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Feedback / Idea What do you want to see from PeeFans in 2024?

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7 hours ago, steve25805 said:

We kind of have an area for men already so why not one for women? I think it might be a good idea and help make this site more welcoming to the ladies.

But it would have to be moderated with strict rules against guys rocking up just for a good perve with comments likely to make women feel uncomfortable. I would not like to see men banned from posting entirely on any  part of the forum any more than I would women. But I think it essential for any women's area to have any pervy or overly sexualised comments from men banned, respectful contributions only. Which would require moderator common sense in borderline areas, but the ones we have are pretty sensible, so it could work.

I'm not saying we should or shouldn't, but isn't this what Blackinsoul was trying to do a few years ago, a women only section and it got ugly? I think Admin said no, and closed the topic down. I wasn't even aware the site has a men's area. I guess my point is a reminder to tread lightly if this is to be considered again, so as not to drive division. As you said, being banned from any part of the site based on sex is not a good thing, in either direction, although I do understand the need to stop and prevent harassment from the small cohort of weirdos that find their way here. We've certainly had those.

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11 hours ago, Brutus said:

I'm not saying we should or shouldn't, but isn't this what Blackinsoul was trying to do a few years ago, a women only section and it got ugly? I think Admin said no, and closed the topic down. I wasn't even aware the site has a men's area. I guess my point is a reminder to tread lightly if this is to be considered again, so as not to drive division. As you said, being banned from any part of the site based on sex is not a good thing, in either direction, although I do understand the need to stop and prevent harassment from the small cohort of weirdos that find their way here. We've certainly had those.

I was literally just thinking about how she got dragged to hell and back for this lol. Never ever came back the poor thing.

I dont really feel like I need a ladies only section because when I feel like I need to talk to a woman about womanly things I always have my friends like Midori and Sophie to go to, and if I want to see women peeing that's what a lot of the site is dedicated to already lol.

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On 5/20/2024 at 5:52 AM, Bacardi said:

I was literally just thinking about how she got dragged to hell and back for this lol. Never ever came back the poor thing.

I dont really feel like I need a ladies only section because when I feel like I need to talk to a woman about womanly things I always have my friends like Midori and Sophie to go to, and if I want to see women peeing that's what a lot of the site is dedicated to already lol.

Yeah I remember commenting on it myself toward the end. She took it upon herself to just try it anyway without admin approval.

I misunderstood Steve's post about the site having a men's area. I thought he meant something like a segregated area women can't access. Regardless, I think an area that caters to women is fine. Correct me if I'm wrong, but personally I'd imagine most women here would like a section like Women's Health and Wellness for starters. Not for guys to perv on, but for women to discuss and share insights, (health, fitness, nutrition, relationships, encouraging each others personal/career goals, etc) A mens area of the same would be great too, could also include a trans area. Rules for "outsiders" could be along the lines of no requesting pics, or anything overtly sexual, relevant contributions only. 

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An idea I've had for a awhile if possible, would be for a creator of a fictional topic to have the option of designating their replies as new original content. My latest ongoing series in fiction for example, I've been just staring new topics each time. I'd like the option to simply update the first one of the series, so it's still one topic, but if I reply, I could specify a new chapter as new original content. It could display a little bubble icon/tag or something out on the list of fictional posts, only to anyone that viewed the post already so they can know it's a new addition and not just the author replying to a comment.

Another way, possibly simpler, would be for the icon/tag to hover over the author user name and say "X added new content on 5/21" or something after the author specifies it as so.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm breaking free from the tree fort discussions about girls/boys not allowed and suggest something I already mentioned a few times.

How about a countdown or at least warning in the chat when servers reboot? It's really annoying when you met someone new in the chat and then it surprisingly reboots. Happend to me a few times and you got lucky if the person returns after the purg... the reboot I mean.

Maybe we could do something like a bot announcing: "In 15 minutes servers will reboot",  "In 5 minutes servers will reboot for about 5-15 minutes", etc. And then "t-60s", "t-30s", "t-10,9,8,7...s"

C'mon, let us be the first pee astronauts on Spaceship Wee.


But let's be serious again, for a short time at least, im so grateful for the last few years I could be here, was tolerated and accepted here with open arms and

thanks to all our incredible beautiful people here, yes I mean You!

And of course especially thanks to the hard working, handsome and kind mods.

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Pee Dating. Actually, Pee / Wetting / Diaper Dating. I know it’s been shot down in the past, and I don’t know why, and I don’t care why. You asked what we want to see, and that’s what I want to see. 

