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Psychology of the fetish

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1 hour ago, Eliminature said:

As for me, I love posting photographs of myself urinating standing - yes, I really am a clitoris owner.

At the moment, with cold weather and lock down, opportunities to share this with you have been a bit thin on the ground. Also, winter and lockdown combined to make arousal and urophilia the last thing on my mind over the previous few months. I'm hoping to change this as soon as I can. The warmer months are edging closer...

Take care Eli. Sending an online hug your way. Good times are coming x

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In my case, I had several older sisters and a very strict household.  I knew that girls were different, but I didn't see nude pictures until I was in my teens.  I never saw my sisters unclothed.  I knew they had to sit down, and I heard the noise, but I didn't find pictures until I got internet access and finally saw how girls did it.  I was fascinated and aroused.  It was such a naughty, private thing.  To this day, I still love the sights and sounds of a woman peeing.

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26 minutes ago, Scot_Lover said:

Hmm. Lots of interesting things coming out of this thread. I've run this by my partner, M, and she has agreed to me posting this. She is not an online person, one very bad experience lead to stalking (the guy was in her supermarket, doctors surgery, parked in a car outside the house, even in our yard in the middle of the night). She has Facebook, that's as far online as she gets.

She also has a kind of a medical condition, if you have ever seen Black Snake Moan, you will get the idea. She can go from ‘Would you like scones with jam’ to ‘I want your cock in my throat’, it can be frightening, a truly epic Jekyll and Hyde kind of transformation. This can be controlled medically, but she doesn't like to use it. She doesn't want to ‘dumb down her feelings’ as she puts it. More than a few times, I've had to get her out of public places, she has admitted that she could do bad things to me in the canned fish aisle of our local supermarket.

As to pee sex, she can be more depraved than I can, the intensity that she develops when she gets ‘horny’ is still unbelievable at times. She is willing to try and do anything, and when her ‘switch’ is thrown, she does. I can't begin to explain how she looks when she hisses noisily into her jeans, or the glass eyed look when she is kneeling in the shower, her red hair plastered to her face after getting hosed down. We are not the bendy toys we used to be, we have to think of others ways to do things, but that is not slowing us down. 

Our current situation (people staying with us due to covid) has taken a toll, our relationship has been a bit strained lately, we are working through this, and things are getting better.

As has been stated earlier, if there are any problems with people onsite, please report them. The mod team discuss issues privately, we are actively trying to prevent these things from happening. We have a good site here, we want to keep it healthy and sane for everyone.


Sending you and M my heartfelt best wishes Scot. Thanks for your post x

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On 2/24/2021 at 7:23 PM, Relevantcucumber said:

I'm a woman who just recently leaned into my pee kink after many years of suppression. 

I enjoy sharing it, and make content for paid sites as well as dropping free clips here and there. 

For me the "problem" is that it's a bit of a gateway and many people expect me to go into other toilet activities, which have never interested me. 

Also how because I'm into something "taboo" I should constantly enjoy being degraded etc 

However I cant see myself stopping making content or filming myself until I have no new ideas. 

Enjoying something "taboo" is no reason to be degraded. And that behaviour is not to be expected.

Everyone has their own opinion and you can walk away from others if they offend or upset you.

I hope you can enjoy exploring and not let others spoil it for you.

Most people here are open minded and are not judgemental.

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Thank you to everyone who has replied! This has turned more interesting than I expected.

There are probably other threads that get into this - But of the members here how many enjoy doing the peeing in some form, and how many get nothing out of doing it, but like to see others? How many like both?

For me as I stated earlier I don't get anything out of doing, but seeing women pee where they aren't supposed to is probably my #1 fetish. I don't mid seeing a woman pee in general, but if it isn't "naughty" its not a huge turn on for me. I'm very specific. Others here seem the same. Some seem to enjoy various aspects of the fetish.

Is there anyone here that enjoys the fetish but isn't really sexually aroused by it? The enjoyment stemming from other areas?



