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Everything posted by nopjans

  1. I know it must be very hard work to write this well, but you make it seem so effortless. Your storytelling and pacing are terrific.
  2. Another wonderful chapter. I know that Sir Anton Locksley is thought to be too traditional to be interested in piss, but I wonder how that will play out...
  3. Well done, Nancy. I was engaged in this interlude and am quite interested to see what happens next.
  4. Welcome back! You've been missed.
  5. Wow. This is extraordinarily good. The first version of Lara Roft is among my all time favorite works of yours @lesley so it goes without saying I am excited beyond measure to see where the reboot goes.
  6. I usually prefer a bit of hair, but this woman is so lovely to me.
  7. Try peeing on someone else's parked car. Whether that's just pissing on the tire or truing to aim your stream at the door or handle is up to you.
  8. Yes, when the ice age came to an end, and the glaciers melted, flooding would have been rampant across the northern hemisphere. It's no surprise that memories of these events would survive through the oral tradition.
  9. Excellent. Can’t wait for the next short story!
  10. Excellent writing as always, Brutus.
  11. What a remarkable experience. Thank you for documenting it for us in such wonderful detail.
  12. Seeing a new story from @Vassalis always a welcome treat.
  13. This thread is why I love this site and community. At first I thought that there was no need to apologize, or say anything at all - if someone doesn't want to read these stories, there's certainly no requirement to do so. Yet, this thread has generated a lot of wonderful thoughts on writing, creativity, and community. There's even been a visit by the ghost of one of my favorite authors, Umberto Eco. 😁 I try to target my stories for around 2000 words. That's what feels like the right length for me, but I enjoy works by other authors that are much longer and much shorter. I'm delighted tha
  14. nopjans


    For those who are slightly more technical, you can find the URL of the video and use youtube-dl from the command line to download the video. It takes forever, but then you have it.
  15. This most recent chapter was tremendously entertaining and well written, @spywareonya.
  16. This thread inspired me to have some kebab for lunch. Nancy, have you ever visited the United States? It is a huge country with a lot of regional diversity so if so, what parts have you been to? If not, what parts would you like to visit?
  17. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go? If there were no negative consequences, what would you pee on if you could?
  18. What more needs to be said, Lesley? You have a great gift for writing piss-soaked fiction. As always, I'm excited to read what comes next. I can't believe you're back, and am so happy to see these new additions to your library.
  19. Visually, I just love the look a well-trimmed bush.
  20. Absolutely brilliant. I have a half-completed draft of a story that was an homage to the Hunger Games, in which the heroine had to use her pee to help her allies and defeat her enemies. I love your take on this concept, @polecat. Well done!
  21. @spywareonya you never cease to amaze me. These chapters are so skillfully written, I love it.
  22. Oh my goodness - this is amazing. I have read the Legends of the Fel chapters that are out there on Literotica many, many times over the years. This is completely new and fantastic. I eagerly await whatever comes next.
  23. I enjoyed this! What a fun combination of elements.
  24. Oh Nancy, this entire story is so wonderfully and vividly told. What a wonderful time you and Alex have together.
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