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Do you ever fantasize about people you know...

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Guest jeanswettingfan

I do all the time.  There are more than a few women in my life that I fantasize about having accidents or peeing on me.  

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Yes, sometimes i think of some my ex-girlfiends, or just collegues from scholl years, who often needed to pee and used to annouce their needs in public, or only to me. In the reality they went to the toilet or found another possibility to relieve themselves, e.g. in bushes, but in my thoughts they don't have such possibility and they just have to pee while I'm watching or helping them. Maybe some day I'll write a part-true, part-fictional story about that. I have some ideas 🙂

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There was a very cute girl I knew as a student.  Soon after I met her, she told me and a group of friends about going to a music festival that summer.  She said there had been long queues for the toilets, and they were disgusting.  'So I would just pull my jeans down and squat in the grass and hope that too many people wouldn't watch me pee.'

She had slim legs and a lovely, trim bum.  She looked good in jeans, and I've often thought about her wriggling them and her knickers down to crouch and pee.  

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On 8/2/2020 at 4:52 AM, oliver2 said:

I don’t think that’s something you need to feel ashamed of 

I mean it just feels like I'm being creepy, thinking about my friends, or my sister's friends, or a random girl I see on the street...

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I've been living with this fetish for so long that as soon as I meet someone new, both men and women, my brain automatically puts images in my head of them peeing in public somewhere hidden. And of course, as a straight man, my fantasies about women are way more intense and lucid.

By now I probably have imagined every woman I've ever met peeing outside while moaning in relief, including my own best friend (who's female).

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Yes, frequently, but I would never act on these fantasies at the risk of losing a friendship, my job, or worse.  If I got a very clear sign, and a sense it would be mutually enjoyable and extremely discreet, then yes.  Hasn't happened so far, and being in semi-isolation makes it even less likely.

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@LoveTheTinkle, I totally agree with you about all of the negative possibilities possibly arising from acting on these fantasies. To me, the hard part is recognizing the "very clear sign," if and when it occurs.

I have posted my experiences with "Ellie," a g.f. from decades ago, here on Pee Fans, who always peed with the bathroom door partially open, when we were together. She peed with a very loud hiss, typically stopping and re-starting several times in one sitting, which was incredibly erotic, to me, so I fantasized about her peeing, a lot. But we worked together, in the same company, so I never dared to walk in on her, feigning accident or drunkenness, or even comment on her peeing, over an off and on dating and sexual relationship, lasting around ten years.

I have subsequently described her behavior to several women friends, over many years, asking their opinions on her motivation, intentions, etc. toward me, regarding her peeing. The predominant opinion has been that she was either testing my interest in her peeing, hoping for a reaction, so she could open up about her own interest, or that she was actively teasing me, hoping that I would make a move, or ask her permission to watch her pee, at the very least. So I probably missed out on a lot of fun, because of my hesitancy. So this is apparently a much more complicated decision than it appears to be. Given current mainstream views about privacy, it is even more risky. But I will never stop wondering about "what might have been" with Ellie and me, if I had been braver. 


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Guest UnabashedUser
1 hour ago, Dr.P said:

I fantasized about her peeing, a lot. But we worked together, in the same company, so I never dared to walk in on her,

Yeah that's tough when you work with someone you tend to err on the side of safety. 

I think she was testing the water, pardon for the pun, to see if you were going to do something.  I can imagine her fiddling with her labia to get the loudest and clearest hiss, letting a squirt out to test, waiting listening to hear if you got up, or went to the door, or said something, then more piss maybe a little diddling of the  clit while pausing the stream again.

Very erotic.

I probably in younger days would have said something like "Are you okay?" or "did you fall in again?" Or something obtuse just to see what would happen next, or even just blurting out "Can I come in?" to see what would happen.

Excellent recollection of a very hot happening.

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I do and have. Aside from peeing I also wonder about what they’d look like naked, how they’d look and sound during sex etc. 
That gets amplified if I’m with them and they go to the bathroom obviously. They’re just thoughts so I don’t feel too bad about it. 

