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Sophie - Ask Me Anything

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On 12/28/2022 at 6:31 PM, Kylecantholdit said:

Sophie, did someone ever accidentally or deliberately press on your bladder while you were extremely full?

Not while I was extremely full, no.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you get stranded on a desert island (which will obviously happen to all of us at some point), what are the first three things you'll do and what two things do you hope you have with you.

You can't have a boat.  If you had a boat, you wouldn't be stranded.  Just to be clear.  😎

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First one I could think of from the top of my head....

Actually, the second one - the first really wasn't appropriate.

Question:   What's your single most favourite ever quotation from a movie, and how often do you insert that quote into your normal conversations ? 

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37 minutes ago, Sophie said:

Does anybody want to ask me anything?

It is hard to think of a question you have not already been asked. But I will try. My usual modus operandi is to ask two questions, one sexual, one not. So here goes. Apologies in advance if any of these have been asked before either by me or anyone else

If you had to pee on someone other than your husband but could choose anyone at all in the world to do it over, who would you choose and why?

And would you rather find yourself in the unfortunate position of having to wrestle with a crocodile or with a gorilla?


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9 hours ago, Sexismygod said:

When you get stranded on a desert island (which will obviously happen to all of us at some point), what are the first three things you'll do and what two things do you hope you have with you.

You can't have a boat.  If you had a boat, you wouldn't be stranded.  Just to be clear.  😎

First thing I will do is freak out and probably cry

Second thing is I will make a shelter

Third thing would be to find food.

I'd hope to have with me a knife and maybe something to keep me occupied? Perhaps a volleyball!


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9 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

First one I could think of from the top of my head....

Actually, the second one - the first really wasn't appropriate.

Question:   What's your single most favourite ever quotation from a movie, and how often do you insert that quote into your normal conversations ? 

Ooh this is a tricky one. My favourite quote ever is from Chicken Run - "I don't want to be a pie! I don't like gravy" but it is rare I have the opportunity to quote it in everyday conversation. The movie quote I probably use the most is "Two minutes, Turkish" from Snatch. I use it all the time at home, instead of "I'll be there in a minute" or whatever, it is "Two minutes, Turkish"

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1 minute ago, Sophie said:

First thing I will do is freak out and probably cry

Second thing is I will make a shelter

Third thing would be to find food.

I'd hope to have with me a knife and maybe something to keep me occupied? Perhaps a volleyball!


Omg it’s Wilson! (one of my favourite movies) 
Everyone stranded on an island should have a Wilson. 

Can I ask (and I’m going to be incredibly Scottish here which I do apologise for): do you like Irn Bru?  Xx

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9 hours ago, steve25805 said:

It is hard to think of a question you have not already been asked. But I will try. My usual modus operandi is to ask two questions, one sexual, one not. So here goes. Apologies in advance if any of these have been asked before either by me or anyone else

If you had to pee on someone other than your husband but could choose anyone at all in the world to do it over, who would you choose and why?

And would you rather find yourself in the unfortunate position of having to wrestle with a crocodile or with a gorilla?


If I had to pee on someone other than my husband it would be Jennifer Lawrence. She is absolutely gorgeous, and I am pretty sure she has a pee kink so if I am going to pee on someone, it might as well be a situation we would both enjoy. Heck, I might even let her pee on me!


I'd definitely want to wrestle a crocodile. They are good at clamping down with their jaws but not so good with opening them, so all I have to do is climb on his back and hold his mush shut. A gorilla however? I don't think I could win that no matter what, unless it's a guy in a suit.


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3 minutes ago, Chrissy89 said:

Omg it’s Wilson! (one of my favourite movies) 
Everyone stranded on an island should have a Wilson. 

Can I ask (and I’m going to be incredibly Scottish here which I do apologise for): do you like Irn Bru?  Xx

YES! Everyone needs a Wilson.

I do like Irn Bru! But I never buy it for some reason. I like it, I know I like it, but I will always buy something else and I don't know why.

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17 minutes ago, MC Cumzy said:

When was the last time you peed outside?

New Years Day, I had a wee outside in the middle of my garden, squatting over the grass with my jeans pulled down, heavily overlooked by my neighbours.

I am hoping to have another outdoor wee this weekend, but in the city rather than at home.

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3 minutes ago, Sophie said:

New Years Day, I had a wee outside in the middle of my garden, squatting over the grass with my jeans pulled down, heavily overlooked by my neighbours.

Any chance you could tell us the full story?

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  • 1 month later...

I can't believe how many pages back this thread is - it's definitely time for another question.

If you had to choose one or the other, which do you prefer - big boobs or a shapely bottom? 

Based on your posts on another thread, I think I know the answer. It'll be interesting to see if I'm right, lol. 

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20 hours ago, UnauthorisedGuy said:

I can't believe how many pages back this thread is - it's definitely time for another question.

If you had to choose one or the other, which do you prefer - big boobs or a shapely bottom? 

Based on your posts on another thread, I think I know the answer. It'll be interesting to see if I'm right, lol. 

Definitely a shapely bottom! The way I see it, you see big boobs all the time, you get them just by winning the genetic lottery, and I have a pair of boobs of my own I see every day. A shapely bottom however? That requires effort and dedication. You have to earn that! And the way it moves with a girls hips as she walks.... oh my.

I know a girl who has a phenomenal backside, like her black trousers she wears are stretched to their limit. It is a perfect peach, I could watch her walk away for HOURS. I could spend all day bouncing pennies off her ass. I cannot begin to tell you just how much I love looking at it. When she is wearing her work jacket, it sits ABOVE her bum instead of over it because of how her bottom sticks out. It's just perfect.

Was you right? 🙂

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Thanks for your reply. You make a very compelling argument for shapely bottoms, lol. 

No, I was wrong! The thread I was referring to is "Random sexy girls" - I noticed you've posted a few pics recently of women who have big boobs.

As I say, you make a great case for shapely bottoms, but I say yay for genetics! 


Edited by UnauthorisedGuy
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23 hours ago, Sophie said:

Definitely a shapely bottom! The way I see it, you see big boobs all the time, you get them just by winning the genetic lottery, and I have a pair of boobs of my own I see every day. A shapely bottom however? That requires effort and dedication. You have to earn that! And the way it moves with a girls hips as she walks.... oh my.

I always knew there was a reason why you liked me, Sophie! Although I'd argue that mine is more genetic than work out related, because I don't work out 😅

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What is that one thing you have always wanted to ask me? No matter how weird, or how sexual?

Ask me anything. From pee, to sex, to films, to anything else. Give me your best shot!

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On 2/23/2023 at 1:01 AM, Sophie said:

What is that one thing you have always wanted to ask me? No matter how weird, or how sexual?

Ask me anything. From pee, to sex, to films, to anything else. Give me your best shot!

You mentioned you like to be a bad influence on women, do you feel the same about guys? If you were waiting for a train and your male friend/colleague mentioned needing to find a bathroom, would you be the one saying "dude, there's no time, just pee off the platform" and would you be trying to catch a glimpse if he agreed?

How do you feel about unisex bathrooms including urinals for men?

What's the highest thing you've ever peed off i.e. the furthest your pee has ever fallen before it hit something?

Sweet dreams x

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A few from me @Sophie.

I know that you like to be tied up from time to time. Do you have a favourite way? To a chair? Or hands behind back and ankles tied then left on the floor? Or ...?

And which film stars make you go weak at the knees? 

Finally, if you could choose any Grand Prix to attend, which would it be and why?

Edited by Kupar
Contextualising the first question
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