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Waking up in the middle of the night or early in the morning needing to pee

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When you wake up needing to pee would you rather wet your bed or get up to go to the bathroom? Last 2 mornings I have wanted to just wet my bed. The other night I had a dream about diapers but then I woke up with a full bladder and an erection. At that moment I wanted to wet my bed so bad but didn’t since I don’t have a mattress cover. I’m starting to really like the idea of wearing diapers to bed so I can wet the bed without making a mess and so I don’t have to get out of bed to pee in the middle of the night or early morning. Not only would improve my quality of sleep but it would also improve my hydration since I wouldn’t have to worry about drinking water before bed. What is your view on bed wetting and do you think it should be normalized?

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I very rarely wake up at night to pee, so when I wake up my bladder is usually stretched and pleasantly full. I enjoy laying there as I come full awake, including my senses, and my need to pee increases rapidly. My bladder becomes almost painful, and the pressure at my pee hole increases. Eventually, my pee feels like it is going to come out,* I LOVE THIS SENSATION !*  I clamp my sphincter as tight as possible to prolong the feeling.

 I have no desire to wet the bed because I don't want to start the day having to change the sheets. Also even though my mattress came with a protector , I don't trust it 100% to not leak.  Also I worry once I give myself 'permission' to pee in bad I might continue doing it when I don't want to.  I have never wet the bed, other than a few small leaks . To be fun for me I want to experience the struggle to hold in a full bladder , and once I can't the warm wet feeling as I wet. This did happen from too much holding until I wet my pants uncontrollably, not just wake up wet. This is just my personal preference. Like I said I love the feeling my pee is going to come out and I can't stop it. 

Anyway I sometimes I lay there enjoying the fight to not pee in the bed until I leak a little bit.  Others I get up when the sensation I am going to pee becomes very strong. I get up and attempt to start my morning routine, fixing breakfast etc.. I sleep nude. Once I am standing gravity increases the pressure at the tip of my penis even more, I do everything I can to hold on. I don't last long before I start dripping on the floor, followed by  a splattering sound as I start spurting pee uncontrollably on the floor.


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Wet the bed every time.

I don't often get the chance to do this, but when I'm home alone and can protect the bed I just let go whenever the need hits. If I wake up needing a pee but not desperate yet, I'll ignore it and go back to sleep, waking again later in a more desperate state. Sometimes manage to nap for a while longer until I'm really desperate.

Love the feeling of holding it, waiting for the inevitable to happen and then the pleasure of just relaxing and feeling the bed gently warm up, whilst dropping back to sleep.

Occasionally have a "squirt" accident when getting out of bed (not being able to wet), having left it too long. The pressure on the bladder as I sit up has caused me to pee involuntary, which I've managed to keep hidden from my partner but ended up with wet legs. Never lost control, but been close a few times!

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19 hours ago, wettingman said:

Eventually, my pee feels like it is going to come out,* I LOVE THIS SENSATION !*  I clamp my sphincter as tight as possible to prolong the feeling.

This is about as close to sex as it gets.  It's like the moment before you orgasm, and clamping the sphincter muscle hard intensifies it.  



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I’ve been giving it a lot of thought and I’m thinking wearing a diaper to bed for me would be the right choice but I can’t with my current living conditions. I like diapers because it combines the aspects of wetting, naughty peeing and golden showers. You wet yourself but the diaper contains all the pee so it stays really warm showering yourself and it’s so naughty knowing I can pee when/where I want. But there is also the health benefit of better quality sleep. You can go to bed hydrated combined with not having to leave the bed to pee so you can get 8 hours of sleep regardless if I need to pee. The other day getting up 2 hours before my alarm went off to pee was brutal. I also love waking up to the smell of my pee in the morning. A wet diaper smells nice until you take it off. I remember the last time I wore a diaper I woke up in the middle of the night needing to pee and simply just released into my diaper, went back to bed. Woke up to the smell of pee under the covers but no mess 

Edited by hibillymayshear
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I woke up early this morning because I needed to pee. As I do most of the time. And yes, I'll always get up and zombie my way to the toilet, or shower, or what's in reach. Because I don't like to lay down in a wet, cold bed.

BUT, what's funny and sexy at the same time at least for me is, when I need to pee for real, I will start dreaming about pissing somewhere. And this gives me the most vibrant pissing dreams I had to this day. Last night I dreamt about pissing over a parked car at the sidewalk. All people watching me, cars passing. Before I woke up rock hard and with a bladder full to burst. I love these pissing dreams. They are the best.

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12 minutes ago, Overlord said:

I will start dreaming about pissing somewhere. And this gives me the most vibrant pissing dreams I had to this day. Last night I dreamt about pissing over a parked car at the sidewalk. All people watching me, cars passing. Before I woke up rock hard and with a bladder full to burst. I love these pissing dreams. They are the best.


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I love the feeling of waking up with a full bladder. If I'm full but not about to lose control, I'll usually masturbate before I get out of bed. 

If I'm really desperate I'll run to the toilet or shower and pee there. I'm not interested in bed wetting.

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3 hours ago, LadyP said:

I love the feeling of waking up with a full bladder. If I'm full but not about to lose control, I'll usually masturbate before I get out of bed. 

Does it enhance the feeling or the speed or intensity of your orgasm?

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