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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Welcome! If we had an award for the longest post title then I reckon you just won. Joking aside though, a huge welcome. There are an awful lot of people here with exactly the same and similar interests, welcome to a great community - hope you quickly find yourself at home. Do shout up with any questions.
  2. Speaking personally the holding but not wetting is absolutely common, if not 'normal'. My motivations are slightly odd I will admit, as I've said many times before I'm into ladies desperation, holding, peeing and all the things that go with it - as long as it's not traumatic and unpleasant. So a lady finding and enjoying eventual relief is a perfect outcome, whether it be in a bathroom, somewhere else or for that matter wetting. Why am I saying all that? Well when I do hold, in my mind the sexual arousal is all about imagining a female experiencing the denial, the holding, the desperat
  3. Sometimes it's the smallest of glimpses... a couple of years ago driving on a busy country road leading to the motorway... a car parked in a lay-by on the other side having come from the motorway direction, two young ladies in jeans climbing over a fence into a field. Alas I was doing about 40mph with family in my car.
  4. Hi @jmatthews1995 - thanks for taking the trouble to check. It's an interesting subject - if I had my photographer's hat on, I'd be making the point that the copyright of every image remains for life with the original creator, even if that image is licensed for use, blah, blah, blah. On that basis every single picture and video on the site is copyright - and only a relatively small proportion (but a very valued amount) of photos on the site are posted by the originators. Instead though we take a relatively pragmatic view on copyright - we'd take a slightly dim view on someone postin
  5. Can't wait to hear some of those stories... welcome in!
  6. Hi and a huge welcome - equally looking forward to making your acquaintance. Hope you enjoy finding your way around, any questions do just shout up.
  7. Great account - and you did everything you could to save her from any humiliation. I wonder if any of the hazy memories came back to her afterwards?
  8. Absolutely adorable. Sounds like the perfect pick-me-up, both the evening and equally so Mark. You two are so lucky to have each other.
  9. Welcome @ryanwet and @hold_on - great to have you guys on board too - hope you enjoy yourselves here.
  10. Very good advice about thinking firmly from your Girlfriend's perspective. We have that habit of normalising our interest, and of course every one of us you speak to will be completely normalised too. Hitting your Girlfriend with it could be like a bolt from the blue, worse case resulting in a 'I feel like I hardly know you any more' type negative reaction with a potential shut down and withdrawal whilst she processes what she's just learnt. I wonder if it may help to 'adapt' the timeline a little. What I mean is rather than suddenly coming out with 'I'm heavily into this... what do yo
  11. There is of course the standard idea of standing and pissing directly onto the carpet, other than that I must admit the only thoughts I had really were perhaps spending a full evening or day: - Lay down on your back and pee over your stomach / chest letting it flow off and soak in around your torso. - Sit crosslegged, watching TV or whatever and just let your pee pool around you all evening whenever you need to go. - Lay on your front and again pee as and when you need to. Now obviously I don't know what you're into, or whether you have anyone you'd be sharing the experienc
  12. There's a thread here which someone created a while ago, asking which states the American members are from, and there's the member map which shows those who have chosen to add their details to their profiles. But please remember that we're not a one-to-one singles hookup club, we're a community of friends. Many members have no interest in meet ups, many are married, in relationships and the like. So, the usual suggestion is to just enjoy getting to know people by posting on here. Work up friendships with people all around the world and who knows what may happen a year or two down the lin
  13. Hi Ted and a huge welcome to the community, sounds like you're definitely in the right place. Hope you find yourself quickly feeling right at home, but please shout up with any questions. Everyone is very supportive and helpful.
  14. I've posted many times and it may even be in my profile... I absolutely love female pee and almost every aspect of it. BUT there is a big condition, ONLY if the lady in question is not hurt, humiliated or traumatised through it. So in the case of a lady stuck in a line, I sort of enjoy seeing the desperation, but what I am really enjoying is the thought of the relief she'll enjoy. If a lady was to actually accidentally wet herself either in photos, videos or real life, well it would depend if she could laugh about it and just put it down to one of those things that'd be ok. If she wa
  15. @peeholder95 - a couple of years ago I had a mind blowing hold online here in real time with a fellow member. There is a Live Action thread in the real life experiences. It happened that we were both online at the same time, I was staying away from home on business, it was the morning when I had an hour or two free, she was home in America and posted that she was doing a hold. It was absolutely mind blowing for me at least to be able to gradually increase in desperation whilst reading real time how she was doing. I’m not one of those who can hold for hours and hours, but it was
  16. All - Please bear in mind Site Rule #8 which applies to asking for and sharing off-site snaps, kicks and other similar media. There is a follow-on to the main rules specifically around rule #8
  17. Thanks @Kupar Reading back I didn’t really express just how suddenly the all encompassing need to pee had grown. I think mostly because it was at the forefront of my mind. I was planning to pee outdoors somewhere and I think that’s why my brain was telling me just to do it. The other thing was maybe because I’d spent a lot of time browsing videos here, every side street seemed fair game. If it hadn’t been that car park it probably would have been a little dead end street with closed shutters and bins (perfect pee photo shoot locations). In the end I figured perhaps there’s truth in the t
  18. Stunningly brilliant account of a beautiful moment... lovely.
  19. Done! Some things are tricky - changing a title isn't. Great story too.
  20. Sorry I've got no pictures to share with this little account - one of those that didn't go exactly to plan... I had an appointment this afternoon, right at rush hour in Liverpool UK which is an hour or fractionally more from my house. In a normal year I'd visit the city maybe a dozen or two times in day or night, so I know it pretty well. Much of the journey is motorway, then the arterial roads into the city. My usual route goes through near derelict dock roads with plenty of potential to pull up in a sidestreet to water the tarmac, or park in a multi-storey car park and pee against th
  21. Brilliantly written account of an amazing Sunday afternoon - just lovely. I know maybe you wanted to hang on just a little longer, but still sounds perfect and lovely. Question is... did you maybe wee again just once or twice before changing into clean fresh underwear for your evening. And did you manage to keep the huge smile off your face for the evening? Can't wait to read about any follow-up...
  22. 1. Padded cycling shorts - amazing how much they can hold 2. Pint glass / measuring jug / drink bottles 3. Down the leg of my suit whilst at a hotel reception desk, slightly frantic and not intended. 4. Tarmac (asphalt), often near my car in a car park, side of the road and similar. 5. Carpet of a student bedroom, off the bed whilst drunk - imagining I could release a few drops and stop. The main problem was keeping it to only five items...
  23. There are various clips to be found in the video section on the site here, although like everything some have been shut down and removed. I sometimes have a conscience pang about enjoying watching them - but usually I get over myself with the thought that all of these girls have chosen to pee in at least a semi-public place. That's a different situation than a hidden camera in a supposedly private bathroom... But none of us are saints, right? And for what it's worth - yes there does as always seem to be a strong bias towards female pee (sorry!) Moving off the site, XVideos seem
  24. Hope you had a great hold and everything that followed - time zones working against us there.
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