And yes, I’d be willing to pay a slight premium for it, maybe $5 a month or $10 a month, provided that the woman are also required to pay the same slight premium for it. If the men are paying a premium and the woman are not paying the same premium, then we get into the situation where we are not getting quality posts from the women. So let’s not make it sexist. 

You asked and you have received. Can you imagine the publicity if it worked?! 

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A feature to view images posted by other members only after I click on them. It's PF, I get it, and I have nothing against somebody posting a photo of themselves, but sometimes I'd like to just read posts and save some bandwidth.

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On 6/14/2024 at 12:44 PM, Gin said:

A feature to view images posted by other members only after I click on them. It's PF, I get it, and I have nothing against somebody posting a photo of themselves, but sometimes I'd like to just read posts and save some bandwidth.

I'm just wondering if there's a browser setting somewhere that would do that (generic rather than a peefans feature).  You know, to display text only and not download pictures.  Of course that would act globally, so to see a picture you'd have to turn it off and wait for all pictures on that page to load.

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Controversial maybe...    I'd like to see the pictures section full of high quality original photographs - if only such things existed and were still being produced in 2024.

Sorry - but browsing a section like desperation and seeing a screen full of fuzzy low resolution screen captures from decades old commercial desperation clips doesn't really tick the box for me.

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19 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I'm just wondering if there's a browser setting somewhere that would do that (generic rather than a peefans feature).  You know, to display text only and not download pictures.  Of course that would act globally, so to see a picture you'd have to turn it off and wait for all pictures on that page to load.

It's probably possible to make a Tampermonkey script to do that with a little CSS trickery. I will look into it later.

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1 hour ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I'm just wondering if there's a browser setting somewhere that would do that (generic rather than a peefans feature).  You know, to display text only and not download pictures.  Of course that would act globally, so to see a picture you'd have to turn it off and wait for all pictures on that page to load.


I wrote a tiny userscript which does what I described, but not every browser can run custom JavaScript. A built-in feature would have the advantage of working on every platform.

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Could we possibly have a "view password" button on the login panel please?  

You've probably seen these on other sites.  Often the button is a picture of an eye at the end of the password field. It toggles the field between the hidden password view and a plain text view.

I use a long password,  and it's easy to make a typo unless I type     v  e  r  y      s  l  o  w  l  y.      It would be nice to be able to view the password and correct any errors,  rather than having to type the whole thing all over again.

Only a very small thing,  but it would be nice to have.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 5/20/2024 at 10:00 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

And maybe that's why the ladies get pissed off.  Maybe that's why they feel the desire to have a 'safe space' free from that effect.

I don't think so. The problem is the threads itself. Masses of topics exclusively addressed to "the ladies" can feel like being interrogated. Like we're here to answer questions for men to get off. I'm actually quite happy when guys jump in to turn it into a conversation! In a community, topics should be open to everyone who can add something to it and not exclude certain people.

On 5/20/2024 at 10:00 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

But because of the 4:1 ratio of membership, and because of the number of guys who are totally disinterested or even offended at seeing (shock horror) someone else's dick, a specific area where has been created for those who do enjoy seeing guys peeing so they can find the stuff they like

Which means you are obviously catering to the guys, which will only make it worse. If someone's offended by seeing a dick, maybe he should leave, instead of being able to circle them out in order to better come down on the female prey, graphically speaking.

On 5/20/2024 at 2:52 PM, Bacardi said:

I was literally just thinking about how she got dragged to hell and back for this lol. Never ever came back the poor thing.

A direct result of the board being under male leadership. It's what happens all over the world if a woman speaks up.

Edited by Blue Dreams
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to reiterate my desire to see a file size increase.  At least 20MB per post.  My screenshots automatically save as PNGs, which run about 2MB for a good large shot.  For me to tell a story in my Odyssey thread, I need 4-5 pictures at least, and this 5MB limit hamstrings me.  If we were back in the jpg only days, it would work, but it needs to be loosened up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What would I like to see at PeeFans in 2024? This is to stop deleting user profiles. On the site, as we know, can write in the topic How to delete your account and the account is deleted along with all the posts. This is the only thing that disappoints me on this site! Very often, one or another user has interesting and hot stories that I bookmark so that later, for example, they can be re-read, but at one point the profile is deleted and the stories, respectively, too, and this is very sad, since the stories I like can no longer be re-read. I understand that sometimes a user has a desire to leave the community for various reasons and this is their right, but in this case can just log out and not go to the site, as a result, the profile will remain and the stories you like can be read further

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On 1/29/2024 at 6:16 PM, MC Cumzy said:

I feel like some regulations on posting AI generated images should be introduced. There's been a bit of drama recently over someone who shared pornographic AI generated images of Taylor Swift on Twitter, which has resulted in some legal action. I've also seen this Reddit post floating around from someone who had explicit AI images of them generated and shared without their consent and the mental impact it had on them.


