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Post about your pee!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes @Bacardi - exactly that !

I’ve got an ongoing condition that’s being monitored and so I’ve had a couple of CT scans where they inject the dye. 

Both times a very cute technician has told me almost the same phrasing. 

As a guy, that warm feeling extends slightly - does feel like wetting, or someone golden showering my balls. Lovely. 

But on another note, huge Peefan hugs for a speedy and positive diagnosis. 

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6 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

or someone golden showering my balls. Lovely

You know what, that's probably a better descriptor 🤣 never occurred to me because I've never received a golden shower. *cries in inexperienced* or maybe experienced in the wrong way!

  • Hug 1
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