Can't wait to see the top end fashionistas all jumping on board, how long before we see a Kardashian (are they still a thing or am I out of touch?) in wet pants? Then eventually everywhere you look there'll be chavs walking out of primark with wet inner thighs. Did she buy those jeans, or just remodel an old pair....?
  16. Do you really need to ask? You know us well enough.
  17. I know what you mean, I do have a little mental chuckle when some new members make their presence known. Most are lovely introductions of people you know are going to fit in, but then there are those who have their chests puffed out, shouting 'look at me, God's gift, come and get it....' Literally willy-wavers.
  18. Congrats @Riley - The rest of us have some catching up to do!
  19. Look after yourself and rest well.... thanks for letting us know. All the best!
  20. I guess I'm the same as most men in not carrying tissues..... perhaps I should in case I meet a lady in need. Chance would be a fine thing. Thanks for sharing your spots though - any more ladies out there?
  21. It's a very good point you make on the 'who told the lie' and 'why did I believe them'. We have so much information at our fingertips - and it's hence easier than ever before to promote misinformation. I should have checked more robustly before repeating it. The thing is though, how much of the information we use to form our position has been created from a non-agenda basis. How much of it is true factual information without any intended skew or persuasion. The one other point I'll respond to (and I'm not entering into any more discussion) is that when I mentioned the third world I was
  22. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing... On the Greta front, I saw a Facebook post shared the other day which apparently was from her (although if she is being used as a pawn it could of course just be the spin they want us to think about her). She basically outlined that all of her warrior-ing had stemmed from an essay she wrote in a competition on climate issues. She wasn't being pushed by her parents, in fact they were to an extent opposed. There were various groups she was 'affiliated' with, but wasn't directly representing. Personally I think her Aspergers contributes to a te
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