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Operating Systems

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Ok, the techno nerd is coming out.

I'm currently running: Windows 10, FreeBSD 12 and Linuxmint 19.1. There is an Android pc here too. 

What Operating Systems are you people running?

Just a question, no nefarious schemes will be attempted, want to get a feel on what other people are using.

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Windows 10. But have used Linux (CentOs and Fedora) that was mainly for running a website. I have also dabbled with Windows server 2012 and 2016. Growing up I used MacOS at home so as you can see I am conversant on various different operating systems.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a Windows guy and been so for more than 20 years. I seem to have skipped every other OS update since 98, going directly to XP, then 7 and currently 10.  At least I got the sequence right and missed Vista.

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  • 1 year later...

I use Windows 10 and Ubuntu.  I'm tempted to ditch Windows but I don't feel that I know enough to go solo with Linux yet and also maintain Windows for compatibility with others in the household.

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  • 1 month later...

I dual boot Ubuntu 20.04 as my daily, Windows 10 for certain software that requires Windows.

Raspbian running on a raspberry pi to keep me connected to IRC.

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13 hours ago, Sophie said:

I dual boot Ubuntu 20.04 as my daily, Windows 10 for certain software that requires Windows.

Raspbian running on a raspberry pi to keep me connected to IRC.

Kinky 😉

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So those are mine: 

My "daily driver" for basically everything except gaming and video rendering is a mid 2012 MacBook Pro 15" (the love of my life - may he live a couple of years more, if I replace his battery) with macOs Catalina 10.15.6

For gaming I use my custom built PC in a lovely CoolerMaster Case (great airflow) with a Xeon E5 1620 and an ATI RX580 with currently 32 Gigs of RAM which is just enough, when I decide to go crazy again with some virtual machines... Oh yes and it's running Windows 10 of course on Version 2004 build 20161.1000


At work my working machine is a Lenovo P50 with Windows 10 Version 1909  a little behind there (looking at you International Client Development Departement) 

And just acquired today: an old Lenovo T450 with fresh installed kali linux (Debian based for those of you who don't know) on the latest version  - which is basically the outsourcing of a virtual machine, I had previously running on my P50  

So I think thats about it 

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