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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2019 in Posts

  1. Leaving puddles is one of my favourite things to do! I often pee in the woods because of privacy but when I pee in the city I always try to go on a paved area instead of grass. I love watching the puddle growing beneath me and slowly trickling away. I always use a tissue if I'm not about to get caught, I keep a pack of kleenex with me at all times so I just wipe and drop it below me into the puddle. I love knowing anyone could stumble across my puddle and immediately know what it is.
    6 points
  2. The morning arrived, shafts of sunlight pressing in through gaps in the thick curtains. I awoke, half in and out of sleep. I had been dreaming of the ‘Kitty Litter’ and of a pressing need to return for another outdoor pee with other girls from the University. In my dream I had been denied my intent, always turned around before I could reach the spot by the tall spreading oak that had been designated an outdoor loo. I slipped a questing finger between my legs, seeking out the warm wetness of my love tunnel. I penetrated, pushing upwards with my middle digit whilst thinking of the boys I
    4 points
  3. I worked at a Gas Station many years ago, a small booth self serve kind that's so boxed in you can hear everything in the bathroom and here are three stories of Women desperate to pee, Story 1: I was sitting in the booth and all of the sudden a very curvy Nerdy looking College Age Woman with dirty blonde hair and glasses, in blue shorts and a flower tank top came plowing through the door with her hands up in her crotch saying "Do you have a bathroom I can use, I pointed to it and she ran in and I heard her booty plonk and then I heard Niagra Falls come out of her. It was powerful and las
    4 points
  4. Walking out in a pink bikini, Izzy gave her girlfriend a small smile. “Alright, I’m ready to relax,” she said with a chuckle, checking the other girl out when she saw her in a yellow one piece. “Aren’t you cute?” she asked with a smile, walking over to her and giving her a small kiss. “Thanks,” she said softly, putting her hair up in a ponytail before grabbing a towel and a couple bottles of water. “Let’s go,” Clary said with a nod. They made their way out of the hotel room and went out to the pool hand in hand, the temperature already high and the sun in full force, perfect for a pool da
    4 points
  5. So as a renter my landlord is a scumbag I have to leave in less than a month . He is gutting the place so I thought I might as well make the best of it I went to a storage place I have access to he has some of his things in there a table chairs extra doors microwave etc . I made sure I drank a lot of water and started my revenge I went to the storage and pissed all over the table and chairs went to the microwave and pissed in it and on it than I went to the extra doors and pissed all over them. I had to refuel. So I went and drank more water went into the closets and pissed all over the carpe
    3 points
  6. If in doubt, wank it out! 😀
    3 points
  7. Hi we are a couple: m38 f25. Australia Good looking and both LOVE peeing. We are looking to sell custom made vids to your request, also sell her panties, and in near future do live streaming. Can be just her or him or both. Happy to discuss your desires. Look forward to chatting soon 😈
    2 points
  8. Well today it finally happened. Coming home from work and traffic is at a complete stop due to a wreck. And what do you know, I have to pee so bad I can hardly contain myself. I kept squeezing my legs together and shifting from side to side hoping to make it home. Out of nowhere some jackass cuts me off and startles me, and the flood gates open. As hard as I tried to cut the flow off, it just didn’t happen and I peed and peed. All down my legs, soaking my seat and the floor of my brand new car. Below is just a quick clip I was able to capture before traffic started moving again. *sorry it
    2 points
  9. Hey, thanks a lot for the idea! Funnily enough, as mickymoist said, this idea was suggested quite recently and caused a little controversy. Whilst we don't want to turn this thread into a repeat of that, if any women reading this do feel something like this would really appeal to them, please PM me. We have no plans for segregating the site, but if there is real demand for this from female members, I will try to find a fair middle ground solution. Until some of the women on this forum have their say on this either way though, I don't think us guys need to debate it again.
