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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2018 in Posts

  1. I apologise I’ve not been here in ages - new job has taken up my entire life since the summer holidays. I have a week off starting Monday so if people are still up for chapters, I’m happy to post again? 🙂
    2 points
  2. Me too...lets enjoy the beauty.😍
    2 points
  3. I was on my daily run, back in August along a beautiful spot on the River Avon, near to where I live in Stratford. I chose a quiet spot along the river, and slid down my lycra to relieve myself in sparkling sunshine.
    2 points
  4. When everyone finally met together in the main area of Kirby’s, they decided to move to one of the large booths in the back corner. Tommy was on the left inside nearest the wall, with Susan next to him, then Tammy, and Janice on the outside. Across from Tommy, also near the wall, was Cheryl, followed by Tara, Kiki, and then Danielle on the end. It didn’t take long for all of them to fess up and share what just happened. They were all a bit surprised by how they weren’t hesitant, but it all just came spilling out. “I can’t believe we met you all,” Susan said. “These three just got me
    1 point
  5. What I would really love... is to be on an exam table. Speculum in and opened. Cath in, and have a guy (or girl) control my bladder. To fill me as much as they wish and empty me as they wish. To be pleasured, either fingered, made love to, while my bladder is full. Or to be tied down to a table/bed while i had a full bladder and just get teased with pleasure till i lose control.
    1 point
  6. This is a short club exclusive story from today😂😂 Me and a friend went to another friends to just chill. We ended up all drawing together and we had a blast for hours. Eventually we had to go home. I live very close to both friends so I walked home with one of them since it was the others house we went too. As we were walking she kept fidgeting and acting a little nervous. It was a longish walk but we didn't want to waste money on gas and it was nice outside today. As we were walking along the neighborhood streets I asked if she was ok and she admitted that she really had to pee and
    1 point
  7. No , He won't think you are a pervert at all , He may also have a interest in this or some other little fetish he keeps quiet so the last thing he will do is embarrass you , He may look up Peefans and delight in what he finds , Such as we do . The main thing is that what is done is done and no more worrying about it
    1 point
  8. Ya that a good point they are probably move around legs crossed trying to pull up dresses .
    1 point
  9. My most recent was last night. Driving home, I pulled into a layby and peed onto the tarmac of a footpath that went off from the main road. Also, yesterday around lunch time I peed by the car in a car park, leaving a nice puddle. The car park was full, so when I left, I left the only space. So whoever arrived next would have parked next to my puddle and seen the evidence. Other outdoor pees this week include peeing in the garden one morning on the grass, peeing in the woods whilst out for a walk and peeing into a bush at the side of a carpark. I am amazed that some of you have sa
    1 point
  10. So my husband works at a distance and is coming home later. He sent me this early this morning: Then tells me, at some point to drink a lot of water and hold before leaving work. That he will be waiting on the floor as soon as I walk in. He also asked me to where an office skirt so that it can go faster. Which i did, and it like 11c this morning.. why so cold? It was 32c yesterday!!!
    1 point
  11. I like to imagine that there may have been some ladies standing in a quiet corner, kicking off their shoes and peeing slowly down their legs under the cover of their long dresses.....
    1 point
  12. Yes I have peed on carpets and enjoy doing it - I've posted quite a few of them on here over time, but a few summaries all in one place: When I was much younger, my sister and I used to make dens in our rooms and they always had a toilet area so we both peed on the carpet. I stayed at a friends house and woke up desperate to pee, but rather than waking the house up by going to the toilet, I peed down the wall behind the bed onto the carpet. I was at a wedding in a marquee which had a carpetted floor laid onto the grass. I had drunk a fair bit of alcohol and needed to pee whilst
    1 point
  13. I can't be sure what my first naughty pee was - I've peed so many places. However, I do remember having an interest in pee from an early age and other than peeing outside, my first really naughty pee was probably when I stayed with a friend. I woke up in the night really needing to pee, but I didn't want to wake my friend (we were in a shared room in his house) or the family, so I just rolled over, pointed my dick out from under the blankets and peed down the wall behind the bed onto the carpet.