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Going back to the original topic, I was expecting people's theories on how/why they developed a pee fetish.  No doubt it goes back to infancy but how did it get sexualised?  My first experience of female peeing was watching my younger sister in the bath.  We would have both been under 5.  Actually it's probably the first time my attention was drawn to a vulva, and I do remember wanting to see it again and again, so I obviously found it fascinating on some level.  But it was 35 more years before I sexualised it in practice, and it soon became a very powerful sexual influence.

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21 hours ago, Sweets said:

Female here that is into the fetish.  I had a lot of videos posted on pornhub.  That I ended up removing and posting some on another web site.   For me making and sharing videos is a real turn on.  I’m into peeing in naughty places.  And it turns me on when my naughty act turns someone else on.   I removed my videos from pornhub because they were getting a little to popular.  I was worried that someone I might physically know in person might run across one.  All though I might be bold and naughty on here I don’t have that same confidence in person about our fetish. Last year I was very active in the group.  But since all the stuff started happening last year with the virus. My work load just blow up.  Then some person things happened that has keep me away.  I try to pop in when I can.  But it’s been a long time since I posted a video.  I had a few stories that were running around in my head too.  But just haven’t had the time to put pen to paper 

Do you like naughtiness in general, or just in relation to peeing? 

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For me I am much more interested in seeing the ladies peeing than in doing so myself.

I love the idea and sight of girls peeing in naughty places. I think the brazen wrongness of it works for me. 

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6 hours ago, DrownMeQuick said:

Going back to the original topic, I was expecting people's theories on how/why they developed a pee fetish.  No doubt it goes back to infancy but how did it get sexualised?

You'll find answers to that question already all over the forum, for example:


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6 hours ago, Simpfan said:

 I'm at an age where the estrogen drop was supposed to make me dry downstairs, but I still get wetly aroused. So my only outlet is self-pleasure and the inspiration of watching men pee, which has become my main porn interest. I can't watch my guy pee (he won't let me), so I look for others on here. I have only experienced watersports with two men in my past. But I have a slew of fantasies. And it's true that I only visit this site when my own bladder is full.

 I get it. Obviously I'm an older male so reverse the genders but the story-line is the same. Wife is not into it so my only outlet is the same as yours and I've accepted that. I have gotten lucky in the past 30 years with two separate female encounters that resulted in some fun pee activities. However, I would never leave my wife (or even considered it) based on my frustration of lack of a pee partner. Still, it is a void I need to fill somehow so I do it here with self-pleasure and interaction with like-minded people.

Good luck with whatever path you choose. Btw, I would very much like to hear your slew of fantasies if, at some point in the future, you would be willing and comfortable to share. 

Edited by Theo
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On 2/26/2021 at 2:01 PM, Eliminature said:

As for me, I love posting photographs of myself urinating standing - yes, I really am a clitoris owner.

At the moment, with cold weather and lock down, opportunities to share this with you have been a bit thin on the ground. Also, winter and lockdown combined to make arousal and urophilia the last thing on my mind over the previous few months. I'm hoping to change this as soon as I can. The warmer months are edging closer...

What about someone else getting pics of you peeing then?  Just curious here

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12 minutes ago, muffinhuntr said:

Peeinng is "dirty". We are taught to not look up girls dresses, not to watch them in the bathroom. Girls are taugh not to anyone see under their dress and not to pee in front of anyone because it's "dirty". Of course, the more "dirty" it is, the more taboo it is, the more we want to see it. So, I think it's a matter of seeing what we're not supposed to see and doing what we're not supposed to do. 

I personally love to see girls pee, in person in pics or on videos. It is intensely sexual to me and I love to talk (chat)  with any girls willing to talk about peeing with me. "Willing" is the key word. I do not wish to make anyone uncomfortable with in any way.

for sure about it being a "taboo" subject (as with all sexual things, but pee especially), and how one is drawn to something dirty regardless no matter how many times one is told it's wrong. even before it was a sexual thing for me, i was interested in pee. i wrote the experience on another topic once, but when i was younger me and my friend (we are both girls) would go with each other into the bathroom and watch each other pee. it was so thrilling to both of us and we kept doing it, even though we knew it was "wrong"

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I'm a gay guy who is primarily into watching others guys pee.  That combined with getting kinkshamed in the past has made me very cautious when it comes to talking about my fetish.  I'll only talk about it if I know I am in a community that is okay with it.  I get way more aroused watching other guys piss than myself pissing.  Not that I don't get turned on at all by myself pissing, but it is a very small part of my fetish compared to watching other guys piss.  That's part of the reason why I have not shared any pics or vids of myself pissing.  Shyness and worry are my other reasons.

