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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2018 in Posts

  1. i was pretty horny today. ended up playing twice. took a moment to capture some of one time.
    3 points
  2. I don't except challenges from strangers!! but even if i did it would be to late as ive already done it
    2 points
  3. Feeling naughty at my local the other night. Went to the ladies but didn't use the toilet. I was hydrated btw was drinking energy drink before.
    1 point
  4. All of us enjoying naughty peeing but i usually am turned on after i pee. I like to play with myself and cum on/in different places when i masturbate. Panties are my go to but i also enjoy outside, tables, or counters. Anybody else care to share?
    1 point
  5. I know during ovulation I sometimes leak clear fluid enough that I wonder if i just peed a little by accident. but when i check it's clear. This is completely normal. Sometimes at the end of the day my panties have a little white stain on them. Even if i haven't pleasured myself. This is also normal. Vaginal discharge as long as it's not an odd color or smelling odd (you know your own body) It's completely normal and healthy. https://helloclue.com/articles/cycle-a-z/getting-wet-cervical-fluid-vs-arousal-fluid-vs-discharge
    1 point
  6. So i was out with a friend in the woods lets call her emely shes a black haired medium length girl with green eyes i stressed her a litle before we went because she was so slow the drive there was about 45min and halfway she said " next time dont stress me because now i forgot to go to the toilet and i really need to go" when we got there she said her bladder hurt and that she would have to go in the woods after 5min of wallking we reached a heavy wooded part she told me she couldnt hold it and she went behind some bushes and squated she realesed a strong gusher that went on for about 20sec no
    1 point
  7. i know the feeling puddyls....kind of anyway.🤔
    1 point
  8. Nice under crackers and a nice sight of you sitting on the toilet! Bet you had a nice long wee in it!
    1 point
  9. i call them panties or undies. although, to me undies seems more juvenile- maybe because it’s kinda nuetral and seems more appropriate when refering to childrens undergarments (?). also, panties is the prevaliling coloquial in my part of the world for womens underwear. what i find interesting is that men here often seem to refer to their underwear by it’s type: boxers, boxer briefs, tighty-whities, etc., where as women usually use the generic. also, speaking of differences between the UK and US, i’ve read that what we hear now as the prevailing “British” accent is actually rather new, an
    1 point
  10. Wow thats great,because I have a fantasy about some girl holding my penis and aiming it for me!We got to get together on this...☺️
    1 point
  11. tiplically just for a pee I would use an urinal, but if using a toilet I stand and always lift up the seat.
    1 point
  12. I went out with my hubby xmas shopping for my nieces and we decided to eat in a local sport resto bar. My hubby took this picture of me with excitement, which I was on my second and he expected a golden shower and yeah.. I will leave it to your imagination *wink* lolol
    1 point
  13. ahh the reach around method
    1 point
  14. I had to actually think about this when I went to wipe this morning to answer this! I get up into a half squat and use a folded peice of paper to reach from behind my butt and pull it from front to back.
    1 point
  15. when i wipe after a pee, usually i just reached down with a small wad of tissue and dab, or wipe back front. i have done the reach around, but not often and usually only if i’ve hovered to go. also, is the act of wiping, kinda so natural and mundane to anyone else, that you had to put some thought into it before answering this?
    1 point
  16. Yes it does seem a bit pointless.But if it does give a girl options i suppose...I can see that if a girl was maybe out in the woods,to be able to pee like a guy might be better than squatting with her panties down.
    1 point
  17. i think it’s a neat and creative invention, but agree that it seems more inconvenient to have and use than not. of course, it’s really just a lot easier (or say it is) to sneak a pee more conventionally, or even, not, like um through my panties; but, i’m a bit biased. lol.
    1 point
  18. I already put a lot of toilet paper in my panties just in case.
    1 point
  19. I'm doing the same thing tonight. I drank some extra water 🙂 let's see how it goes😂😂
    1 point
  20. I actually prefer an A or B cup. My ex-wife was an A cup. But, she had an hourglass shape - a tiny waist with full round hips and great legs, best I've ever seen. After my divorce, I somehow ended up dating three women in a row who were D cups. I couldn't stand them. Once they took off their bras, they dropped to their belly buttons , or so it seemed. They were like big bags of fat flopping around. Not sexy at all to me. No offense intended to women with large breasts. They're just not my thing. Give me an A cup with areolas the size of a quarter and bullet nipples. Combine those wi
    1 point
  21. I luv to pee in my panties. Under jeans. Or pantyhose....tights...or just in my panties alone. Feel my pee soaking them as I touch myself. I have a pee pad I’ll pee on when I’m on the couch... feeling my pee soak the panties front and back is so hot. Literally lol But I would so luv the chance to feel another guy pee in his. Feel his pee wet my fingers as I run them over his peeing cock in panties...mmmm or even laying together, our cocks pressing our panties together as we pee....mmmm yes please!
    1 point
  22. Very satisfactory 😆😆
    1 point
  23. Of course I understand- and to be fair I took it as a metaphoric question anyway, sort of ‘all obstacles aside, where would be ideal’. i answered almost from a perspective of where would you like it most.
    1 point
  24. Hugs to you!! You totally rock!!! Happy for you and proud of you for making this post. No matter what, as long as you love yourself and follow your heart, you be you! 🙂 I don't really have any questions at this time. Just know that I support ya! and i'm here for you!
    1 point
  25. Well lets just say that i sometimes wish i had xray vision or whatewer u call it over there haha
    1 point
  26. Last night, when we arrived home from our epic coastal walk, our neighbour, who I'll call L, dropped in for a chat. She knows Mary is no longer around, and also knows that we were just more than friends, don't know how, call it a woman's thing, or the changes in Maigh, who knows? Anyway, after a half hour of so, she announced that she need to pee, Maigh looked at me, winked evilly, and called her bluff, saying that "it's a mess in there, you'll have to do it here" I expected L to go on the grass and pop a squat (she has done it before) but no, not this time. Maigh and I both heard th
    1 point
  27. It is a little early, hopefully, my haste in editing didn't let through too many typos and errors. Thanksgiving weekend 3 Now, I have to warn you, this next part does contain brother/sister, not just cousin incest. Ironically, where I live (the US), all of this is legal, depending on the state. There are some backwards ass states in the south. I remember having a particularly sexy dream, where a gorgeous blonde woman and a handsome dark haired man were taking turns licking my pussy. Apparently in my dream world there had been some argument about who ate pussy better. I’v
    1 point
  28. This is the first part of a story I started last year around thanksgiving, but by the time I had finished it, it was almost Christmas. Let me know if you love it and/or hate it in the comments. So, first off, my name is Ashley, I'm a sophomore in college, and twenty years old. I have strawberry blonde hair, that is a little longer than shoulder length, nice firm C cup breasts, an ass I think is too skinny, but it hasn't ever stopped anyone from staring when I wear the right shorts. I have long runners legs, from years in high school doing cross country. I wasn't quite good enough t
    1 point
  29. Well,Becky if you ever get a sound recording maybe you could share....
    1 point
  30. I'm with Andrew. Nothing hotter than mixing it up...trying something new....
    1 point
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