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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2019 in all areas

  1. The lottery had been held by @Admin and I am absolutely delighted to announce you ALL that the Once and Future King of the OlymPEEc Games 2019 of Peefans is... SPEEDY!!! @speedy3471 CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You won a 3 months free goldmembership, and this means that you will now have a forum where you can customize colours, remove ads, and see all my videos (and the tons of new videos Admin upload weekely)!!! You cannot imagine the difference… and I am so glad you'll finally see my pussy piss LIVE ahahahahah!!! Congratulations, you
    6 points
  2. Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!! I LOVED to play them!!! And absolutely was not sure to do good, I just went on led by good will and hope, and People loved them!!! Half a THOUSAND posts!!!
    5 points
  3. Congratulations speedy, a very worthy winner - I hope you enjoy the prize as well as the glory of being the first winner of the OlympEEc Games! 😉 Just want to thank everyone who participated. I hope you had a bit of fun, and there will be more competitions and prizes on offer in the future. But I also want to thank spywareonya for running this event - I'm sure we can all agree you've done a great job!
    5 points
  4. Thank you all so much, it was fun playing the games lol
    4 points
  5. You arrived 3rd of the WHOLE competition and your honour makes you a moral winner nonetheless!!!
    4 points
  6. Congrats my friend you deserved it
    4 points
  7. I sincerely can't wait to have you see my videos!!!
    4 points
  8. One that I very much look forward to
    4 points
  9. Feel serene, it's just the start of a new adventure!!!
    4 points
  10. Iam very happy as well, over the moon actually lol. Thank you again for all the work you did putting these games together I will PM admin for the details
    4 points
  11. Contact Admin in PM for the details about the upgrading I am SO happy that you will see my videos!!!
    4 points
  12. Thank you so much, this awesome! Thank you everone who participated, this has been a blast. There was some pardon the pun "stiff " competition lol
    4 points
  13. This could become the Peefans tagline forevermore
    4 points
  14. @oliver2 @speedy3471 @F.W @Wetrunner @Peefreak99 @Alfresco Quoting could become clumsy, but since I read all your replies and I wanted to answer to you all, I felt somehow fitting to summon you here… I love puddles, altough the "idea" of pissing is to me even more arousing If I piss somewhere which for some reasons make my piss to go squandered in countless rivulets, I find it even more erotic I also have to admit that grass is useful to avoid backsplashes on my shoes, and since I only wear short skirts/dresses and no panties an
    3 points
  15. That story about my dinner with Alex' relatives will maybe develop into a real thread… or not HAHAHAHAH I hope Pissobsessed comes back to read our answers, he started such a cool thread!
    3 points
  16. That's what Peefans exists for
    3 points
  17. Very well said. I agree with you 100%. If a womens only sectioned was started it would just build a wall between the two sexes, we need to start knocking those walls down not build them
    3 points
  18. @Colinology Thank you for expressing your idea and feeling yourself involved into something cute for us girls I greatly appreciated it because sensitive men are more expanded than standard people so you have my respect and gratitude. But like I previously expressed to @mickymoist and @Admin, the place of a woman is not secluded from men, but among their arms I created threads about weapons (and it's a damn good thread), politic, Occult, semi-professional cooking, and partecipated greatly into any thread about cars, engines, movies, and am a fanatical devotee of sport
    3 points
  19. Absolutely agree Drones do not look into tunnels or compounds and can be hacked Infantry will forever remain the core of all wars (at least until they invent effective orbital weapons AHAHAHAHAH)
    3 points
  20. @WantonLee @UnabashedUser @F.W @speedy3471 M4 surpassed M16 in many things but is becoming a little obsolete (which does not necessarily mean "surpassed") that's why competitions were held and the Daniel Defense won the one from July of this very year Usually only a civil-rifle crafter, the V-11 is its first military rifle It struck me for its light weight and the fact that it an carry great capacity magazines, and it NEVER jammed during various tests, not everything is disclosed but it seems to be completely waterproof too, and changing magazines seems to be extr
    3 points
  21. I've been known to do this as well lol
    3 points
