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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2021 in Posts

  1. not exactly wearing a skirt. but i guess i might as well have been. although, when in shorts i don’t usually feel expected to (or think about) protect my modesty. 😇
    8 points
  2. Just after I finished teaching my first two lessons this morning my husband came into my study with a hot coffee for me. How nice! He asked me how it was going and if there was anything else I wanted. "I need a wee" I smiled and stood up from my chair. "I do too" he replied so we went upstairs to the bathroom together. He closed the door behind us and I turned to face him as I unbuttoned my dark blue jeans, pulling them down to my knees with a white thong as I sat on the cool toilet seat. I was sat with my hands in my lap looking up at him with a smile and after a couple of seconds a gentle
    5 points
  3. ...a while back my wife agreed to relay to me any stories or anecdotes she picked up from friends, co-workers, or other women she came across in her travels. At first she was hesitant, not so much to relay me anything she heard or saw, but that she would hear or see anything at all. I assured her that if she kept her eyes/ears open that women are quite open with sharing this information. As it turns out she was just starting to get to know a new co-worker and this coworker has the perfect mix of bladder weakness, a lack of filter in discussing it, and utter stupidity to get into situations tha
    4 points
  4. If you logged into PeeFans today and did a double take when the colour & layout had changed, don't worry, it's intentional! YOU now have the ability to decide how PeeFans looks! You'll notice two extra buttons have appeared in the navigation. The little toggle setting allows you to give PeeFans a makeover, and pick the colour you want the site to be. There's also gradient/pattern options - for example I'm currently using 'Purple Fade'. There's also a few other options you can control, like moving the sidebar to the other side of the screen. The icon next to th
    4 points
  5. As I've posted many times, my wife knows of my interest, but really doesn't get it - so rather than cause awkwardness, it's now no longer really mentioned and to all intents and purposes I believe she considers I've 'grown out of it'. So now any little anecdotes are just innocent comments made more as passing comments than any real significance, as far as she's concerned. One of the best I remember was her telling me about a friend she knew through who owned a mobile catering trailer - a burger / hot sandwich sort of unit. Apparently at the end of one working day she'd let her staff go
    3 points
  6. Whilst the new customizable theme was probably the first thing you noticed after the update, here's a few other smaller improvements that have just been made too: Content View Behavior controls - by default, when you click on a topic, it will take you to the first post you haven't read yet (so if you've never opened the topic before, it'll take you to the first post... but if you have, it'll take you straight to the most recent post you haven't seen. However, maybe you would prefer when you click a topic to always go to the first post (page 1), or maybe you would even prefer to always
    3 points
  7. I agree with you. They do give off dominant. I am control tonight.
    3 points
  8. Absolutely! Listening to women peeing is one of my biggest aspects to my fetish, I can't get enough of it. I love hearing the stall door lock next to me followed by the jingle of belts and rustling of clothes being pulled down. Then the peeing itself, unique yet unmistakable. I love how everyone is different, not only from person to person but also per toilet visit. Some people have a really delicate tinkle while others will have an almost silent hiss. I love how the stream varies as the pee goes on, maybe starting out as a strong flow before quickly slowing to something much more gentle. Some
    3 points
  9. Sometimes when my wif and Natalie go for walks they are in a bit of a time crunch. One day they randomly set out for what was going to be an abbreviated walk and mostly indoors because of bad weather. Soon after they started, the conversation: NATALIE: I should have peed before we left WIFE: ((continued with the other conversation)) NATALIE: No, Michelle! I should have peed before we left? WIFE: Can you handle the rest of the walk? NATALIE: Yes, let's just keep moving They continues on a shorter version of their walk. There is apparently a long hallway they walk down and
    3 points
  10. Right around the time of that wedding my wife began walking with two co-workers most days at lunch. There is Tiffany, who is pleasantly plane looking with dark hair that I believe is pulled back in a tight bun for work. And Natalie who walks much more frequently. Natalie is about 5'7 with a heavy-ish build but not in an unattractive way. She has short hair with a little flippy sort of thing that comes off the top of her head. She wears baggy black pants to work almost every day though the few times I met her she has been in dark jeans. She has a disarming smile and is quite well spoken. N
    3 points
  11. Every so often K (my wife) and I incorporate pee play into one of our regular, scheduled 1- or 2-hour “us time” sessions which have become one of the foundations of our physical relationship over the last couple of years. Today was one of those times. We take it in turns to ‘set up’ the session, including deciding what will happen. Because she likes to know in advance if anything ‘special’ is likely, I had asked if K would be happy to have a full bladder, and to make a choice between three pee-related things to do: She could pee all over me while I lay naked in the bath tub (an ol
    2 points
  12. Remembered a story from about two years ago. I was walking back to my car from a local big chain grocery store, the kind that shares a parking lot with several stores. The store is next to a pretty busy road with lots of car and foot traffic. It must have been mid afternoon. The store is on a small hill, with the entrance to it and a few other stores on a raised concrete walkway. The place where the walkway drops off has some bushes planted on top, so the area below is somewhat private, but still has people walking past constantly, and still easily visible if you're in the right angl
    2 points
  13. Hi all. I've been here about 2 years I think can't remember if I did a introduction but here goes. Almost 32 year old straight male, in love with anything pee related except wetting myself. First introduced in 1st grade when the girl beside me wet her pants at our table and it got all over me but I wasn't upset more curious. Since then anything with a girl peeing especially not the toilet is amazing to me. Got to the point I love peeing other places as well but not interested in men at all unless it's a threesome then I'm game for anything.
