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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Hi - a huge welcome, have fun exploring and do shout up with any questions.
  2. @puddyls - You are absolutely, amazingly one in a million. Maybe one in ten million. Completely adore everything you've posted (and definitely can't wait to see what summer brings...)
  3. Red hair and freckles. Every time. Every single time.
  4. @Alfresco & @Bacardi - I have a sneaking suspicion you’re really not alone.
  5. Hi @ShyPeeMan - it’s a sort of ‘kudos’ rating around your interactions with others on the site. If you look at your profile you’ll see your current Community Reputation number in a green box and you should see next to it a little link to expand It. Expanding it should make it evident - each reaction you give to another users’ posts and each reaction anyone gives to yours adds to your rating.
  6. Hi and a big welcome to a very warm online community. Enjoy yourself finding your way around the site and please do shout up with any questions.
  7. Lots going on today - Happy Birthday @leilawet1 @tony for you @gaz477 @PissVox
  8. I'm sure a lot of true Goths would be absolutely mortified if they realised how heavenly they look.
  9. Absolutely nothing at all wrong with what you posted at all @Uroguy - so you and everyone else are just as welcome to post pictures of ladies in any state of dress or undress - personal preference is absolutely fine. So please carry on by all means. The whole thread is titled 'Random Sexy Girls' so I guess we're already past the doorway of sexualising or objectifying of women. Personally I can very easily rationalise in my mind that I find the visual imagery stimulating but in real life there are far more factors to consider than just outward appearance. I'm sure we all appreciate that
  10. First of the month, so we congratulate all those active current users who identify as being a February child... @dougm @steve88 @peter sharpe
  11. I've got a chest strap heart rate monitor that shows on my Garmin trip computer. Where I live has the option between gentle ups and downs and some bigger inclines, so there are definite options for keeping it fairly flat. Previously my regular route was a commute to work two or so days a week of 12-15 miles each way, again mostly flat.
  12. I started about three or four years ago to 'support' my wife when she wanted to get fit - and I stuck at it more. We both did some of the British Cycling social rides and she's done the Breeze ladies only rides. The group we were with used to do a mix of shorter and more challenging rides which was a motivator, and a couple of years ago I worked up to one of the charity 'Nightrider' 100km overnight rides. Getting out of the routine has been partly a winter thing, major local roadworks causing problems on the local country lanes, but larger around a medical concern. Now I'm thinking I'd
  13. So.... they say every picture must have a story behind it... But I'm giraffed if I know what I was doing here. Well obviously I was taking a potty break. But no idea why I was doing it in the work closet and not in the restroom. But still, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do right? and better out than in. But man, I was rough this morning.... I remember us starting our work Christmas party in the shop, we always have it in the quiet spell in January. I remember a few glasses of wine, and I remember Shannon getting the tequila out... Not quite sure what happened from there on.
  14. And wishing you every success in coaxing him into doing so. Until then as you say we're happy to be second best. But far better to have content online for when you want it rather than those dweebs you mention. Please don't ever hesitate to bring those dweebs to our attention - we have a special anti-dweeb spray for those occasions. (Dweebs is one of those words which doesn't get anywhere enough usage these days).
  15. Dear Wet Carpet, My name is Sheila and I'd like to share a little something that happened to me. I work in a supermarket as a supervisor. I'm obviously not going to say which one, but my uniform is sort of and orangey brown top and black trousers, so no prizes for guessing. Usually I spend my time on the customer service desk, dealing with returned items, lost purses and that sort of thing, but also any time there's a problem on one of the checkouts I go and sort it out. That's exactly what happened this afternoon. I was just about to take my afternoon break when the call cam
  16. I can think of two very similar situations, and both are ones where a little bit of anxiety plays a big role in the urgency involved. Both involve driving, both involve towing our caravan and both involve my wife sitting alongside me in the passenger seat (I can get away with joking that all three factors can cause anxiety). The caravan isn't massive, but it is an extra 6.5m / 22ft and 1300kg hitched onto the back of the car. Driving with it does require some concentration, passing vehicles, taking a different line at roundabouts and junctions, that sort of thing. Both times have b
  17. I suspect the group of guys there on that Amsterdam clip may all know each already - Amsterdam is famous as an 'adult' citybreak, so entirely possible they were a group of mates on a stag weekend or just a guys trip to the red light district. It doesn't detract though from the fact that they were all pissing in broad daylight in public, without being challenged or arrested. And that of course is the point. From my part of Europe (and I still see the UK as that) we are perhaps halfway between that and the American reservedness. As Beachmom has touched on, there are factors which wil
  18. Well, there's a saying 'sex sells' which basically has been a mantra for the advertising world for decades. Meaning that if you want to get people to buy a skirt or posh frock, use a sexy looking model to sell it. The prospective buyer is tricked into thinking they'll look just as gorgeous as soon as they slip into it. So yes, the ladies in your posts do indeed look sexy - that's how the advertising director intended it, the way the stylist planned it and the way the make up artist, hair stylist and photographer executed it. If they didn't it's an advertising budget down the drain.
  19. A few years ago I got myself reasonably fit cycling, up to pandemic - nothing too speedy but 60 mile sort of capability. Then a bit of a medical concern and lockdown sort of led to it slipping. Now I’m back to square one - but not giving up.
  20. Ok, so not actually wet myself and maybe not ‘playing sports’ but this afternoon I braved the cold and greyness to get out on my bike. It’s the first time in nearly five months, but felt good. I set off with a pretty full bladder after hydrating up and knew I was most likely going to need to pee. Whilst cycling I had the weird thing where the immediate desperation feel is hidden and instead I can just feel the heaviness of my bladder. Eventually on the home leg I decided to have a quick stop - so standing on an empty county lane I pulled the waist band of my Lycra shorts down and r
  21. Well - I set out without a real plan... other than one errand to run about half a mile from home. And given I'd run out of excuses I figured I should dust off my road bike and give it a spin. It's been a while - I'd completely forgotten which buttons to press on my Garmin, in fact I'm amazed it still had some charge left in it. Better still I could remember how to clip in, and more importantly how to unclip. My chain wasn't rusty and gears still worked slickly - not that I used many of the small ones. Distance was a mere 8 miles / 13km in a time of about 38 minutes. And 358ft of
  22. Thanks all for the feedback in filling in the forms and commenting on it. I'll come clean on my reasons for creating it, in that I'm sure we can all think of members who are active and fun in the forums, who've maybe posted content we've enjoyed. Then one day we realise they've stopped posting, stopped visiting the site, maybe even requested deletion. There's nothing in their posts and interactions to show why - are they ill? Have they got a new partner or job, are they too busy now? Or has somebody been inappropriate in a way that's led them to leave? There's now over 50 people
  23. It's Sunday, it's 30th January and it's Birthday celebrations for @hatman12317 & @girlspeelover
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