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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2019 in Posts

  1. This is something that totally turns me on, the idea of someone peeing in front of you/peeing with someone. So I really want to hear your experiences! My first time was when I was super young. Myself and another girl would wee in front of each other all the time and I loved it. I vividly remember the first time she weed in front of me that wasn’t in a potty or a toilet, she simply announced she needed to go, said she wouldn’t get to the toilet in time, pulled her jeans down and weed all over my carpet. I was in love 😍 and we did it loads from then on.
    5 points
  2. Elizabeth went out with my friend Joey. She was very easy to look at. Nice shape, long brown hair, very pretty face. She was a studious girl, well learned and she seemed very straight laced. If my friend wasn't going out with her I would have given her a shot. Joey was into photography and never left his house without a camera (or three). This was back in the ancient days of film... no digital nothing. Joey and Elizabeth were going to the same local college and lived on campus. It was a sprawling campus and had fairly long trails through the woods connecting the various buildings t
    5 points
  3. I can't remember which was my first experience, but I do know that it was when I was very young. The following are several events that I remember, but I don't remember which one was first. There was an old railway line near our house which only had a train about once per week. We used to often walk along it as a short cut. I walked up the path to the side of the rail bridge over the road and as I turned onto the bridge, my best friend's sister was squatted on the metal deck of the bridge peeing. A puddle was spreading out beneath her across the metal deck. (It was a two track bridge
    4 points
  4. Hi Carpet-eers, it's Sophie here again. After my last letter, I just wanted to share with you an amazing experience from this weekend. I'd been invited to a thirtieth birthday party of a girl I went to Uni with, so bit of a course reunion too and it was an 80's themed party. I'd decided to go as a generic rock chick kind of character. To give the lowdown on the outfit, from top to toe I had my hair set up in curls with a ribbon bow on top, loads of bold makeup, then a little black leather biker type jacket with just a lacy Basque underneath and lacy fingerless gloves. Lots of silver
    4 points
  5. Yes, it's important that we tone down the discussion or it could happen that people got bothered Steve is absolutely right so please @2prnot2p comply with us!!! @F.W has been missing from this thread for a while and I would be hurt upon discovering he left because it sounded like a one-side thread. It's hard when your closest friends are on opposite political positions but as I once said to somebody who asked me how can I keep myself coherent in this, a healthy body needs both kidneys and lungs and they are up to much different goals Plus I know them both on a personal level and
    3 points
  6. Ok first of all this is hot as hell Second, I see things the way Glad1 does: I had my first experiences with little friends, popping squats here and there, mainly while playing outside In that time, I also started to discover my sapphic side... Growing up, I had paradoxically LESS chance to see that, as my life did not went that well and I usually never went out in the weekend nights All changed when I met Alex, we started pissing all over the places we went, first time I saw him piss it was the night we engaged, we were still single, chatting,
    3 points
  7. Well, the first time I saw a boy pee was much much later, at the age of 19-20 odd when I would follow my then-boyfriend in to the toilet and carry on our conversation while he was casually weeing. I was in the vicinity of boys peeing a lot when I was younger though. I remember hanging out with a boy who had a small bladder when we were in primary school and he grabbed himself and said he needed a wee. I thought he meant he would need to go inside but we were quite far from the school doors but he just disappeared behind a bush and had a noisy wee onto the ground!
