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Feedback / Idea What do you want to see from PeeFans in 2024?

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7 hours ago, steve25805 said:

We kind of have an area for men already so why not one for women? I think it might be a good idea and help make this site more welcoming to the ladies.

But it would have to be moderated with strict rules against guys rocking up just for a good perve with comments likely to make women feel uncomfortable. I would not like to see men banned from posting entirely on any  part of the forum any more than I would women. But I think it essential for any women's area to have any pervy or overly sexualised comments from men banned, respectful contributions only. Which would require moderator common sense in borderline areas, but the ones we have are pretty sensible, so it could work.

I'm not saying we should or shouldn't, but isn't this what Blackinsoul was trying to do a few years ago, a women only section and it got ugly? I think Admin said no, and closed the topic down. I wasn't even aware the site has a men's area. I guess my point is a reminder to tread lightly if this is to be considered again, so as not to drive division. As you said, being banned from any part of the site based on sex is not a good thing, in either direction, although I do understand the need to stop and prevent harassment from the small cohort of weirdos that find their way here. We've certainly had those.

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I almost posted last night, and didn't - but here are my thoughts and this is very much me speaking as a person and not a staff opinion.

The entire site is open to everyone, both to browse and to support discussions.  In my opinion there shouldn't be any areas that are off limits to anyone - that could create division, whereas we as 'peefans vs the vanilla world' need to be united in sharing our interest and supporting each other.

Now, having said that we be united, there's a lot of different interests across the site - those who just enjoy pee and those who enjoy it sexually.  Those who enjoy seeing the opposite gender peeing, those that enjoy the same gender.  Those that enjoy just browsing, and those that enjoy posting images of themselves.

Then, bring in the fact that men on the site greatly outnumber ladies - maybe 4:1 or even 5:1 and also a huge number of guys are only really into ladies peeing, and the nudity that can go with it.   Partly that's porn culture, it's largely produced for those who are into girls and (IMHO) the majority of it's consumers are guys.   Same as here.

There are a proportion of guys who enjoy posting pictures of themselves peeing and that gives the opportunity for all to enjoy.    But because of the 4:1 ratio of membership, and because of the number of guys who are totally disinterested or even offended at seeing (shock horror) someone else's dick, a specific area where has been created for those who do enjoy seeing guys peeing so they can find the stuff they like.   It's not a matter of excluding anyone, it's just a matter of an area that's easy to find.   In that sense just like having separate sections for Sex & Porn, General Discussion etc. Convenient ways to find what you want to see.


Coming back to the question of an area for ladies - there's two simple things that would help here (and I'm speaking as one of the guilty ones)  - If guys would shut up and listen occasionally.  And if guys would stop thinking they know best and mansplaining to the ladies.

Take a look at any post who's title is clearly a question directed to the ladies - usually it's blindingly obvious from the title and the first few words of the post.   And the first couple of responses are from ladies, before (some) guys wade in there with posts about what they think, what their ex-partner did, why the female anatomy works the way it does...     And then it's just turned into yet another post by blokes.  And maybe that's why the ladies get pissed off.  Maybe that's why they feel the desire to have a 'safe space' free from that effect.

It doesn't have to be that way.   Two ears, two eyes, one mouth.   And one brain.

We have a very small proportion of active ladies on the site - maybe in the 10s, probably not 100s.   Rather than having an area that's closed off to everyone else, let's just treat them with enough respect to not talk over them, take over posts and thing we know all there is to know. 

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11 hours ago, Brutus said:

I'm not saying we should or shouldn't, but isn't this what Blackinsoul was trying to do a few years ago, a women only section and it got ugly? I think Admin said no, and closed the topic down. I wasn't even aware the site has a men's area. I guess my point is a reminder to tread lightly if this is to be considered again, so as not to drive division. As you said, being banned from any part of the site based on sex is not a good thing, in either direction, although I do understand the need to stop and prevent harassment from the small cohort of weirdos that find their way here. We've certainly had those.

I was literally just thinking about how she got dragged to hell and back for this lol. Never ever came back the poor thing.

I dont really feel like I need a ladies only section because when I feel like I need to talk to a woman about womanly things I always have my friends like Midori and Sophie to go to, and if I want to see women peeing that's what a lot of the site is dedicated to already lol.

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On 5/20/2024 at 5:52 AM, Bacardi said:

I was literally just thinking about how she got dragged to hell and back for this lol. Never ever came back the poor thing.

I dont really feel like I need a ladies only section because when I feel like I need to talk to a woman about womanly things I always have my friends like Midori and Sophie to go to, and if I want to see women peeing that's what a lot of the site is dedicated to already lol.

Yeah I remember commenting on it myself toward the end. She took it upon herself to just try it anyway without admin approval.

I misunderstood Steve's post about the site having a men's area. I thought he meant something like a segregated area women can't access. Regardless, I think an area that caters to women is fine. Correct me if I'm wrong, but personally I'd imagine most women here would like a section like Women's Health and Wellness for starters. Not for guys to perv on, but for women to discuss and share insights, (health, fitness, nutrition, relationships, encouraging each others personal/career goals, etc) A mens area of the same would be great too, could also include a trans area. Rules for "outsiders" could be along the lines of no requesting pics, or anything overtly sexual, relevant contributions only. 

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An idea I've had for a awhile if possible, would be for a creator of a fictional topic to have the option of designating their replies as new original content. My latest ongoing series in fiction for example, I've been just staring new topics each time. I'd like the option to simply update the first one of the series, so it's still one topic, but if I reply, I could specify a new chapter as new original content. It could display a little bubble icon/tag or something out on the list of fictional posts, only to anyone that viewed the post already so they can know it's a new addition and not just the author replying to a comment.

Another way, possibly simpler, would be for the icon/tag to hover over the author user name and say "X added new content on 5/21" or something after the author specifies it as so.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm breaking free from the tree fort discussions about girls/boys not allowed and suggest something I already mentioned a few times.

How about a countdown or at least warning in the chat when servers reboot? It's really annoying when you met someone new in the chat and then it surprisingly reboots. Happend to me a few times and you got lucky if the person returns after the purg... the reboot I mean.

Maybe we could do something like a bot announcing: "In 15 minutes servers will reboot",  "In 5 minutes servers will reboot for about 5-15 minutes", etc. And then "t-60s", "t-30s", "t-10,9,8,7...s"

C'mon, let us be the first pee astronauts on Spaceship Wee.


But let's be serious again, for a short time at least, im so grateful for the last few years I could be here, was tolerated and accepted here with open arms and

thanks to all our incredible beautiful people here, yes I mean You!

And of course especially thanks to the hard working, handsome and kind mods.

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Pee Dating. Actually, Pee / Wetting / Diaper Dating. I know it’s been shot down in the past, and I don’t know why, and I don’t care why. You asked what we want to see, and that’s what I want to see. 

And yes, I’d be willing to pay a slight premium for it, maybe $5 a month or $10 a month, provided that the woman are also required to pay the same slight premium for it. If the men are paying a premium and the woman are not paying the same premium, then we get into the situation where we are not getting quality posts from the women. So let’s not make it sexist. 

You asked and you have received. Can you imagine the publicity if it worked?! 

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A feature to view images posted by other members only after I click on them. It's PF, I get it, and I have nothing against somebody posting a photo of themselves, but sometimes I'd like to just read posts and save some bandwidth.

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