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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Great topic - can I include a bit of perving as well as peeing? I think I've covered off quite a few bucket items already, so now I've had to think up a few more - lots of inspiration around the forum fortunately: 1) To carry out a few studio photoshoots. Something classy, uniquely lit, sensual and of course with a wet climax. 2) To spend an evening out in my favourite city with the time and the luck to be fortunate with plenty of female pee sightings. 3) To spend a few days just nonchalantly peeing / wetting around the house and garden. (I have the venue in mind, al
  2. Exactly as @Theo said - and as you mention clips, that points towards the hosting them on a site somewhere else and then in your post here just include the link to them. The one other thing to mention, generally as a principle, when posting you own content most people start a new post with it (and then it's clear it's yours). If you can though when you come to post more content, add it onto the same thread and then it keeps the site tidier. If you're posting pics or links to videos found on the net, then probably there'll already be a suitable post to add them to (again to keep the
  3. Red to make the boys blush - is that how the saying goes? Absolutely adorable and so brave as always @puddyls - love them!!!!!
  4. Thank you @rameno01 for clearing that up - and we wish you every success with getting your new site up and running. And @humbub of course free speech is allowed, we understand you expressed your initial opinion of what you saw, but please keep communication on this forum positive. It's a fine line whether the site rules around insulting others have been broken, but the simple answer is let's just keep everything happy.
  5. I know the peeing in front of friends is a big step, but to be honest peeing in an alleyway behind a dumpster is something you could do today, well maybe tonight anyway. Every day around the world hundreds, thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people will find themselves in the situation of needing to pee and will duck down an alleyway and standing or squatting by a dumpster or in a hidden doorway. (Yes I know peeing outdoors is illegal in various countries, but so is driving at 35 in a 30 limit. It doesn't mean every single person gets arrested. All the youtube and tiktok videos tell
  6. Yes - when I wrote the question I was thinking of any sexual link - so obviously golden showers during sex, or pee play in the shower etc. But also feeling aroused as a consequence of pee activity (watching or partaking), so yes masturbating as well. The opposite case was someone recently who had posted that they enjoy the feeling of holding but there is nothing sexual about it for them. I'm curious as to whether that's a common thing within the membership here.
  7. Sorry, I can understand if English isn't your first language - but can you explain your comment a little more. What is the question?
  8. You spotted my misleading wording - perhaps what I should have said is 'enjoy pee for yourself'. What I tried to do was not to overwhelm with options - it was really whether peeing is something you enjoy on your own, whether it's yourself holding, wetting, peeing in naughty places or whatever - or when it’s other people doing it.
  9. Hope this poll all makes sense - if not let me know. I've been thinking about this off and on for a while. For some people pee is definitely a sexual activity and for others it's something they enjoy (holding, naughty peeing or whatever) but without actual sexual thrill. Often when we as staff find ourselves having to take action it's because of the conflict between someone posting for enjoyment and someone else assuming that content has been posted for their sexual gratification - and often one person can't see that not everyone thinks the same as they do. So a little poll - I
  10. Thanks @Admin - and I agree that the negative impact of 'misuse' is much more critical than the positives when as you say there are so many other ways to communicate. So, that's me supporting your decision too.
  11. There is a ‘toggle’ within your profile which allows it (or not). Possibly that is off - I’ll check and reset it for you as soon as I’m back on a proper screen.
  12. Works fine for me - could be a regional or a browser issue I guess?
  13. So glad you made it, so glad you got chance for the relief - and so glad you shared it with us.
  14. What are the chances..... amazing though and great that you've got a real world buddy who understands exactly what it's all about.
  15. Hi and a huge welcome to 'really' being a part of the community - nothing against those that quietly browse, I did that for a good long while before signing up. Do shout up with any questions though now you're amongst us.
  16. You're an inspiration @PeeGurl74 - I've just posted a proper explanation of why exactly, but I was just deciding what best to do with a full bladder when I spotted your comment. https://peefans.com/topic/19326-this-weeks-experiences/?do=findComment&comment=266469 (Linked post in the Men Peeing area contains male nudity. Just saying for those that want to avoid that sort of thing).
  17. I know totally what you mean there - each of us know our significant other better than anyone, so only we can judge how us opening our souls on the pee interest would go. In my mind I often play out conversations which could steer in the direction of linking pee to arousal - like maybe discussing the being turned on with the peeing erection, or 'does it sound weird that needing a wee sort of feels nice?', but in reality those discussions never seem to get further than my inner voice either.
  18. Hi and a huge welcome to the site, we're a very friendly place. My only request is that I'd love to hear about your experiences, but on the forum posts or in chatbox. Send a DM and one person gets to experience it, post it on the forum and all the community get to share the love. That's why we're much more of a community than a DM platform.
  19. May The 4th Be With You....
  20. Hi and a huge welcome - you are absolutely definitely not the only one. Look forward to your contributions. Do shout up with any questions.
  21. Very minor @Admin - but for info, twice today Chatbox seems to have played up for me again. Either logged on and found the chatbox on the homepage empty (but bottom corner popup Live Chat was fine) or vice versa - with bottom corner Live Chat 'conversations' blank but the homepage chat working fine. Soon recovered itself in each case.
  22. Normally it's pretty much impossible for me with the exception of arriving home from a bike ride knowing I'm jumping straight in the shower and washing my kit. Once international travel opens up again I have some catching up of 'caretaking' to do.... usually a solo trip, warm climate, tiled floors and mostly not overlooked. I have plenty of plans for just doing it, clothed and just pottering about naked in the warmth too. Who knows, I may even take a few requests and post a few photos.
  23. Great idea - If you're going to THERE IS A PAGE already in Real Experiences, just the place to post it, created just for the purpose.
  24. There you go - I've got the ball rolling. The poll only lets me choose one option against each question, so I've tried to spread my answers to be typical of 'me'. Generally I don't do too much walking around in a place devoid of toilets, apart from maybe a day out where generally I'd be with my wife and pretty much all of the above would be off limits. More likely it's that I'm making a car journey and either need to pee or choose to pee near my destination to avoid the need when I get there. In those cases I can think of lots of examples, driving an hour to a nearby city to ph
  25. Great to see this thread getting some use again - In a different time zone from mine, but not complaining.
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