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8 hours ago, oliver2 said:

Standard advice is: you’re responsible for what you do, but what’s in your head is your own damn business. (That, and some of them will be fantasising about you).

I doubt that they'd fantasize about me.

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3 minutes ago, Ms. Tito said:

I doubt that they'd fantasize about me.

I totally agree with @oliver2 that you’re allowed to fantasise about whatever and whoever you like, and I’ve got no doubt there’s more people fantasising about you than you think. 😊 I always remind myself that I ASSUME I’m the only one thinking this way, you never know who might be thinking the same about  you. 

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16 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

I doubt that they'd fantasize about me.

Well I’d feel creepy fantasising about you because I’m more than twice your age (and also I have no idea what you look like), but I do have warm fuzzy pervy feelings when you write about enjoyably peeing outdoors

Edited by oliver2
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"I think she was testing the water, pardon for the pun, to see if you were going to do something.  I can imagine her fiddling with her labia to get the loudest and clearest hiss, letting a squirt out to test, waiting listening to hear if you got up, or went to the door, or said something, then more piss maybe a little diddling of the  clit while pausing the stream again."

I totally agree with you that she was testing the water, as you say, and I missed her cues, by not reacting as she expected. Your scenario is interesting, but very different from reality, at least for the first time, of many, over ten years, that she did this. Her seated peeing style was very relaxed and conventional, not matching the sound effects, at all. Here is the whole story:

We were on a business trip to a conference in another state, our first, together. We had known each other for several years, at work, but had only been dating for a couple of months, and had not yet slept together. We drove to the conference, instead of flying, and arrived at our hotel in the late afternoon. We showered, separately, and got ready to go out to dinner.

We were about to leave for dinner, standing together between the bathroom door and the room door, talking about the restaurant we had chosen, and how far it was from the motel. She asked me how much time it would take to get there. "About a half hour," I said. She turned to me, took my hands in hers, looked deeply into my eyes and said, "I have to "go" before we leave, OK?" Without waiting for my answer, she slipped into the bathroom, moving the door slightly, to a half-closed position, but still open about a foot, on the knob side, with a lesser gap, on the hinge side. She left it there, as if it didn't really matter to her ,since she was just following a social protocol. "Go ahead, get comfortable," I said, trying to sound as casual and relaxed as possible.

Her manner was a huge (and very welcome) surprise to me, maybe a pleasant shock would be more accurate, since we hadn't even slept together, and she was about to pee with no real visual or sound barriers between us! I was accustomed to women nervously closing and locking bathroom doors, and even running tap water to cover their peeing sounds, in similar situations, no matter how "liberated" they pretended to be. (This was in the early to mid 1970's.)

The way she looked into my eyes and held my hands when she informed me of her need to pee, made me wonder if she was giving me some sort of invitation. I also wondered why she hadn't peed in complete privacy, during the time she had spent showering and dressing for dinner, without telling me at all. That was my experience with most women I had dated, up to that time.

Seeing the half-open door, I really wanted to watch her pee. But I knew that at this delicate point in the relationship, I didn't dare just walk in on her, or stand in the open doorway and watch her, where she could see me. To do so could be considered extremely rude, possibly frightening or disgusting to her, thereby ruining what could be a great few days together. And I knew she would tell everyone at work what a sicko pervert I was, if she took it particularly badly. So I was torn between curiosity, lust, and fear. Curiosity and lust won, but I was extremely careful, knowing what I perceived to be the risks.

I moved silently to a point near the door, where I could see through the narrow open space between the hinge and the jamb. I had a perfect right side and partial front view of her sitting on the toilet, short skirt gathered up around her waist, out of the way, panties below her knees, with her beautiful, smooth bare thighs fully exposed and separated comfortably, about 3 or 4 inches apart at her knees, and open all the way up to her slit, (which I couldn't see), totally relaxed. She had a length of toilet paper, which she had folded slowly and neatly, while she peed, draped carefully over her left thigh, ready for use. I could not see her pussy or her stream at this angle, but could hear everything extremely well. This would have to do.