    3 points
  8. so yesterday i had a doctors appointment to check on my mental health and telling how i feel so after talking he conclusion that i have low esteem and confidence also he going to send latter to this place that help people on the autistic spectrum so i have to wait and see what happnes but for now what am going to is to try and boost my low esteem and confidence like what spywareonya say's too me your are strong and More than you think! 😀 also i migth take up programming basics its like lego {which I STILL LOVE building by the way YOU NEVER too old for lego} but in numbers am looking in to
    2 points
  9. “Cheers Girls, I still can’t believe how much trouble you went to for me today.” said Lucy. “It was our pleasure” winked Jenny, and the twins giggled. The four girls, Lucy, Jenny and twins Katy and Abby had spent the evening in the pub at Lucy’s request. She had insisted on treating them all to drinks as a thank you for their day’s efforts. Lucy really did feel like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. The incident with Steve on their day out had really disturbed Lucy, but Jenny had dealt with the situation perfectly. “Here’s a toast” said Lucy, raising her large glass o
    2 points
  10. the imperial MARCH but every other beat is missing: Why TF has youtube suggested this to me...? o_0
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Whilst it's certainly fine to discuss non-pee topics here (in fact highly encouraged), politics is always a tough discussion to have, because the vast majority of people on both sides are too entrenched in their view to even see the other perspective, so it's never really a debate. People take an attack on their politics as a personal attack, which is why already this thread has turned a little hostile. By all means feel free to share your views, but there is never a need to attack another member for disagreeing with you. Aside from being against the rules, if someone makes a rational po
    2 points
  13. Where there's a Will, there's a way. (I'm sorry for the pun, but I mean it. Make this saying your own, if you like it.) On your path, there might be setbacks - don't let that stop you. Just don't forget that sometimes there are many ways, you have to find the one that suites you and your needs and abilities best. Even then, there still could be more then one way left - take the one that you feel is right then. And if you don't find a way - either look at another place... or just create a new way. 😉 That being said: I hope they have Lego at the store where you
    2 points
  14. There Always had been something wicked in me I was very sexual even as a girl, almost to a warped degree
    2 points
  15. This is the general chat subforum where all non-banned off-topic subjects are acceptable, including politics. If people wish to bring this one to a close they need simply refrain from posting more and not respond to anyone who does. If any members wish to pursue political discussions here they are free to do so. No one need come to any thread they don't wish to visit. It's a free world here. But it is true that politics is never worth anyone here falling out over.
    2 points
  16. It sounds great!!! My first piss flood was where I lived in my childhood, there was a pub on the exact opposite of the street, and people just kept crossing it to reach the hallways of the apartment building I lived it. Men and women swarming all around pissing, in the beginning we used to have need of a hoose to wash away all the piss and the smell was unbearable... ...but I liked all of that… it was so nasty...
    2 points
  17. I certainly think Donald Trump is a racist, misogynist, sexually abusive and utterly narcissistic moral monster. I also suspect he is something of a sociopath yet does not appear to be too bright. But FW is entitled to his opinions too. Part of the reason Trump won is that the Americans - like us - can see that the system isn't working for them anymore and so they want radical change. Unfortunately the Democrats responded by kicking aside their radical candidates and running with a champion of the status quo, and someone who was also felt to be cold and soulless and having a history
    2 points
  18. Thank you all for your amazing stories so far! 🙂
    2 points
  19. Like, side by side. When both me and my then boyfriend needed to pee at once, I made him have a wee in the bath while I used the toilet. But never anything more than that.
    2 points
  20. I have been guilty of this too on occasion lol. I’ll sometimes wait a little longer after finishing my own business in a public toilet to hear any other ladies peeing. Although my own preference is hearing the sound of a man’s wee thundering into the toilet bowl so I frequently eavesdrop on my flatmate when he is relieving himself 🙂
    2 points
  21. 1 point
  22. Of course I will tell hahah
    1 point
  23. Tomorrow after my conference I just may have to go to a mall and try it haha
    1 point
  24. Hahaha I hope you get a chance more. I hope I get a chance soon as well haha
    1 point
  25. Pissing in fitting rooms had Always been my greatest passion… it's naughty and kinky!!!! I am so happy this thread got started!!!
    1 point
  26. I may have posted this elsewhere.I was very young,about 6 or 7 and was playing in the woods with a girl of about the same age who must have needed to go quite a lot.There was an old shed and she would pull her trousers and pants down in there and pee into an old metal saucepan.This started my interest in peeing.I would empty the saucepan for her outside.I probably saw other boys peeing in front of me (other than in toilets),but can't remember the first time.
    1 point
  27. Hotel. I’m in the bathtub with the bathroom door open, my gf at the time walks in, squats over the toilet and pisses into it so I can see her stream. (many years later, I take my gf’s hand in a park and lead her into the bushes so she can watch me pissing on the ground).