    2 points
  14. And I'm glad you did give the ladies' point of view, or at least your own female perspective. I know I'm sometimes guilty of imposing a man's outlook and most of the posts above seem to be quite critical. I wouldn't say I had a heel fetish by any stretch, but the difference in posture when a lady walks in heels compared to say in flat pumps is incredible - not just in the calves either. In pumps each step can be a careless thud of foot onto floor, just plodding about, whereas in heels almost any lady seems to take on a catwalk like sassy swaying elegance and purpose. (Ok so it may be led
    2 points
  15. Id forgotten all about this site so please forgive me if I'm rusty or have posted in the wrong place. Here are a few pictures from my most recent naughty pees at work. On my desk, classroom and changing room. Carpets are still my favourite place to go though
    2 points
  16. I got the opportunity to pee on a carpet at work today. Doors to the room were open and there were people down the hall.
    2 points
  17. My husband does that too! While I'm peeing he'll walk over to me and stroke my hair or sort of give me a cuddle and kiss my forehead. It's really really nice and I love it whenever it happens.
    2 points
  18. My name is Ashlyn, and one of the more defining traits is the ability to pee wherever I want to, whether people approve or not. Naughty peeing is my thing, it started real young when I used to pee in the hallways of my school when no one was looking, to peeing under a computer desk in the library in college, and finally to me today. Toilets are over rated, I just feel it's much more fun and thrilling to simply stand or squat in the middle of my living room and relieve myself. Sure, not everyone will agree with me, but really? Why should I care lol. Most of it happens on my own carpet, after be
    1 point
  19. It started out innocent enough with neighbors Michelle and Kate in the bushes of the park. The park was on a property diagonally to the right and behind our house and it abutted the street behind ours. It had a swing set and a couple other jungle gym/park toys that all the kids used during the summer. There was also a sizeable hill leading down from the street which was good for a short quick sled ride in the winter. The bushes were on the side of the park and had a hollow area inside where older kids would go to smoke and probably some would make out although I never saw it. Next to the park
    1 point
  20. Great! I'm so pleased that it is working for Mrs Kupar. Please keep up the good work. Like all things, it gets better and easier with practise.
    1 point
  21. Correct. Sorry about that, will be back soon. Normal PM's working as usual though.
    1 point
  22. I have to disagree that they are just shoes. Let’s change this over to what a man wears. A man wearing a sharp business suit compared to a slacks and polo shirt gives off different vibs. It’s all about mind set. And what your showing off.
    1 point
  23. Thank you so much for the improved search. That will be very helpful!
    1 point
  24. lovely story sophie, wish I could meet a girl like you to share the same thing, have a nice relation ship like yours.
    1 point
  25. Something very minor and I don't think it's possible anyway so feel free to ignore but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway. Y'know how on your profile it says how many days you have won, and when you last won? It would be nice if you could see which days you have won. I understand that I can view the leaderboard and go through all the days but it would be nice to just have a list. Again, something extremely minor but it was something that came to mind.
    1 point
  26. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine, I hope your readers may enjoy seeing a couple of photos of me from earlier this afternoon - not my finest moment, just one of the joys of being a mummy I guess. Today was one of those non-stop days, from the moment I dropped Abigail at nursery it's been non-stop. Running to the supermarket and trying to do a week's food shopping, then my weekly lunch date with the other mums. I say lunch date, to be honest it's more coffee and cake. After that I dropped the car at home, and walked the ten minutes back to nursery. Collecting Abigail, one of the staff made a
    1 point
  27. Further to @Sophie's and @Admin's responses earlier I would like to add that we used to have such negative icons in the distant past. I fully accept that you wish to use them positively by applying them to negative posts, but we found in the past that there were those who used them negatively, casting negative judgement upon any aspects of the fetish they didn't like. If ever newbies who were tentatively sticking their toe in the water got bombarded with them they generally disappeared feeling most unwelcome. We do have rules against negative judgementalism and the problem with negative icons
    1 point
  28. I used to try and peek at my older sister on the toilet all the time. I never really saw anything, but I started associating bathroom and sex at an early age. I lived close to my girl cousins and we used to play doctor and provide urine "samples" for each other and watch and that turned into a full blown pee fetish for me.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Been a while since I've provided any updates. I've done plenty of peeing outside, but not a lot different from previous reports. This morning I had to go to a town a few miles away for a medical appointment. I needed to pee a bit when I got there, but waited until after the appointment. I knew I was going to pee somewhere other than a toilet, but had to decide where. I saw that in the park, the public toilets were being refurbished and were therefore closed and therefore decided to take advantage of this as it meant that I could pee in the public park and if I did happen to get cau
    1 point
  31. Her knickers look a little wet.
    1 point
  32. No harm there, always wondered why they even bother to put urinals in mens rooms, guys always "miss" and I know you guys would all much rather just use the walls.
    1 point
  33. My wife and I got into watersports about two years ago. Actually, I was already into them in terms of desire (from way back in childhood) but, two years ago, my wife agreed to pee on me and the rest, as they say, is history. Until recently, in fact, she did not seem to actually be all that turned on by giving me a golden shower. There was only the slightest indication of her fascination with my obsession that seemed to reveal a proclivity towards giving them. She seemed to like to watch her stream hit me in face or chest or gush into my mouth. However, all this time she refused to allow m
    1 point
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