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Post about your pee!

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On 5/17/2022 at 6:04 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

when I walked from the stairwell to my car a tiny leak escaped

That was your body chastising you for not making use of the stairwell when it was presented to you!

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2 hours ago, Eliminature said:

Yesterday, Mr Eliminature and I were at an 'alternative' pub where there was also a record fayre. We sourced quite a few vinyls for our collection. 

After two beers (albeit the second one was non-alcoholic), I was actually fidgeting in my chair - don't ask, this doesn't usually happen. It was because Mr E was still sourcing records and I had been left to guard the recently acquired ones; but I knew if I didn't go soon, the beer would make a reappearance on the pub floor and I would be walking home wet from the waist down. 

I quickly made my way to the ladies' lavatory (they were both single occupancy anyway, so no urinals for me to commandeer) and locked the door. I lifted the seat up, raised my skirt and peed a long, clear ribbon of liquid directly into the tiny lake in the bottom of the loo. Anyone who heard me outside would have probably thought that I was a bloke who had accidentally gone in the wrong room. My pelvic muscles relaxed as I allowed the stream to pass through me, tickling my sensitive urethra as it went. I forced out the final bursts before putting the lid down along with the seat. 

As I washed my hands in the tiny sink, I decided that I would write up that experience on this forum. 

Also, when I arrived back outside, our records hadn't been touched. Phew! 

A wonderful experience and well written as always. Thank you for sharing @Eliminature

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11 hours ago, Sophie said:

I went for a run today with my daughter, I'll spare you all the details but we ran 15 km and when we arrived home she went upstairs to have a shower. By the time she had finished I needed to pee and since my shorts needed washing anyway, I had an idea.

I closed the door behind me and walked over the toilet, flipping up the lid and sitting down on it still wearing my shorts. I sat like I normally would on the toilet, leaning forward slightly with my elbows on my knees and my hands out in front of me. After a few seconds the hum of the extractor fan was accompanied by a splashy tinkle as my bladder released, a delicious wet warmth spreading across my crotch and backside. It was just the right amount of naughtiness I craved. I peed for about 20 seconds and then stood up, flushing the toilet before peeling off my soaking wet shorts. I took off my sports bra and t-shirt, pulled off my socks and had a wonderful hot shower. Made even hotter by my fingers bringing me to orgasm 😉

You are having fun Sophie!

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yes I am.

I never asked him outright, but the little comments here and there suggest that he wouldn´t like it.

And honestly, being into naughty peeing is just one of the things that define me. Of cause it would be nice to share that with a partner, too. But we fit very well in most aspects so being secretive about this is worth it to me.

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Well todays pee has been rather naughty. I have spent a lot of the day, teasing myself repeatedly by letting out naughty little jets of warm pee whenever I've felt the want / need to. Each little wet patch dries enough after about 20 minutes that I can then do another little one. I've sat on a towel when needed, but it has only showed a little on my jeans. 😄 Either way, I've thoroughly enjoyed making my naughty area a little pissy mess. It's soon time to order some food. I'll get it delivered and have to open the door! Hopefully my light pee scent isn't noticeable with the outside breeze! I've drank so much my pee is basically clear! 😄

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Pee drink at home
After the train...

We made two glasses
So wetty day...

A bit of vine and plenty

The night is comin,
Love and me.



Edited by A_AShes
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On 6/2/2022 at 5:16 PM, Naughts said:


yes I am.

I never asked him outright, but the little comments here and there suggest that he wouldn´t like it.

And honestly, being into naughty peeing is just one of the things that define me. Of cause it would be nice to share that with a partner, too. But we fit very well in most aspects so being secretive about this is worth it to me.

Thanks for sharing.  It is, however, entirely possible that a situation could arise where your boyfriend gets really desperate for the toilet but one isn't available and there are no good alternatives to wet pants.  If that happens, it may provide an opportunity for you to gently open up about the fact that you're cool about pee.  

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On 4/21/2022 at 8:52 PM, Naughts said:

So I have to be a bit careful about my naughty peeing because I don´t want my boyfriend (who I live with) to find out about it.


Loved reading your account there of your naughtiness.  And would love to hear more.

In those situations where you've had a long-standing love of pee, and a boyfriend who isn't aware, I agree it can get harder and harder to confess your kink.  In that sort of situation I do wonder if perhaps a 'restart' is needed?   What I mean is to place yourselves into a scenario where he witnesses you peeing and getting aroused, but doesn't realise you've done it so many times before?  Maybe a touch dishonest, but all for a good reason.

