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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2019 in Posts

  1. Apologies for the bluntness of this post but I don't have a lot of time, but still wanted to give my thoughts on this... To me, 'snowflake' refers (somewhat ironically in this instance) to those who are offended too easily. In my opinion, that thread isn't attacking anyone. Is it quite poor taste? Probably yes. But to me at least it certainly came across as jokey rather than in any way abusive, and certainly not directly offensive to anyone in particular (I'm not sure where the gay/racist aspect of it comes in to play, but perhaps I am missing something?). That said, whilst I be
    6 points
  2. For those who enjoy pissing on the floor. Which do you prefer. The carpet or a hard wood floor. I personally enjoy the carpet more because its harder to clean which makes it more naughty in my opinion and I love looking at the stain I leave after I'm done.
    4 points
  3. Time for another question of the week. Will time travel ever be possible? I am not sure. Certainly if ever we were able to go back in time it would present all kinds of potential problems. What if you killed your grandfather before he had any kids? Then you would not exist so could not have gone back and killed him. It's a mindfuck. But perhaps there could be an infinite number of parallel universes in which every possibility occurs somewhere. So maybe if you go back in time and kill your grandad, he is dead and you do not therefore exist in one universe, but in yours he still lives
    4 points
  4. @owlman76 For once I disagree with you, and it's rare since I usually worship more or less anything you say This time I am convinced you are seeing things gloomier than they are Even the most headlong people here can curb their opinions, and anyway we are all adult so even if attacked or insulted (I have been myself sometimes) we can SEE THE OTHER HUMAN Beyond his rude behaviour and express compassion, knowing nobody is without sin I absolutely can guarantee you that those chats are harmless The name of this thread refers not to politic but to politic in the gui
    4 points
  5. Having peed on both unintentionally I prefer the hard floor as I am the one who has to clean my mess up. Hard surface is both easier and quicker making it easier to hide an accident.
    4 points
  6. I guess it's a new day so a repeat location is allowed? Was too lazy to get up anyway!
    4 points
  7. I have experienced 2 scary things first time when i was about 15-16 i live on the country side so there is no street lights so when it's dark outside it REALLY is dark anyway a short background when i was a kid i always had nightmares of monsters coming to eat me up but that's normal for a child and by that time i had forgoten about those nightmares but as i was wallking i saw something further down the road i aproached it and all of a sudden i got this ice cold feeling " not one more step" what i saw like 20m ahead was one of those monsters it could have been some construction or something e
    3 points
  8. Wow that was problaby a demon you summoned got to be carefull with ouija boards and stuff like that. You are lucky tho that thing whatever it was was problaby trying to kill you or make you insane
    3 points
  9. I can't wait to read @spywareonya's explanation for this. Am sure she'll have one.
    3 points
  10. When young and stupid I fucked about with a Ouija board and managed to conjure something dark. I could feel something taking over my body and mind and I felt an intense desire to just relax and let it, but I must have had a very scary look cos I saw the fear on the faces of others as they looked at me which shocked me enough to consciously expel what was possessing me. Within a few weeks my life started to fall apart, everything going disastrously. I had recurring dreams of being trapped in a dark cellar and knowing something terribly evil was behind the door. Whenever I looked in a mirro
    3 points
  11. Yet they do not seem to intervene directly but seem happy to let the universe follow it's natural course. This suggests to me that things are panning out much as they should in the big scheme of things. And human existence is but a blink of an eye compared to the trillions of centuries that lie ahead. The grand master plan - whatever it may be and however we conceive it - is really too vast in space and time for us in this blink to begin to fully grasp it. At least this much is what I believe.
    3 points
  12. New post didin't want to write to long anyway the second experience was out in the woods i was alone and just out wallking when i heard a dark angry voice call my name 3 times i think it was 3 that could have been a friend pranking me tho but i did not recognize the voice at all and when i started to wallk away it called again
    3 points
  13. It's my Platform exactly, I agree wholeheartedly I have been told the same thing by those who taught me these secrets You want to know the most absurd thing? My knowledge ranges from aliens to the ten-dimensional divinities that shapes the multiverse like we craft posts on this forum, and yet, EVERYTHING is of the utmost, almost offensive, SIMPLICITY. Even the most absurd things I know have scientifical explainations which are so simple that they can be summed up in a dozen of posts Marvellous and sinister at the same time!!!
