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Everything posted by puddyls

  1. haha. so i was watching moana and then wreck it ralph on tv last night. there were a few times during the day when i felt that horny wetness down there, but never had the urge to jill. until laying the sofa, that desire came out of nowhere. i spent most of the 2nd movie with my pants unzipped and my fingers gently massaging my clit and poking around inside my muffin. i never got ferverously into it to cum, but just giving in to the feeling of needing to be touched and stimulated.
  2. not actually today, but from not too long ago.
  3. so like i’m certain the mailman saw that i only had panties on when he handed me my mail. i’m not sure if he realized i was wearing the pad. also, having been caught twice in as many weeks by him, i wonder what his thoughts were. i totally noticed he was taking glances my way as he went back up the other side of the street. 😱😳😇
  4. haha. right? but i could have at least got a tampon.
  5. forgot the panties i was going to change into after i’d filled my diaper on new years. but, luckily i did remember to pack a couple of tampons in my clutch.
  6. puddyls


    just some from NYE
  7. i’ve done it, actually. in the past. and only did a handful of transactions. like @Riley suggested, i used a PO box. it was before electonic payment was popular, so requested cash or a money order, as i felt that was the most discrete method for all parties involved. i think i even made a crude website on a free server- not sure what happened to it, or if i ever even published it to the web. lol. it was a bit exciting, if not a bit weird, but the ROI wasn’t bad. 😆 although, what irritated me and eventually led me away from doing it, was people requesting panties but then not following through
  8. i don’t always feel the actual release of sperm. but, i do feel the throbbing or pulsing, i don’t know how to describe it, lol, of a penis as it ejaculates in me.
  9. puddyls


    i read about that case, and it’s totally outrageous- unbelievable really. i agree with you 100%, @owlman76! and thanks for “getting it” 😘
  10. oftentimes yeah. lol. idk even know why.
  11. i was pretty horny today. ended up playing twice. took a moment to capture some of one time.
  12. i’m not sure if proud is the feeling i had, but i totally appreciate this post. in solidarity, i had some discharge today.
  13. i call them panties or undies. although, to me undies seems more juvenile- maybe because it’s kinda nuetral and seems more appropriate when refering to childrens undergarments (?). also, panties is the prevaliling coloquial in my part of the world for womens underwear. what i find interesting is that men here often seem to refer to their underwear by it’s type: boxers, boxer briefs, tighty-whities, etc., where as women usually use the generic. also, speaking of differences between the UK and US, i’ve read that what we hear now as the prevailing “British” accent is actually rather new, an
  14. puddyls


    haha. well, yeah, anyone who has PMed me and made requests, (or um demands, as has happened on other sites), knows i am my own woman. lol. 😏 everything i share is because i want to share it with y’all. and of course, i actually do enjoy letting you follow my shenanigans. it is empowering in a way, and i’m happy to have a safe place to explore that. and yes, i understand that when i do share on here, there are certain implications that may ‘arrise,’ and almost do so with them in mind. like i often say about this place: it’s super fun to ablely explore my naughty side with a group of respectful
  15. when i wipe after a pee, usually i just reached down with a small wad of tissue and dab, or wipe back front. i have done the reach around, but not often and usually only if i’ve hovered to go. also, is the act of wiping, kinda so natural and mundane to anyone else, that you had to put some thought into it before answering this?
  16. i think it’s a neat and creative invention, but agree that it seems more inconvenient to have and use than not. of course, it’s really just a lot easier (or say it is) to sneak a pee more conventionally, or even, not, like um through my panties; but, i’m a bit biased. lol.
  17. haha. it happened to me the other day. i really didn’t have to go that bad on a drive across town, like i was desperate, but wasn’t very far along. so, knowing i needed gas, i started debating over where might be the cheapest place to stop- not even thinking about having to use a potty there. then as i exited the freeway, and pulled into the station, my bladder’s needs seemed to be outweighing my car’s. and as i began to pay and pump the gas, i found my legs crossed, and had to sit on the edge of the drivers seat rocking and bouncing. with only 30 minutes left to my destination, i had expected
  18. puddyls


    well thank you. i mean of course, it always depends on several factors for me. but, yes, having agency over my body and desires is paramount. so actually this is a bit poignant, with the whole ‘metoo’ movement in the States and, as @owlman76 points out, discussion in the UK. like, ok, i do admit that i don’t mind having my underwear seen. and to an extent, actually enjoy showing it. but, that doesn’t mean, a) i want every bloke i come across to have a look, b) it’s for his sexual gratification c) it’s ok for him to make advances, and/or d) ok to record me in a compromised position. so like, i’
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