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Drinks that make You PEE

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I've been experimenting with different drinks to see which make me pee more often. The standard diuretics like tea soda and coffee just don't do it anymore for me. I don't drink alcohol. I have found that hot chocolate seems to make me have to go more so then anything else so far that I've tried. Funny thing is I seem to pee more then the amount of liquids I consume. I cant figure out where the extra liquid is coming from. Anyway what drinks make you pee the most.   

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If I remember rightly from biology lessons (which were a good while ago now) our bodies are something like 70-80% water.

Now as we drink any liquid, our stomach will digest nutrients from it and the water then is used to keep our body hydrated, to produce sweat, saliva etc and some of the water will be processed by our kidneys - picking up waste products and filtering into the holding tank which is our bladder - before we choose to expel it.

In the case of a diuretic, my limited understanding is that is a chemical which provokes the body into pushing more of its liquid resources through into the bladder.  So, in my not very scientific way I hope that answers your question of why you can pee more than you consume - basically you are peeing some of your body's reserve of hydration.


To answer about the different types of liquids, for me personally I don't so much notice that being the case for me - what I find is that there are some liquids that trigger my bladder to want to release quickly.  For example I drink black caffeinated coffee (an espresso topped up with hot water) and inevitably I find that almost exactly an hour after drinking it, I'm desperate to pee - almost instantly.  But if I pee into a measure it's typically 300-400ml.  Not much more than I drank.  If I'd drunk plain water I'd have lasted a lot longer, maybe 2-3 hours and maybe drunk more, resulting in a corresponding larger volume or pee.

The same occurs with certain other drinks - and I'm sure it's the artificial sweetener they use.  Some cheap lemonade or fruit cordial, but not other brands.  Maybe the hot chocolate you drink has a sweetener in it too with the same effect? So I guess I'm not really talking about diuretics there - but instead about bladder irritants, whatever the correct term is for them.  

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My favourite drinks to encourage peeing when I want to wet myself are tea, orange juice and cola.

I usually drink a pint or two of tea, followed by a litre of orange juice immediately before I go out, and I know I will be wetting myself in about half an hour. Once I am out I drink cola to keep the production line running.

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I also found that Welch's grape juice make me go a lot but other brands like apple and eve don't so as gldenwetgoose stated above it must be some artificial sweetener or another chemical unique to some drinks. It is fun to take a look at liquid intake and compare what effects different drinks and brands have on the bladder.  

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1 minute ago, Maclir said:

Watermelons - okay, so that's not a drink, but I find if I eat a bit slice of chilled watermelon...   the floodgates will open in about 30 to 45 minutes


yes watermelon is made up of a lot of water so the bladder will fill faster and in the summer it feels good to eat watermelons ahahah

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This got me curious, so I did a Google search for "natural diuretics" and find a lot of overlapping advice. If you are into juicing or smoothies try a combination of:
...with cranberry juice (not the cocktail kind)

A trip to a Mexican grocery can get you all of those (if you have them)

An example source...


The article also mentions that potassium is diuretic. I keep a jar of water that I add potassium bicarbonate powder to. I don't this to battle acid reflux, but now know it's another tool for The Hobby.

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I’m normally not looking for an excuse to go more. I find sometimes when I cut back on salt, I have to relieve myself far more often and usually at inconvenient times.

When I’m deliberately trying to fill my bladder up, beer works best. Anything will fill you, but I guess beer dulls some nerves so it feels good longer. If I try to fill up with water or anything else, eventually it stops feeling good and I just want to piss it out.

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Orange squash (the kind you dilute with water, cordial?) has such a strong effect on me. A single glass of it will make me need to pee urgently multiple times, even if it's just a small amount each visit, I will feel like I'm going to wet myself at any moment.



Energy drinks also make me need to pee rather badly, but it tends to be a one and done sort of thing. I don't drink them too often but I definitely feel the need to pee within half hour or so after drinking them.

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For me, one thing that seems to vary is if I need to leave the house or not. I always drink coffee in the morning. I limit myself to 3 cups. But if I have to run errands or go somewhere, if I drink a 3rd cup, I have to piss all the time. If I stay home, it doesn’t seem to affect me. It’s weird.


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On 7/30/2021 at 8:31 AM, trienergy said:

I've been experimenting with different drinks to see which make me pee more often. The standard diuretics like tea soda and coffee just don't do it anymore for me. I don't drink alcohol. I have found that hot chocolate seems to make me have to go more so then anything else so far that I've tried. Funny thing is I seem to pee more then the amount of liquids I consume. I cant figure out where the extra liquid is coming from. Anyway what drinks make you pee the most.   

I don't purposely hold it very often, but I actually have OAB. So, I can tell you what triggers it (and what I have to avoid if I want to avoid issues).

Alcohol, obviously, but the biggest trigger for me is tied into when I have the drink. If I have cold, carbonated drinks with caffeine in them on an empty stomach it will hit me like a ton of bricks within about 30 min. I make sure I'm within 5 min of a bathroom when I have a Coke on an empty stomach because I will be full on desperate 2-3 times within 90 min of having it. Pretty much every time I've had a leak over last 10 years or so has been as a result of this very thing and if I was denied a bathroom for more than 20 min or so more in those scenarios I'm fairly certain I would have fully lost control.

Full accidents, since I suspect some would like to know, have been rare and involved a combination of quick onset and toilet delay. In my day-to-day, I tend to try to avoid that...   

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For those who don't drink alcohol, there is a beer solution: Athletic Brewing.  All their products are non-alcoholic, but other than not containing alcohol, all of the other properties of beer are there...including different styles.

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