    2 points
  10. I would so use this I think its fascinating
    2 points
  11. I was tempted to have a quick wank while I was in there,maybe next time.
    2 points
  12. Ok allo everyone, people ask me question of me pee on toilet seat. I message publique here. I pee on toilet seat yes many times. I not know how much times. My fiancé is like to lick pee. I sometime pee on toilet seat, he go lick seat after mamy times in 1 week. Voilà! Lolol
    2 points
  13. This is “a day at the beach”. (That said, if I am on the beach I’ll generally get in the water to pee or find somewhere a little discreet to pee rather than just letting it go in my swimwear. If the beach is empty I have turned to lie on my side and pissed onto the sand). Underwater or or into a body of water like a river. Yes. If I had a bigger, more private back yard... So far, once - I was in the woods. See the “Men peeing” section.
    1 point
  14. there was already a pretty extensive discussion on this just last month called 'Ladies Room' IIRC
    1 point
  15. Always fun to leave a mark haha. And i love to see girls make huge puddles just like this one https://m.tubewolf.com/movies/super-full-bladder-girl-takes-a-huge-piss-outdoors/
    1 point
  16. This one's easy for the ladies: Drinking pints (of whatever) in the pub; when really really full, pee under the table into an empty pint glass and fill it up to near the top, and place it innocently back on the table top. My g/f and I have done it, its so hot!
    1 point
  17. I really could build and enterprise with my pussy then!!!
    1 point
  18. Erotism is pleasurable, thus has a great spiritual degree of respectability
    1 point
  19. Yes, exactly There, the souls dream and live in a subtler plane, like a shared dream, with other souls
    1 point
  20. This story struck a chord in me I have a little thing for this kind of scenario...
    1 point
  21. Let me tell, maybe, but I am not sure, I say maybe, it is better this way Outlawing is violent action, it Always makes me feel puzzled Maybe we could still keep facing this between peers...
    1 point
  22. Three Witches, smearing themselves with the blood of sacrifices... Witches would never hurt an innocent, but looking at this image, it is quite clear why we Always scared the people...
    1 point
  23. I love to consider the Gods like giant gentle monster cuddling souls like the luminous sphere he is handling Indeed this pic could also portray a theorically 3-D God creating a planet!
    1 point
  24. Pan, inferred as a living dream-catcher A deeply occult immage
    1 point
  25. Real rituals cannot be photographed, but celebrations can (like my pics for example) That Witch is beautiful, and you can see that her pussy is shaved just like mine is a trademark of religious commitment
    1 point
  26. A Witch approaches Celt's Cernunnos, equivalent to Pan A much esoteric picture
    1 point
  27. Another one for the rubric "If Lilith was a real woman" Look at her eyes: a man eating slut!
    1 point
  28. This is beautiful rendition of Lilith, in Her most complete and perfect blend of luminous and sinister emanation
    1 point
  29. @greedyneedygirl one of the best written neo-feminist pamphlet I ever read and with feminist, I am not talking of hairy-armpit cock-hating tomboy I am talking of a point of view from a woman perspective Allow me to say this is marvellous I will point it, having the chance, to all my dearest friends, because it is so well written it could really be printed and given at Street corners I adore how you write, is so mature, yet so sharp, nonetheless never vulgar or angry I could read you all day long you make me feel the same way Anais Nin made me feel, yet
    1 point
  30. I was a bit away from there elsewhere it would have been terribly fun, even without paying yet, being paid to be naughty sounds terribly like prostitution... and dunno why but it makes me so hot!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!
