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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Oops - still if it's only a tiny bit..... Are you in the mood for getting clothes wet, or prefer not today?
  2. Not jiggling too badly though. You can do it.
  3. I think you've probably got a head start on me though. 😉
  4. You've just reminded me I haven't had a drink since lunch - just grabbed a can of fruit cider from the fridge. It's late enough in the afternoon to consider alcohol.
  5. Fair enough. And how are you feeling, did it help to walk to the kitchen?
  6. Of course you shouldn't let yourself get dehydrated - it's easy to forget when you're working. I'd definitely suggest a large glass of juice or similar. 😉
  7. OK - not too bad, so what sort of hold are you thinking? Last minute dash to the toilet, or are your clothes likely to suffer instead?
  8. So @Riley - You mentioned wanting to hold for a while, how do you rate your chances now - how full are you?
  9. Yes, quarantine at home. Three weeks ago today work closed. I'm in theory 'working from home' but I don't have IT or access to do anything, so basically a man of leisure. Hard for you to concentrate on work if your bladder is shouting at you though. 😉
  10. Hi @Riley - long time since a hold on here, great to have you back. So what are your plans today.... apart from holding! Are you home right now or out?
  11. I think lots of people have all expressed views similar to my own, from literally a couple of years old I was brought up in an evangelical church. The Bible was treated as absolute and true, never doubted, but questioned (from a non-critical) point. God was of course a real entity, creator of the universe in a literal seven days. The commandments (a lot more than just ten in the book of Leviticus) were taken as law. The whole premise of evil, suffering and pain was that God created man with free will to choose to obey or not, and it was man's choice to disobey a direct instruction that
  12. Hi and welcome. This community is exactly the place to do it.
  13. I've got a question, but given its nature you're very welcome to claim diplomatic immunity and leave it unanswered... As both a moderator and keen contributor of this forum, what behaviour irritates you the most?
  14. Only on the carpet.... seems a bit of a waste if you're delivering the pizza to me personally...
  15. Thank you @Admin - I didn't want to think it was just me being a grumpy old man. And @Sweets - as Admin has said, no harm in making genuine friends and then choosing to chat with them directly as well as here. Let's face it, you (and I) are still active here and trying to make it the best place we can.
  16. I hear Virginia Beach has THE PLACE to go for pizza with the best staff ever.... that's sold it to me! I'm much happier off the tourist track, although I do like New York (away from Times Square and the like).
  17. Great plan. I think the USA might be back on my future plans too, although somewhere ''normal' rather than the normal Brit destinations.
  18. I just pretend I know what I'm doing lol. It's pretty much the same as happens in any modern car - messages whizzing round fibre optics between every box and module on the car all speaking a common language.
  19. I have a little bit of a personal niggle.... but there's every chance it's just me being a miserable old git, so this is a very open question and I'm completely open to any answer:- It seems increasingly to be a thing that (newcomers?) are using this site as a means to hook up via third party channels like snapchat, kid or whatever others. Many people are posting within their intro posts, commenting on existing posts and some blatantly in chatbox. Now clearly in going to a third party site they step away from the administrated, organised, safe environment of this community. But al
  20. I really hope your wish becomes reality.
  21. Well, it's one of those things worth making happen....
  22. Definitely keep coming back to these - love the girl next door look... The last girl looks a lot like a foreign colleague of mine (going off the dressed photo at least). And the three girls - those legs on the left should seriously be insured. They're amazing. Thanks again for posting.
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