  22. Maybe if when you joined you said hi and introduced yourself, maybe contributed to the chat rather than repeatedly nagging about your video you may get more response, we are a community here 👍
    3 points
  23. Hey everyone, got a few questions for you all both men and ladies which I’m sure you’ll enjoy answering. 1. Do you ever feel like when you need to pee you don’t want to have to get up and go to the toilet so you just go where you are situated? 2. Do you ever have days where you just never want to piss in the toilet? 3. Do you have a certain spot where you pee when your most horny? 4. Where is your favourite place to pee? 5. Do you ever feel like life would be better just peeing anywhere but the toilet? 6. Do
    2 points
  24. MJ's Story When I was nineteen, I joined a group of mercenaries for hire to take down a diplomat, whose name I won't mention, but who was rising in the ranks and shaping up to become the nation's new dictator and continue a reign of terror on our people. In my country there is not much to do and this job was good money that my family needed. The mercs had taken an abandoned farm to use as their base of operations but it was still vulnerable and needed patrolled since they had enemies. There was this one woman there, Grace, Middle-Eastern looking with a French accent. She was a high
    2 points
  25. @wdgirlsfan i have to agree with micky here. If you give you WILL get. I hope to see you around more i mean we share the same interesst im sure we would get along just fine if you were more active
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG THEY EXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's perfectly fitting This place goes for cute things about the serie AND food since Scooby and Shaggy love it so much!!! and THANK YOU for these!!!
    2 points
  28. Oh I cannot wait!!! Hope my answers intrigued you too my friend!!!
    2 points
  29. Yes, laziness is an important part of my character (altough I can never indulge in it) but I end up peeing somewhere else than where I am, to avoid mess AHAHAHAH I never piss in a toilet beside at home or at work Last night I was outside with my man's relatives and after getting ou from restaurant, walking along city streets, I just remained ten feet behind them and when such a small distance interposed a street corner between us, I light-speed popped a squat on the floor in full daylight and people walking nearby (and a blonde-dyed MILF surely saw me as she smiled at me wh
    2 points
  30. It had Always been weapon #1 against infantry (and even light fortifications) Nowadays aircrafts can bomb them with great precision and this slightly diminished its effectiveness (altough some new anti-Aircraft gatling gun can keep the bombers at bay, like the GAU 19 I recently posted here, an inhuman, new generation gatling firing CAL 50 at a rate of 30 per SECOND)
    2 points
  31. Of course,you can have the best,most accurate weapons,but when the greatest killer on the battlefield opens fire in your direction,then there is no protection. Artillery.Dozens of large calibre barrels,firing 20 pounds of explosive your way.You cant run,you cant hide.It will kill you at random.Unless youre in a deep bunker,it can kill you. In WW1,and WW2,it was Artillery that wiped out units more quickly than any firefights.Artillery clears the ground,so the troops can simply go to the area and round up the terrified survivors.
    2 points
  32. AHAHAH yes definitely That stuff about jews was hilarious I still have difficulties to believe they really tought those absurdities Anyway, they say they were high on meth 24/7 thus the stories about brutality may be well realistic
    2 points
  33. Hmmm,even the Waffen-SS were only flesh and blood.Many of those were taken prisoner too.They did have a reputation for being callous and brutal,which was well deserved,but brutality alone does not make an intelligent soldier...They were quite indoctrinated.There was one incident where a badly wounded young Obersturmfuhrer(Lieutenant)was brought into the US field hospital,yet refused any blood unless it could be proven it contained no Jewish blood,of course they could offer no assurances,so he refused,.the medics set him down,and let him die.At the end of the day,if a guys an idiot,and refuses
    2 points
  34. That phrase applies to some many more things in this life. Race religion etc. The list goes on. All these walls need to be knocked down
    2 points
  35. Fascinating I officially (as for the topic) encourage you to post anything you find As a liberty-fighter I will forever oppose tyranny and fight for liberty and freedom BUT have to admit, almost "mathematically-like", as a matter of numbers, the SS had some of the most Vicious and brutal fighters of all History
    2 points
  36. sometimes you just feel like being a bit free. no panties sunday.