Another reason to encourage this, that I recently found out is that AI generation has a massive affect on the environment

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  • 2 weeks later...

As @Oleg777 wrote, it is sad if a user chooses to have their profile deleted and with it all their posts. But it is their right, their content, their decision.

What is sad, is when said person started a thread and the full thread disappears. This should not happen. Peefans has a policy of only allowing one thread per subject - and this makes a lot of sense. But if the original poster decides to have their content deleted, then all the content posted by other users disappears as well. Which is sad. Those other contributors did not ask for their contribution to be removed. They have had no choice but to post in the original thread (otherwise it would be merged, anyways). So if there is a technical solution to allow keeping the rest, that would be great. I'm fully aware that technology is not always as flexible as we'd wish, and the mods and admin are doing a great job - but please have a look into this issue.

On my wishlist would be an option to tag individual posts, ideally with a kind of voting option to confirm pertinent tags. For example the "Outdoors peeing..." thread in the pictures section has 200+ pages. Impossible to find some more specialized content. Sometimes, I've been helping myself by linking posts in other threads, but that creates a lot of duplication. If I could tag a picture as "At the train station" or "In the park" or "Whilst hiking" or "Through her panties" or "On a concert / beerfest / festival", this would put additional (searchable?) information to the individual post.

A tag function would also help in the stories section to easily identify stories that deal with your affinities.

I also support the ladies asking for some way to limit the flood of requests they are facing. In my observation, many new female members don't remain active very long. Maybe some of the options proposed by previous posters would help them have a softer start? When I joined, I received one or two messages welcoming me to the site, and my comments or postings receive a similar level of attention. Female members seem to get swamped in public and private messages judging from the number of "your mailbox is full, I can't contact you" posts in the public space. Giving our female members the choice of selecting who they want to be contacted by or setting a minimum membership duration (or ranking) prior to being able to contact people privately that have not invited you could be helpful to reducing this flood?


Edited by Alpian
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1 hour ago, Alpian said:

What is sad, is when said person started a thread and the full thread disappears. This should not happen. Peefans has a policy of only allowing one thread per subject - and this makes a lot of sense. But if the original poster decides to have their content deleted, then all the content posted by other users disappears as well. Which is sad. Those other contributors did not ask for their contribution to be removed. They have had no choice but to post in the original thread (otherwise it would be merged, anyways). So if there is a technical solution to allow keeping the rest, that would be great. I'm fully aware that technology is not always as flexible as we'd wish, and the mods and admin are doing a great job - but please have a look into this issue.

Hopefully we've got through the bigger issues on this with the current policy as instructed by @Admin.   It doesn't help that in more than a few cases, when people request to leave they want everything removed with them.  Of course, it can be argued that 'you chose to post it, live with it' but of course circumstances change so it's not an unreasonable ask usually.

What we do when we get a cancellation request is have a look at how much content they've contributed.   Many cancellations are new members with maybe one intro post and not much more and so there are no issues.   Similarly for a more established member, if they've replied to various threads and we remove them, then those replies will vanish - not ideal, but ho hum.   However where the departing member has created a post with multiple replies, then we have some work to do.  What we do there is split off the second item onwards into a new post, so the originator has a post with no replies (all the replies are under someone else's name.  Then we can remove the member without too much havoc ensuing.


And your point about ladies of the community being harassed to point of leaving is probably my biggest single annoyance.   Time and time again we see it.  Why can't people understand that the same applies to anyone here - we're all just normal people with everyday lives.   Partners, husbands, wives.   Zero interest in sexually hooking up with anyone in many cases.  And yet certain souls who think they are God's gift cannot understand that.   Very occasionally someone will report such and we do act upon it.   But unfortunately when it's being committed by messenger we have no visibility of it and can't act to help those being most frustrated by it. 

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On 1/31/2024 at 8:28 PM, MidoriLemonade85 said:

I am not Ruth, but thanks. 😉 PeeFans is very friendly. It’s mainly inbox storage restrictions that drive me nuts. 😆

Lolol  I am Ruth...

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3 hours ago, yahweh said:

Shit section for poop enthusiasm 

We can very much guarantee that’s not going to happen.  There’s legislation and issues with the site hosts who let us exist, that means poop isn’t going to feature on the site here. 

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