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About charly5197

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  • Birthday 07/08/1967

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  1. words piss and peace are sound so similar, isn't?
  2. Are you agree? Now we know what does the pissmaker do🙂
  3. Check this out https://girlscanpeestandingup.quora.com/
  4. The Sweetest thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDd3vBCrP_E&ab_channel=ChristinaWalters
  5. I think it's very erotic when a woman watching me peeing
  6. Now we need to ask an opposite question for girls. How often they are pee standing?
  7. Pee standing like a man -aim stream forward
  8. Good point - if we will not pee 6 feet away we will pee 6 feet under:)
  9. Good point - if we will not pee 6 feet away we will pee 6 feet under:)
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