    3 points
  14. Not publicly But according to some prophecies, in a bunch of centuries humans will have exorrcised all their hypocrisies and will discover that perfection is not optional and violence can be used for a good reason, and thus every humans will feel an apocalyptic desire for global war to create a new world, and those that want a new world will band together and fight against those who want to keep the world as shitty as it is (so that they can control it better) All moralistic, bible-bashers, all hypocrites, all envious people, all liars, all spineless, will try to band together
    3 points
  15. It depends. I would want to see the future unfolding, Witches have beliefs on the end of times and I would want to see them happen as soon as possible, but also travel to the past so to conquer power and save humans from themselves, modern world is going to hell with every passing second and I would want to change it radically altering the past
    3 points
  16. Yes yes ALL things I said are possible ONLY IN THEORY For what I know, even most advanced aliens mentioned by Steve are ABSOLUTELY unable to travel through Time For the domino effect anyway, quantistic decoherence in LITTLE scale can twarth any etnaglement or chain reaction Causality (read careful, NOT casuality, cAUsality, from "Cause", not cASUality from casual) is like a PC. It cannot be overridden but CAN BE HACKED, if you play in different strata of the Quantum But these things are know to very few, there are some books but they are PhD level and to underst
    3 points
  17. Well i get your point but some things might be possible in theory but never in practise this is one of those things that can never be done and it never should either because of what i said with the dominos
    3 points
  18. Nothing like Laws of Nature exist They are just entaglement localized and coherent Wih the correct amount of energy you can make everything behave differently ALL so called Laws of Nature can be broken For example in the beginning of time after the Big Bang, during the sa called Inflation, Space expanded at a speed million times quickier than light, because it was not an object moving (which cannot surpass light speed), it was space itself enlarging What most people know about Science is limited to what they know about the universe as it is: but with the coheren
    3 points
  19. I greatly respect Hawking, but he is not god, just became very famous and this has never been a proof of scientifical greatness, allow me an example, who was more famous, Planck or Einstein? And yet Planck was right and Einstein, as soon as you get to the quantistic scale, is wrong. Hawking had been extremely cynical on countless theories he considered all-hype and instead are starting to prove to be potentially true You are anyway right on quite a few things about time voyage Toward the future you just need a way to phase out of our Time-Space Continuum, which would need a
    3 points
  20. My interpretation of time travel is a little different. I would endeavour to send a camera back in time, but keep the camera in our time, as if the camera is looking back at a set period, with no interaction to local inhabitants. Could you imagine the uproar if you tried to find The Crucifiction, and nothing was ever found, or the sacking of Constantinople (if you could find the right time) If there was time travel available in the future, would there be references in history somewhere? Or were all the heretics in history that were tortured to death were just unfortunate time trave
    3 points
  21. So I was feeling a little crafty and I thought of an idea. What if I made panties that would redirect pee into a plastic bag so I could pee myself without actually getting wet. I got to work and created panties where the inside was insulated with duck tape so they wouldn't get wet. The panties then funnled the water into the center where there was a hole where I would attach a Ziploc bag. I felt pretty satisfied and tested them in the shower and everything seemed to work. So to test i filled a glass with water and drank.. a lot. Then I slipped into some grey sweatpants and a t-shir
    3 points
  22. I think probably not sadly. Imagine if you went back in time to kill Hitler.You went back to 1923 when he was in Landsberg prison maybe,and slipped poison into his food.Hitler dead.Great stuff,50 million people that wont die within the next 25 years. Or would it?Maybe in the wings of Germany,another guy would have stepped in.Maybe another guy who actually was prepared to take advice from his generals etc.Less of a paranoid personality.Maybe who might just have led Germany to victory.
    3 points
  23. According to Stephen Hawking, going back in time is impossible under any circumstances. But, in theory, going forward in time would be possible.
    3 points
  24. I know this is kind of TMI but i just had an amazing orgasm xD
    3 points
  25. Carpet if I'm not cleaning, but I can do both lol. Theres just nothing that beats the sound of piss pattering into the carpet. I love it!!