    1 point
  28. You must be careful of cameras Let me explain to you: they cannot see into fitting rooms But imagine this scenario You are seen entering it without complaining and exiting it without too much strut and fret THEN anothr customer enters and immediately gets out and denounce a lake of piss on the floor he/she DID NOT enter so it can't be his fault either, it's not likely that the last to enter (YOU) would have used it so serenely if it was flooded with piss conclusion? YOU did AND your paycard can be traced, if you bought stuff there,
    1 point
  29. There won't be a next missed opportunity I bet hahahaha
    1 point
  30. i feel so much happiness and encouragement form the awesome comments you guy's and gal's leave and i have been reading magazine on coding for python thats what am looking at and into when i get my raspberry pi {but i need to save money 😋 and i got my eye on Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid video game yes as a child i LOVE power rangers and STILL do 😁}
    1 point
  31. I love to cry when sensitive people says brave things They are the only moments which make life Worth living (beside sticking one's tongue into a girl's smelly pussy!!! Ahahahahahah)
    1 point
  32. With all due respect, 2prnot2p, I'd like you to consider for a moment what use those kind of words are in getting your point across to someone who's oppinion you do not agree with. I can only speak for myself, of cause, but if someone would push me, that push would.. well.. push me away from that person. Maybe even further towards the opposing point. Just some food for thoughts... . That being said: I do not fear Trump. I fear the persons that that are... in charge of the US. And I am not going into any more details about this - probably crazy sounding - point of view of
    1 point
  33. Haha.. Just tell me where and when 😄
    1 point
  34. Thank you About the piss stuff, the pub went closed due to people's rage, but I Always remember that casual attitude of people coming to our walls and foyer and piss all around Instead of being offended I was turned on, I love nasty attitude even if I was the "victim". But now I am a Mistress and thus I can't accept defeat ihihihih and I, well, piss back!!
    1 point
  35. Your welcome. Iam always trying to expand my sexual fetishes
    1 point
  36. It's the problem Fanny Watcher highlighted. I hope one day we will become more civilized and spiritual, and maybe unisex toilet can push that way, but we must be careful, your story proves that there are still so many barriers Ahahahahahahah yes!!! But we would also get extinguished as Witches are committed not to breed. Indeed Witches are so peculiar creature that we could classify as a sex on our own, provided we endorse that bullshit. Two sexes exist, and that's all. From that on, there are errors (born androgynous or become homosexual for psychological problems)
    1 point
  37. Alright, I need to break 4th wall here again... I've an idea for a post and I want opinions before I just go for it. My idea's to have a message that looks like a spam / clickbait... obviously still going to be on theme, but I wanted to see if any1 thinks it'd be "too disruptive." I mean this thread has gone on for a long time now and if it truly were as popular as we'd like to make it, some ad monger's going to peddle garbage here eventually. Let me know.
    1 point
  38. Holy shit this is MARVELLOUS Steve!!! A story of hope and achieved self-overcoming!!! This is what I am about and after!!! Thank you so much for enlightening us about it!!!
    1 point
  39. Absolutely. He has just made huge leaps and bounds.
    1 point
  40. GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  41. I did it out of transgression and re-christening it away from common-sense religion and back in the service of Spirits… not for lacking of facilities ihihihihihihihi But yes I see what you meant Ok this is sexy
    1 point
  42. Biggest turn on ever. Would totally be down to squatting and pissing into the carpet of a changing room.
    1 point
  43. Okay, so I usually write longer stories, but this one is designed to be short and to the point because I don't know what the character limit is for posts. I hope you all enjoy it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A rush came over Alicia as she realized, among the party-goers in the club, that she had to pee. She flicked her blonde hair to the side, and made her way to the bathrooms. A line awaited her, extending into the hallway around the corner from the bathroom. There was no way she would make it through that, and she knew it. Her tight jeans surely would be her undoing.
    1 point
  44. I decided today to try something new. I've been doing yoga on and off for a few years, but it had never occurred to me before to wonder what wetting during yoga would be like. Yoga puts your body in some unusual positions so I thought it might be fun to try. Plus, trying something like this seemed like it fit in well with the love yourself / explore your body vibe. When I do yoga it's always in my room following along to youtube videos. I live in a shared house, so my room is the only proper private space I have for things like this. I usually wear thin cotton trousers that are rea
    1 point
  45. Imagine how a guy would feel if he could sneak in a ladies for a while...hear the girls pissing..omg.It must be awesome to be able to indulge yourself legally.
    1 point
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