    1 point
  14. I do like her freckles , her skin would look fantastic
    1 point
  15. Normally, first thing, unless I had to get up to piss within a few hours of waking up. But on weekends when my wife is working, I wake up with a feeling in my bladder that is awesome. I’ll rub myself on the bed, which feels great. Then I’ll get up and see how many cups of coffe I can drink until some piss has to come out. I try yo let off just enough pressure to enjoy the feeling: where I still have to piss but am not desperate. Then I see how long I can take that.
    1 point
  16. When I was out one summer evening I met a tall, attractive girl named Jenny through a mutual friend when we were at a random bar. Tall girls are an absolute weakness of mine. Looking her up and down she had long, firm legs leading up to a nice tight ass. She was wearing a black top like Lara Croft which showed off her toned arms and nice shoulders. Beautiful eyes, irresistible smile, and long brown hair. Needless to say I started chatting her up immediately... Along the way to another bar Jenny and I got separated from our group of friends. I was flirting with her a lot and once it was ju
    1 point
  17. Sweet relief, I guess. The physiology of urinating, through the urethra is no different to that of a male, (I'm speculating...you guys have a little longer to travel!). We also have a bit more going on between our legs, fleshy obstacles like the inner labia, for instance. This can impede the flow, or break it up to provide a more 'splashy' pee. However I've seen cocks with fleshy foreskins, so let me turn the question on you, 'Sexmad' and other guys; If you are 'uncut', do you pull your foreskin back when you pee?
    1 point
  18. I would stretch it out as long as i could and then pull over so she could just open the car door to shield herself from anyone looking ,She would be needing to pee that bad that when she went you could see her facial expression change as she released ..
    1 point
  19. Pee in a bucket..literally either plastic or metal. Pee on a crisp packet in a secluded spot Pee in a cold place and watch the steam rise Pee in a dirty adult, seedy cinema Pee on a glass coffee table Pee in a supermarket car park Pee into a 'johnny', (durex) Attend a 'piss-bukkake' event/party Pee in a jug with ice First morning pee in an empty bath Organise a blind 'wine-tasting' event with male and female contestants, award prize for the 'best' tasting Pee over a fully clothed man (preferably a suit)
    1 point
  20. This is my life long unfulfilled fantasy. Although parts of this has happened the best part – the fantasy - has occurred only in my mind. Mine involves my girlfriend coming home after a long day, during which she was unable to pee, and therefore needs to go badly. She is wearing tight light colored blue jeans and bikini panties and a top. I ask her if she can hold it a bit for me. At first she protests, saying she has to pee so badly it hurts, that she has not gone since getting ready for work that morning, but knowing about my fetish she agrees. . Remembering that I love hearing the details
    1 point
  21. I try to go soon as poss..i like the colour of my morning wine..
    1 point
  22. sometimes i'll try to wait a little if i'm super tired.
    1 point
  23. Well,if you get the chance please let me know where you get bjs so easily!!!The nicest part of a bj is if the girl sucks as you cum.
    1 point
  24. Can you imagine that some pulled this off?
    1 point
  25. Welcome to another club exclusive story! This story is from high school during orchestra class. I sat down in orchestra and started unpacking my instrument when right before the bell one of my friends walks in and sits next to me kind of fidgeting but otherwise normal. We had a substitute that day, and the mean one. We would call her Ms. Umbridge behind her back because she wore pink clothes, was obsessed with cats, and we also we're pretty sure she was a sadist. We started to practice as a group and class began with everyone fearing her knowing that they could be her next targe
    1 point
  26. I have I actually have a story about it here: https://peefans.com/topic/10289-peeing-in-the-car/
    1 point
  27. This one you can see shes just having FUN!
    1 point
  28. A few girls caught with their pants down(literally)..
    1 point
  29. Recently I went to my local park to just sit against a tree and draw. I was wearing a summer dress and just enjoying myself when I had to pee. I was going to get up and use the bathroom when I thought why should I and I pulled my skirt back to get it out of the way and peed through my panties xD no one noticed and then I went back to drawing xD
    1 point
  30. Always love it when the girls seem to be normal women just caught out peeing..like a look of horror that their peepee has been photographed for all to see.
