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Everything posted by puddyls

  1. i was doing laundry, and felt incredibly sexy wearing a wrap and thigh highs. anyways. while loading the wash i rubbed against the side of the machine and for some reason it gave me a tingle. i was horny and when i started it, i lifted one leg onto the drier so i could lean against the washer and press my muffin onto the corner. i ended up sitting on it and fingered myself til i came.
  2. so a few weeks ago, i had gone to have a massage and i guess i was way relaxed afterwards. plus it didn't help being kneaded while not having been potty for awhile. ? anyways, despite using their bathroom to tidy up a bit, i opted to hold instead of go potty. i was going to walk around the shopping center a bit, and maybe eat, but that pressing feeling was becoming more urgent. it wasn't long before i found a low pillar that offered some privacy from the main parking lot. i slid my pants and undies off, my pee began escaping as i squatted.
  3. lol. why tell, when one can show, sorta. my lounge pants this morning didn't leave much to imagine while i was sitting on the porch.
  4. lol. waiting as long as possible before finally getting ready for work. i have some lowrise pants picked out. but yeah. these today
  5. puddyls


    i thought it was already a no no here, now. i hate to stir the pot, because it was suggested that the topic jeoprodized the site. however, that was during some turbulent times here too. so idk. i'm still adhereing to that. but, it's just a natural function of my body, so i'm kinda indifferent as well. i mean sometimes i take pix during that time of my cycle, but not neccesarily for that reason. and i accidentally found out that some guys find it stimulating by posting a pic like that once, so it kinda became fun to share. but, i'm totally ok not sharing too.
  6. looks like you might have been close. but that could be any hard surface at home. lol
  7. hey. at least you won something. nice job! last time i tried golfing, i had to keep looking for balls in the weeds. ?
  8. our pool didn't have changing rooms per se just bathrooms and a cabana, that was really just a kitchen available for rent. there was an outdoor shower too, which the sign read to use for rinsing before getting in the pool; but we always only seemed to use it afterwards to, according to my mom, rinse the chlorine out of everything. there was no door or curtain, just 3 tiled walls and the 4th side was exposed so of course it wasn't meant as a place to disrobe. anyways, there were many times after swimming when i'd hop in that shower and let my pee run through my bathing suit, down my legs, and o
  9. i didn't think i'd make it outside this morning. i had to pee so bad! while i was waiting for the coffee to brew i had to kneal on the floor using my heel to hold back. but even that didn't stop some pee from leaking out. i'm pretty sure a couple of drops are on the kitchen floor. and the patch in my crotch was cold as i finally made it outside, still wearing only my nightie- really just a strappy cotton and lace jammies top- and panties. i held standing with my legs crossed drinking the hot beverage, getting about half, until i couldn't take it anymore. then squatted and peed through my whit
  10. is on me a naughty place? ? i woke up to my muffin being played with. which led to some much needed morning sex. i don't always let him, but i was still kinda sleepy; it would be refreshing, right? lol. so after sucking and licking all my juices off his tool, he rewarded me with a load to my face. ☺️ after several spasms of his cock, this is what happened. so after he collapsed and fell back to sleep, i snuck a couple of pix, made coffee , sat outside and watched the sun rise while his cum dripped and dried on me. i had to run in when i noticed, a tad late, an elderly lady walking her dog down
  11. puddyls


    well. it is my own pic, so i guess it's kinda posed. but, i'm sure several people might have thought i was unaware of my panties sorta showing.
  12. lol. sort of a fun topic. i don't have any pix or video of it because you know, i'm a good girl and photography isn't permitted (also i wasn't really into taking them then and it was more intimate than for fun anyways), but i once made a boyfriend of mine cum on the haunted mansion ride at disneyland. we thought it was pretty daring and super naughty at the time.
  13. it's always a bit of an inconvenience to find a toilet out of order, but i always enjoy the opportunity to find somewhere different to substitute. lol. and it's good you weren't fined for taking care of a basic need.
  14. well. i guess "underwear" is a relative term today. lol. ?☺️
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