    3 points
  26. I actually prefer a hardwood floor. I think pee puddles are very sexy!
    3 points
  27. This toy is a bit bigger than the silver one.
    2 points
  28. How many other of the old theorists are wrong? The sound barrier was said to be unbreakable, yet it was done in 1947, and it was done buy building new technology engines, which got bigger and faster until about Mach 7 where it became physically impossible to move through the air. Could the speed of light be exceeded in the same way through the the progress of time? The Haldron Collider can accelerate particles to insane speeds, not sure what their current limit is, but some of the reported results indicate that some bits exceed light speed. There is also a camera that can do 1 trill
    2 points
  29. Indeed. It left me with an anxiety disorder after driving me to the point where I felt suicidal. It was hell.
    2 points
  30. Beside projections of personal repressed emotions which must Always considered as a matter of scientificity (not to be skeptical, just to be precise and correct), the truth is simply that @Peefreak99 is a medium Quite simple
    2 points
  31. They sleep, if they were awake things would go differently Much quickier and limitlessly cooler
    2 points
  32. Indeed, my best friend in real life is one, albeit not one who practices it a lot but she is highly knowledgeable. I think you recognise her power.
    2 points
  33. Now let me hear some of your creepy stories
    2 points
  34. I prefer carpet, much easier to hide the evidence! On a hard floor I have to find somewhere the puddle won't be noticed - on a carpet it just soaks away unseen.
    2 points
  35. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I'm 29, fairly legal for any deranged and kinky thing the human mind could come up with!!!
    2 points
  36. Well iam just a dumb farmer so iam gonna let others who are smarter than I answer lol. I will believe it will be possible someday The laws of physics have and are interpreted by other very smart individuals. Interruption is open and everyone views these a little differently. Hawkins, Einstein and others have had their interpretations challenged and proved wrong(different view on the physics law). Who knows who will discover it
    2 points
  37. I knew of these things but it had been years since I checked this layer of infos By ANY MEANS thank you for posting this
    2 points
  38. Whose time of decay indicates such explosion as no more than 4-5 millennia ago, not millions, and perfectly in line with the so-called Annunaki Wars (NOT the Sitchin version anyway), who came to Earth to take a look at us and thus they were also present on this planet when a war between two factions broke out I would!!! Enlight or enslave, wrongdoers must be saved from themselves. Or exterminated.
    2 points
  39. When?😨 and how will it end?
    2 points
  40. No slow down for me either I have been online almost everyday in the last two weeks and never experienced problems Kisses!!!
    2 points
  41. Sadly i don't think so let's say you are 18 and traveled 50 years back that would be impossible because you didin't exist then if you are going to travel back in time you have the break laws of physic nature and logic and sadly those laws CAN'T be broken and let's say you could travel back in time whatever you did could have HUUUUGE consequenses. All lives are like a set of dominos there's infinite sets of dominos and when you do something no matter what action you flip a certain domino line wich one you flip depends on what you did and fliping dominos always create a chain reaction so no mat
    2 points
  42. This is my account of the first time I saw someone pee in front of me, in my adult life. It is a much shorter and simpler story, than the one above, from my childhood. She was my fiancee, soon to be my wife. When we were dating, we often talked, drinking endless cups of Chinese jasmine tea, for hours on end, sitting together on a couch in the living room of the house where she lived, with a room mate, and a land lady, who was often away on business. Obviously, the tea made both of us pee, a lot. But at that time, we hadn't slept together, yet, so I couldn't even ask if I could follow her
    2 points
  43. I had an ultrasound some years ago as a precaution for some lower abdominal pain, also had to have a full bladder, you get to sit in a waiting room with some very fidgety ladies!
    2 points
  44. 2 points
  45. Ok I'm doing pretty good on this challenge. The places I've pissed on so far are the carpet, my bed, the sink, and in my old dresser. Its been exciting.
    2 points
  46. I confessed to my friends after they suspected that I was in to wetting when I showed them my fiction and they thought I must have written it semi-autobiographically about my own experience. They were so accepting it was great.
    2 points
  47. Ok THIS is marvellous Hot and visceral
    1 point
  48. A few more for your enjoyment.This is a nice way for any of our lovely ladies to post themselves,if they dont wish to show"everything".One of these has bonus pissing,but as its a sexy pic i thought id bend the "no pussy" rule,and it is an upskirt-kind of!
    1 point
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