    1 point
  31. Hi Mark, well, finally, he called me at 10 ish saying he was home and asked me to come home. The only problem is i don't have much time to stay. So it wasn't a big urge however, i did needed to go. I came in, he was lying there, I remove my thong, squatted and he got his dose. While i was there, i asked him to finish me off.. why not! LoL He went to the kitchen, put my sandwich to grill panini style and then i kissed him and left while eating my lunch. I can get use to that lolololol
    1 point
  32. The last time I peed outdoors was about two months ago. As I mentioned in my bio I am a nudest. I must say first that being nudest has nothing to do with sex. Also we can not urinate in common areas anymore than a clothed person. However , I do enjoy peeing while walking.. So, I do it alone in the woods, and nobody knows. I have tried doing it while clothed but I just end up getting pee on the outside of my pants ; I don't want people to see that. So I waited until I was fairly desperate. With my bladder full and and pee pressing against my pee hole I went for a stroll in the
    1 point
  33. My last pre outside was a couple of hours ago. I was checking how full a grain bin was and peed off the top of the ladder. Its fun trying to pee on a big a particular part of ground from about 40 feet in the air lol
    1 point
  34. In the movie theater parking lot, just one hour ago... many people walking by ihihihih
    1 point
  35. Wow honestly.... it's been many, many years. It was probably when i was 7 and i was on a road trip with my family to Disney World. RIP my moms awesome caravan. I miss that van.
    1 point
  36. Here is my recent one, which was last night. My parents left on a trip and asked me to babysit their dog. So i decided to go for a walk not far from the marina. Everything was nice and quite so i went next to a tree facing the canal and went into a squatting positions. I just started peeing, a line of ducks shows up from behind a boat then the dog started barking non stop, a lady comes up from the boat to see. What the hell???? Talk about a mood changer.
    1 point
  37. Off my deck last evening. I'm must have been a little fuller than usual. Not only did it make a nice splash onto the ground below, it lasted for almost a minute. I just hoped I'd finish before a neighbor turned on their light and caught me. 🙄
    1 point
  38. This morning in the woods while hiking. The first was as soon as I pulled into the parking lot. I was so desperate that I jumped out of the car and quickly walked into the woods deep enough for cover. I peed forever and left a huge wet spot in the dirt. I had to go again before I left, but wasn't desperate that time.
    1 point
  39. At this huge outdoor summer afternoon party, where the two portaloos were nowhere near enough for the crowd that needed to use them. I'd been holding for some time and ready to burst when I went to the loos but when I saw the queue I couldn't hold it in so made my way into the woods, just out of sight. Nobody saw me but I wouldn't have minded if they had of done. It was a glorious long and much needed pee! In hindsight I should have hung around a bit to see if any of the girls had to do the same as I did!
    1 point
  40. I was at my dad's house and sleeping in his hammock outside and during the night I woke up super desperate to pee but he had locked the door so I ended up peeing on his deck😂😂🤷
    1 point
  41. There's a very good sideline in self-pee porn, featuring women, if you care to look. We can do it, of course, but you have to be very acrobatic to achieve it, and a bath is a good place to start. In my youth, our family (Brother and myself) had a 'bath-night' every Sunday, the day before school. My parents were very mindful of their heating bills, so I bathed with my brother until our bodies began to change, and we bathed separately. Once we did that, I often experimented with pee and it did include self peeing, trying to direct the stream into my own mouth, daring to taste it.
    1 point
  42. I don't know about other women, but I do pee in the shower. Even if I feel like I don't have to go, the warm water makes me desperate to pee. Sometimes I spread my legs, or sit/squat, and sometimes I just feel it run over my hand and down my legs. The other thing I might do is masturbate, and that usually ends with my pee splashing everywhere. The one thing in common with all three is I always step out of the water so that I can see myself pee.
    1 point
  43. At home, it's all the time... she's like that... probably can't count that! Where I live, it is normal for women to pull over the car and jump out to pee. Sometimes they hide, but not always. New Years Eve saw some girls nextdoor peeing all in a row in the garden. Was a bit dark to see everything, but the idea was enough to drive me wild...
    1 point
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