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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. I am the asexual person in my relationship, and while I cant speak for your partner, I can add details of my experience. My last pregnancy was rough. It was a c section with a labor that lasted well over 24 hours. This is what I partially blame my asexuality on, plus other outside factors such as my depression, the fact that I have kids that tend to suck the energy out of me every single day, and the fact that often my husband works late. I am also a CSA survivor. Yes we do have sex, but I find I don't enjoy it. Any of it. Oral/penetrative/anything involving my nether regions that isn't
  2. Adding some love for the menstrual cup! Have seen tampons and pads here but no cups lol. Picture okayed by the mod team. Wasn't a whole lot since this is just day two of my period and I had dumped it before a shower this afternoon.
  3. I'm pretty sure it will work with character ai I am just too shy to try it lol.
  4. One of my babies told me the other day that they didn't want to pee outside behind a dumpster (after I jokingly suggested it) because "Santa is always watching" and they didn't want to receive coal for Christmas. Take it as a warning. All public pee'ers will receive coal for Christmas! 🤣
  5. I have a lot of GTA V music stuck in my head tonight. Look like, walk like, smell like cash 💸
  6. I saw you Sophie! Transporting all the people you love.
  7. I requested back in February and never heard anything 😔
  8. Well, it sounds to me like she is doing what she thinks is right if you told her it makes you uncomfortable when you know people have to pee and can't lol. Sounds like she is being a good friend to me 🤷🏽‍♀️
  9. https://www.threads.net/t/Cuc72Vfu3Nu/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== Quick summary: tiktok style scripted video of a man "peeing" in someone's front yard (moaning really loud) and someone walks up to him telling him to leave. The pee goes further and further up the second man as the video goes on. I thought it was funny 😁
  10. Bacardi

    Men's butt

    I am basically only worried about the background of my pictures being identified 🫣
  11. Yea. Me too. The peefans world tour where we stop in every country and spend time with all of our peefans friends 🫂
  12. Bacardi

    Men's butt

    You guys inspire me so much. I wanna post my own butt pics buy im too scared lol.
  13. Desperation/holding is something I mainly do with friends, but even still it does turn me on a lot. However I'd say in general I like the feeling of being able to pee more than I like the holding, and that's for myself and other people.
  14. When I feel like I need to have a bath I'll pee 🤷🏽‍♀️ one time I even positioned myself to see if I could pee straight up out of the water lol.
  15. Sorry i immediately fell asleep after I was done last night 🤣 limited room in my inbox now so try it. I'll let you know if I am comfortable answering it or not.
  16. During my first ultrasounds with both of my pregnancies they said it was best to have a full bladder. But after that the others didn't require one. They required wands that press on the abdomen to see the teeeeny tiny peanut (or in my first case: peanuts 🥜), and the first one I had a full bladder but not the second. They didn't even say anything about it at my second baby's first ultrasound, so in thinking it's not as important as they told me.
  17. Today I did some work with my physical therapist for an injury I sustained in my neck and pain in my back. She told me she can tell I've lost weight since the last time I saw her (October-January). It made me feel really great, and I feel even better because I've added 2 lb hand weights to my treadmill routine. My mom got me a tiny treadmill for Christmas and in Jan/Feb I started walking on it to reach 10k steps a day at least 5 days a week, but I go for 7 if I can. I don't use a scale to measure weight loss as I am a woman who gets a regular menstrual cycle that cause me to gain/retain/
  18. My inbox is full 😭 I'll see if I can clear some room when I'm done working out.
  19. You can ask and I will try my best to answer as long as I am comfortable 👍🏼
  20. Bacardi

    Men's butt

    This but in reverse for this thread. I Check this post daily cause ya'll milkshakes send me running to the yard 🤤
  21. Found these at the dollar store 🤣 I only really wanted the top one. Would stick it in my pants and wait for my first golden shower.
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