Step 1 is to create the real scenario:  So for example imagine you've been for a meal and you've 'forgotten' to use the bathroom before setting off home - maybe waiting for a bus or taxi, maybe walking home or him driving. You make it obvious just how desperate you are, but making sure you don't make it look painful.  Squirming is fine, giggling about your predicament, but not making it seem like something you find uncomfortable.  If you're in the car maybe clamping a hand between your legs and commenting it feels really nice to touch yourself despite being desperate.  Create the picture that being desperate isn't unpleasant.

Step 2: Where you take it next is up to you - maybe taking a pee outdoors somewhere secluded and getting him to stand guard (very nearby), maybe making it home and rushing to the bathroom leaving the door open and making it very obvious how amazing the relief feels.

Step 3: This is the follow up and I suspect may not take too much acting - to make love like never before, be as wild as he can take - and after when he wants to know what triggered that you can explain to him that the combined effects of holding then the sudden release and relief have stimulated all sorts of nerves and feelings that guys don't experience, maybe feeling incredibly naughty after an outdoor wee in front of him and so on.

Step 4: Is to find the balance that it's not an isolated incident, against it being all the time. Maybe coming back to the subject in later pillow talk "I keep thinking back to that time when..."  or telling him how you arrived home desperate again and it aroused you again.  Depending if he likes a little age play, maybe him coming home and finding you without panties 'because you were a naughty girl and waited too long, and they were damp when you finally went on the toilet...'


He doesn't need to know everything - and knowing about peeing in the apartment is probably a step too far - but knowing that peeing can be enjoyable is a good middle ground.

Just my thoughts...


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Today was a first for me since being a toddler and I wet myself uncontrollably!! While at work I had my usual 2 large coffees and preceded on my journey to visit 2 contractors in Derbyshire, usually takes an hour and half and I have a few lay-bys and other spots I like to pee on when I get there. This time there was an accident on the A1 though and it took over an hour to move 10 miles. By this time I was bursting but had reached the junction off I needed but to my horror the A1 was closed off and all vehicles had to take the exit so once we got over the roundabout I decided I wasn't going to make it to a lay-by and to pee in the Costa cup I had ( I have peed in one before without issue while stood in traffic). It is a large one and I soon filled it but as I pinched myself to stop the traffic moved so I put the cup in a cup holder and drove on holding myself until we stopped again, so I tipped the cup out the window and released my cock to pee again but the pressure was so great it spurted all over the windowscreen, steering wheel and everywhere! The traffic started moving again so I just thought bugger it and finished peeing half in the cup and the rest on my seat and floor. I only had a couple of McDonald napkins to clear up which didn't do a lot and at the next roundabout when I turned the wheel a load more piss fell out the crevices! I was mad at the time but looking back I find it funny and can see why people enjoy wetting now 😂


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2 hours ago, Bacardi said:

I just accomplished a pee I've been wanting to try for a while. It wasn't naughty per se, but it made me so, so happy! 

I wrote another member's username down on a piece of paper, set it down in my bathtub, and peed all over it! They pictures were very much appreciated on his end, and I am full of butterflies and smiles 🥰🥰

Lucky person

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/15/2022 at 10:32 PM, Bacardi said:

I just accomplished a pee I've been wanting to try for a while. It wasn't naughty per se, but it made me so, so happy! 

I wrote another member's username down on a piece of paper, set it down in my bathtub, and peed all over it! They pictures were very much appreciated on his end, and I am full of butterflies and smiles 🥰🥰

Oooh, sexy! 

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9 minutes ago, Eliminature said:

This time, I did it the normal way - well, normal for me, I guess. I found a diacreet corner, lifted my dress and released an arc of frothy pee against the wall whilst standing. It pooled and snaked onto the concrete below. When my bladder was empty, I had a little shake, dropped my skirt back into position and we walked on.

Girls who can release a frothy arc always have a special place in my heart! ( Or at least somewhere in my anatomy. 😁 ) 

As for that little shake at the end, it might have put me over the edge.

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2 minutes ago, glad1 said:

Girls who can release a frothy arc always have a special place in my heart! ( Or at least somewhere in my anatomy. 😁 ) 

Squatting openly on the grass whilst students were milling around felt great, but I must admit, I prefer to stand. 

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1 minute ago, Eliminature said:

Squatting openly on the grass whilst students were milling around felt great, but I must admit, I prefer to stand. 

I must admit I prefer when you stand, too!

Not that I would ever wish to encourage you. 😉

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6 hours ago, Eliminature said:

Squatting openly on the grass whilst students were milling around felt great, but I must admit, I prefer to stand. 

I enjoy watching a woman pee with an arcing stream, no matter what position - standing, sitting, squatting (or something else).

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