Although she sat in a very relaxed, nonchalant fashion, and she hadn't seemed desperate when she told me she had to "go," her stream gushed and hissed forcefully into the bowl, stopping and re-starting three times, before slowing to a trickle and stopping, finally. Although I had heard gallons of female pee, growing up with a mother and three younger sisters, in a small house, with one bathroom, I had never heard anything like this. The gushing and hissing were a fantastic turn-on, and the stopping and starting were incredibly exciting, nearly driving me over the edge, as I imagined her spraying her inner thighs and bum, each time that she re-started!

I wanted to watch her wipe, since I was confident that this spectacular audio performance could have left her thighs and buttocks quite wet, or at the very least sprinkled with a few drops, from the hissing sprays, and repeated starts and stops. I wanted to see where that wetness and those dribbles were on her body, and watch how she wiped them away, if she tried to.

But I quickly came to my senses and moved discretely away from my vantage point, realizing that if she looked up and caught me too close to the door, it would give the game away, and all could be lost. So I moved quickly and quietly to the opposite end of the room, near the windows, where my location would not indicate any interest in her bathroom activities.

She emerged from the bathroom after a few minutes, still smoothing her skirt, and checking her bare legs in the mirror, presumably for dribbles. She looked for me first in my former position near the bathroom door, but finally found me across the room, near the windows. She looked a little  puzzled at my location, but didn't say anything.

She probably thought I wasn't interested in her peeing, and may have wondered why? Was I truly disinterested? Even disgusted? Embarrassed by her openness and relaxed attitude toward natural bodily functions? Shy? Or truly interested, but hiding my interest, for reasons of social protocol, and fear of being branded a "pervert?"

UnabashedUser wrote, further:

"I probably in younger days would have said something like "Are you okay?" or "did you fall in again?" Or something obtuse just to see what would happen next, or even just blurting out "Can I come in?" to see what would happen."

Similar scenarios happened with this lady, over the ten years that we continued our occasional dating. She always left the door open, and I was always able to listen to her, but never had the opportunity to watch her, again. In addition to simply asking if I could come in, I considered commenting something like,

"Sounds like you really had to go bad. You should have told me. You could have gone at the restaurant (or bar), or we could have left for home earlier."

That would have shown empathy and concern for her comfort, so there was little danger that she would brand me a pervert. But it would reveal that I was aware of her peeing, in some detail, and had listened to her, so I never even had the nerve to do that.

"Excellent recollection of a very hot happening."

Thanks. This one is etched in my memory, forever, although I never got to see her stream, or the dribbles inevitably left on her thighs and bum, afterward.

I never mentioned my interest to her, because I enjoyed listening to her, and I was afraid she would start closing the door, so I wouldn't get to hear her, at all. I reasoned that making her aware of my interest, could embarrass her, or  make her angry, if she took it badly.


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Alfresco wrote: "When a lady I am with heads for the toilet, I imagine her sitting on the toilet or depending on the person maybe hovering over the toilet."

@Alfresco, I do the same thing, but I take it a step further, in my imagination. I try to guess her peeing style, sitting, hovering, or even standing, legs open or together, from my previous observations of her body language and personality, in other situations.

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10 hours ago, oliver2 said:

Well I’d feel creepy fantasising about you because I’m more than twice your age (and also I have no idea what you look like), but I do have warm fuzzy pervy feelings when you write about enjoyably peeing outdoors

I'm glad I give people warm fuzzy feelings. 

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There's this girl at work that flirts with me sometimes... anyway one time we're alone in her office 'cos I'm giving her training for a new task, and we talk about mundane stuff at the same time. At one point, it tends to turn to sex and I don't remember what she told me but I say to her "Naughty girl!" to which she replies "Oh, you have no idea!" ... I keep thinking she meant she's into pee and watersports. So I've been fantasizing about tasting her pee ever since!

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I'm going to be totally honest here, on my hidden hard drive I'll confess I have many, many pictures of girls peeing, holding, looking desperate or wetting.  A small number very much bare more than a passing resemblance to real life people I happen to know.

Perhaps one step too far?  Looking at a two dimensional photo of a girl mid flow and thinking about the real life person in that scenario?   If so then judge me....   none of us are totally innocent though are we.

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