I don't know if I will ever figure out exactly why I have this fetish.  I think naughtiness, seeing what you are not supposed to see, is the closest answer I can give.  I developed my pee fetish before having an interest in sex, so there are times when I can get off to just pee stuff and other times when I can get off to just vanilla sex stuff.  It's like my piss fetish and my desire for sex are two separate moods.  Though sometimes I will be in the mood for both. 

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On 2/27/2021 at 8:10 PM, muffinhuntr said:

Peeinng is "dirty". We are taught to not look up girls dresses, not to watch them in the bathroom. Girls are taugh not to anyone see under their dress and not to pee in front of anyone because it's "dirty". Of course, the more "dirty" it is, the more taboo it is, the more we want to see it. So, I think it's a matter of seeing what we're not supposed to see and doing what we're not supposed to do. 

I personally love to see girls pee, in person in pics or on videos. It is intensely sexual to me and I love to talk (chat)  with any girls willing to talk about peeing with me. "Willing" is the key word. I do not wish to make anyone uncomfortable with in any way.

I fully agree with muffinhuntr.

Back in 2003, I began the first of a couple dozen posts discussing in detail the reasons, experiences, and philosophies regarding my pee fetish.

I could almost make all these posts into a small book.

This was on a site still going called "toiletstool.com".  I began on page 1095 under the name "Raging Urophile".

muffinhuntr's poignant response reminded me of these discussions.

My fetish began when i was four years old.

When in Kindergarten, I would ask the teacher to use the restroom, right after a girl asked to go. The restrooms were behind a partition, so instead of going to the bathroom, I would put my cheek on the floor to peek under the girls restroom door. I enjoyed seeing their feet and ankles hanging from the toilet seat with their clothes down.

I grew up in a private household where my mom would not even let my dad into the bathroom when she was peeing.  This was true for 67 years of marriage until my dad died this past July.

I remember when I was eight years old, my mom confirmed what " I already knew".

I asked her " Why do we cover up that part of the body?"

She replied, " because that is where we go potty from."

I knew boys and girls were different between the legs, and  I also knew the ONLY function of what was between the legs was to " go potty"

I therefore concluded that the ONLY diffeernce between boys and girls was how they went potty.

Hence I associated privacy with peeing, and wanted see a girl do it, especially since it naughty and very forbidden.

My pee fetish went dormant for about 14 years and re-emerged when I was 19.


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  • 4 months later...

Penises and vaginas can have fun together, but are separate organs with their own functions.  Unlike a woman's crotch getting wet, or a cock getting noticeably erect, peeing is pantomimed and duplicated by the other sex.  You can pee together.  You can pee on each other.  You can pee for distance.  You can pen your lady's name in the snow.  You can surprise him at the urinal.  
Like sex, urination exceeds the space of the genitals itself.  Your stream is an arc of transcendence through space and time, whereby your crotch leaves its mark on this earth.  
A great way to get to know a penis or a vagina is to see it peeing.  A vagina that squirts her urine 15 feet is tight and chiseled.  2 penises that shower each other with golden love are undeniably gay.  A vagina can commandeer a urinal, standing with the self-assurance and marksmanship of a tomboy.  
My personal interest lies in watching vaginas pee in ways which are conventionally masculine, such as when girls pee in the urinal.    
These girls are sitting down to pee like good girls, but they've trespassed and using someone else's facilities.  It's demure yet naughty - like a girl who complains men get to go topless, and then flashes you.  Someone may say a woman needs a urinal like she needs a cup or a jockstrap.  I say she needs a urinal like she needs a condom.  Just because it is made for penises, doesn't mean it can't help vaginas!  Urinals save space and water.  The exposure expedites queues and abolishes doors.  
You rarely hear of females partaking in a peeing contest.  It's almost a rite of passage for boys - only sport boys compete in together, but not girls.  Some women like Rachel, Annie, and Christina can pee higher than they can stand, and farther than they can jump.  It's a shame people will never get to see them draw that female curve in the air.  A vagina can shoot farther than a penis, and outmuscle it until it shrivels.  
Peeing your name in the snow is an oft-cited ritual women envy.  That being said, I've never heard of a woman actually peeing her name in the snow, unless her name was Dot.  
Would a woman peeing on a wall as a sign of disrespect?  Since she is preconditioned to squat, she may pee on something to be rude, but usually to something she's already pushed to the floor.  When a woman pees on a wall, the naughty tomboy's disrespecting someone and elevating herself.  
Peeing through the fly is elusive, but with some new clothing companies for extended zips, may become more mainstream.  Women deserve the same privacy as men, able to show off their bodies if they want, but not always have to be on display.  From the side, you cannot see her genitals protruding - she does not stick out, but take in!  With a properly constructed fly, women have beaten men at peeing through a zipper.  
Why do I like to see women pee like men?  My generation, the millennials, were told growing up that boys were defective girls, that anything boys can do girls can do better, that girls can do anything, be anything, and rule the world.  
This was never meant to be cruel.  Women can have sex with men, and now women can pee with men.  