    2 points
  37. I guess the rifle more than anything illustrates the development of infantry combat. From the muzzle loading broomsticks of the 16th to 19th century,involving mass formations all firing at each other from 200 yards,to the modern rifle like the M-16,in which a single soldier can carry with him and put down as much fire individually as an entire battalion of the Napoleonic era. Where precision aiming is no longer important as simply suppressing the enemy with high volumes of automatic fire.Basically keeping them pinned down until another squad can get them within grenade or bayonet ran
    2 points
  38. Thank you Brutus
    2 points
  39. You emanated a marvellous, sensitive energy while you was writing that and it prevented me from harsher replies... Yet I must state: I respect the fire of your personal faith, but I cannot respect religions in themselves, they went too far in subverting His word, the Reality many people call God is just a step outside our petty life, all we need to do is open the door to Him Something which I rarely saw among people who consider themselves believer From the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 25, verses from 35 to 45 Jesus is speaking to many people, some of them believe to b
    2 points
  40. 1) no 2) yes lol. On those days I do everything in my power not to piss in a toilet lol 3) no 4) iam gonna say off of my deck lol. I start everyday even in the winter(providing it's not more than -30 lol) by pissing off my deck. Just something about it that's deeply satisfying lol 5) yes. Living in a farm provides my with many opportunities lol. I would say 75 to 80% of my pisses are outside lol 6) yes lol. I've posted pics of me pissing on this site
    2 points
  41. Yes to everything except 3. and 4 In the shower on my wife (or myself if my wife is not around) Pics and vids in Men Peeing section and also the OlymPEEcs section 😀
    2 points
  42. Yes I like to leave a puddle. I pee in a variety of places and will leave a puddle if I get the chance. Often peeing on a wall, but I also like peeing directly onto the floor. My favourite is peeing on a slope and watching the pee snake down the slope leaving a long narrow trail. It is fun to see how far it travels.
    2 points
  43. Yes.... sometimes, if I'm surfing a site like this on the computer for example, an empty pint glass on my desk... that sort of thing.
    2 points
  44. 1. Yes. Often I wish I could just pee where I am. Sometimes I do. I sometimes pee in the bin under my desk or if I am outside I will often pee where I am if I can do it without attracting too much unwanted attention. If I am ever in water then I don’t think twice about peeing where I am. 2. Yes. Some days I pee away from the toilet for convenience but some days I go out of my way to avoid the toilet. I might deliberately walk right past the toilet so that I can pee outside or I pee in the sink even when the toilet is right next to me. 3. no 4.i don’t think I have a favour
    2 points
  45. 1. On the days that I'm home alone, sometimes I'll lie down two towels by where I'm situated and, whenever I need to piss, I just go. I only ever do that when I'm home alone. 2. That's basically everyday, I only pee in the toilets when it isn't easy for me to get away with going elsewhere. 3. When I'm really horny, my favorite thing is just pissing wherever I'm standing. 4. My favorite place to pee is on floors and carpets. 5. I'd enjoy that so much. And once I get my own place, I'll probably rarely use the toilet and just pee myself or go on the floor or on a wall or somet
    2 points
  46. This is “a day at the beach”. (That said, if I am on the beach I’ll generally get in the water to pee or find somewhere a little discreet to pee rather than just letting it go in my swimwear. If the beach is empty I have turned to lie on my side and pissed onto the sand). Underwater or or into a body of water like a river. Yes. If I had a bigger, more private back yard... So far, once - I was in the woods. See the “Men peeing” section.
    2 points
  47. It's sad so many were killed while carrying this weapon. Dupont could not manufacture enough of the correct powder so Olin Mathison Company manufactures a power which achiever the correct muzzle velocity but it created alot of powder residue which caused the jams. Once the correct cleaning kits which included powder solvent the rifle gained popularity
    2 points
  48. Hahahahah good point. I just assumed they were real hahahha. It's very relevant to this thread
    2 points
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