    1 point
  31. This is marvellous, making me so horny!!! Her body is incredible, and her attitude really made my juices flow...
    1 point
  32. Lilith'e elder sister, in a rendition quite similar to Nosferatu, appearing on the brink of Darkness This is North european drawing
    1 point
  33. One of my favourites of my Whole life Lilith in Her luminous form The definitive lover of the souls of everybody
    1 point
  34. yes, @Missholly, we would like to ask this to you😁
    1 point
  35. Those who didn't see the movie will get 1% of its soul, believe me I listened to this by chance and said "Cool!" I re-listened it in the radio AFTER watching the movie, and was about to ask Alex to stomp in the car ahead of us, then I would have dragged the driver out and kicked his ass just for the emotions runnin through me...🤣 Really, every time I listen it I headbang so hard I could kick a passerby's ass, just for the heck of it
    1 point
  36. The Horsemen are a complicated concept. They are more symbols of what will happen rather than actual entities, though some of the Gods theorically fit in the role plus, the concept of the Horsemen is more complex than people think because though four are listed, the powers listed are seven: War Famine Pestilence Natural Catastrophes Wild beasts Death Conquest Who got which? The Bible's various translations are not in agreement Usually, I use them only as a symbol Was They to be the Gods, higly unlikely, anyway Satan would be Conquest,
    1 point
  37. For Americans it was Quetzalcoatl, for Sumerian, Nabu Both are the entity I called "Archangel Michael", Lilith's husband.
    1 point
  38. The answer is both yes and no, but even that "no" is a "yes" in a funny way Allow me to explain😋 the Celts were, in the last 2500 years, the last population to actually keep memory of the Gods. During the greek period, Babylon and Egypt fell, India was colonized by a complicated commixtion of faiths and Africa remained isolated, falling to superstitions in addition to Ancient Knowledge. Only Celts, though anyway polluted by superstitions themselves obviously, kept a higher degree of attunement to Truth. They built Stonehenge where it is not necessarily because it was a pl
    1 point
  39. We are identical about this I adore you Steve
    1 point
  40. Sorry my dear friend, no. Her last forum connection talks about first half of 2017. It is hown in her profile. She'll not be back, for various reasons
    1 point
  41. Oh, no, Nature hadn't in any way built by Them, I call Them "Gods" because compared to us, They are, but They are born just a few millennia ago and Their power can affect reality (modifying destiny, or applying telekinesis) but cannot actually warp it Nature went they way it went, and They teach us how to master it
    1 point
  42. Ok, @steve25805 and @Scot_Lover, a bit of a new infos This time about Pan's Wife, "Blue". Blue is a problem. No entities of any pantheon is similar to Her. No entities ever perceived by the human mind is similar to Her. Blue is a state of mind. An enhanced perception of things. Yet, also a deprivation of sensations. Tagging which to enhance and which to temporarily cut down. She teaches people how to detach from the facet of our personality which are born from encrusted habits. But She goes much Beyond. She is a deprivation chamber. She is the Patroness of the hallucinator
    1 point
  43. Satan, in the Core of the World, organizing the destinies of billions of people living, and tens of billions willing to be born
    1 point
  44. This needs not comments
    1 point
  45. Lilith's elder sister, the Terrible One. Living darkness. This holds a deep meaning: both, She is ultimate Demise, but it is also a sign of utter humility and relinquishment of all EGO. She hasn't any. Her devotion to the Good is the one of ultimate sacrifice. It is also because of this that She is so stern
    1 point
  46. Gaia, Goddess of Nature and Life!!!
    1 point
  47. Im a sucker for thigh highs! I might have to impromptu masterbate after reading this lol
    1 point
  48. i was doing laundry, and felt incredibly sexy wearing a wrap and thigh highs. anyways. while loading the wash i rubbed against the side of the machine and for some reason it gave me a tingle. i was horny and when i started it, i lifted one leg onto the drier so i could lean against the washer and press my muffin onto the corner. i ended up sitting on it and fingered myself til i came.
    1 point
  49. In Cornwall, England. It was a small quiet beach with few visitors. It opened onto a very large natural harbour, rather than the open sea. As a result, the water was always very calm, with ripples, not waves on it. It faced north. That was a good thing as I had the sunlight behind me as I sat watching girls paddle into the sea to pee. When they turned around to see if anyone was watching, the glare in their eyes deceived them into thinking they were less visible than they really were. It had no public toilets so I knew, if I saw a girl wriggling and squeezing herself in discomfort, tha
    1 point
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