Edited by pussylover
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/22/2021 at 3:33 AM, pussylover said:

Penises and vaginas can have fun together, but are separate organs with their own functions.  Unlike a woman's crotch getting wet, or a cock getting noticeably erect, peeing is pantomimed and duplicated by the other sex.  You can pee together.  You can pee on each other.  You can pee for distance.  You can pen your lady's name in the snow.  You can surprise him at the urinal.  
Like sex, urination exceeds the space of the genitals itself.  Your stream is an arc of transcendence through space and time, whereby your crotch leaves its mark on this earth.  
A great way to get to know a penis or a vagina is to see it peeing.  A vagina that squirts her urine 15 feet is tight and chiseled.  2 penises that shower each other with golden love are undeniably gay.  A vagina can commandeer a urinal, standing with the self-assurance and marksmanship of a tomboy.  
My personal interest lies in watching vaginas pee in ways which are conventionally masculine, such as when girls pee in the urinal.    
These girls are sitting down to pee like good girls, but they've trespassed and using someone else's facilities.  It's demure yet naughty - like a girl who complains men get to go topless, and then flashes you.  Someone may say a woman needs a urinal like she needs a cup or a jockstrap.  I say she needs a urinal like she needs a condom.  Just because it is made for penises, doesn't mean it can't help vaginas!  Urinals save space and water.  The exposure expedites queues and abolishes doors.  
You rarely hear of females partaking in a peeing contest.  It's almost a rite of passage for boys - only sport boys compete in together, but not girls.  Some women like Rachel, Annie, and Christina can pee higher than they can stand, and farther than they can jump.  It's a shame people will never get to see them draw that female curve in the air.  A vagina can shoot farther than a penis, and outmuscle it until it shrivels.  
Peeing your name in the snow is an oft-cited ritual women envy.  That being said, I've never heard of a woman actually peeing her name in the snow, unless her name was Dot.  
Would a woman peeing on a wall as a sign of disrespect?  Since she is preconditioned to squat, she may pee on something to be rude, but usually to something she's already pushed to the floor.  When a woman pees on a wall, the naughty tomboy's disrespecting someone and elevating herself.  
Peeing through the fly is elusive, but with some new clothing companies for extended zips, may become more mainstream.  Women deserve the same privacy as men, able to show off their bodies if they want, but not always have to be on display.  From the side, you cannot see her genitals protruding - she does not stick out, but take in!  With a properly constructed fly, women have beaten men at peeing through a zipper.  
Why do I like to see women pee like men?  My generation, the millennials, were told growing up that boys were defective girls, that anything boys can do girls can do better, that girls can do anything, be anything, and rule the world.  
This was never meant to be cruel.  Women can have sex with men, and now women can pee with men.  



And this doesn't even begin to describe the wonders of transgender people, a woman's penis, a man's vagina, those who fall outside the traditional male-female binary, all have one thing in common, and that thing is pee!

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