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Everything posted by puddyls

  1. puddyls


    so i trimmed a bit. heehee. peek a boo. 😇✂️
  2. i don’t really enjoy peeing in jeans, but it does happen. i’d already been pretty desperate and had leaked seveeral times. prior to this the spurt was big enough that it was over an hour before finding myself having to go again, or rather finish. so i figured since they were already wet kinda, i might as well just do the deed. ended up i the backyard, popping a squat and let every drop out.
  3. puddyls


    nothing crazy. haha. just innocently showing a little leg. a guy catcalled me, so i guess it was even visible to the casual observer across the parking lot. 🤭😇
  4. puddyls


    @F.W sorry its a pose. 😕 lol. but i wasn’t going to ask a stranger to take a sneak peek pic. i guess though, the 1st one can be kinda construed to be unsolicited. 😜
  5. its so cold out. but even if it was only for a short bit, it felt sexy sharing my tampon string out in the open. 🤭😇
  6. bought some different kind of training pants. they don’t fit quite as well as the last kind i tried, but i feel like they look more like diapers than the other ones. haven’t tried to see how they hold up. just got them and couldn’t wait to put one on, so here i am having wine on the front porch. and honestly, even not having a pee in them, i still just feel kinda naughty but super cute being a grown up in diapers. haha
  7. haha. i did tht too. 😇
  8. so i totally needed a jill the other morning. but, didn’t think i’d have time in my routine. but, then i had this solution to do while i was having my coffee. after making a cup, i got my vibrator and headed to the porch. it seemed like a quiet morning outside, so i felt safe enough to do my naughty deeds. after a few sips i couldn’t wait any longer and slid my toy into me and after a few times in and out held it in place with my vaginal muscles as i continued drinking my coffee and working on my keagles. 😇😝 but needed a bit more so ended up sitting on it as i tried to subtly bounce and rock m
  9. puddyls


    i wish i knew why i was wired like this, but i find it exciting to let you peek up my dress. 😇🥰
  10. this one lasted 6 days. it depends i’ve hd them as short as 4 and as long as 8 days.
  11. morning after. woke up pretty desperate. but still held through making coffee and nearly 1 cup. before realizing i was i was going to pee myself. did make it to the potty, and changed my tampon while i was there.
  12. whenever i pee outdoors, i often am worried about being seen and usually try to be as discrete as i can, but have caught several guys openly peeing without seeming to give much thought as to being caught. a few weeks ago, while i was actually debating about finding a place to squat, or just wet under my dress, a guy came out of the bar and went across the street to his car. he had to have noticed me sitting there, and it was a busy night there, too. but still casually opened the car door and with his back to street peed towards the back of his car. i mean i was a bit too far to really see anyt
  13. just hanging out with a cup of tea in my bathroom without any walls. 😳😇 ended up taking care of the needs of my bladder and vagina. even walked around to my driveway and threw the old one right in the the trash bin before heading in to bed.
  14. i’m ammused that even though periods aren’t usually an exciting thing to guys, they can still be infatuated by a tiny string of cotton. 😳
  15. so i guess new year, new me includes a fresh lining for my uterus. yay. 🙇🏻‍♀️😕
  16. so the other night i had a really traumatizing experience. i debated about this being in general chat or here. but ultimately, since i’m sharing a pic, i’m choosing here- sorries to be a buzz kill. this is me. a few nights ago, while i was still angry and before the feelings of helplessness and despair set in. i have my ankle length skirt in one hand, posing for the camera held in the other. it was chilly so i have a pea coat on over an admitantly fitted top. under my skirt i was only wearing sheer nude nylons, surprisingly without panties. so i decided to take the skirt off
  17. i was going to suggest the same! but someone beat me to it. you write very well sweets, i’d not have known this was a concern of yours. i’d be happy to proofread anything. not to toot my horn, but i have a bit of a fetish for grammar. lol. though, i kinda get busy with life, so time is not always a luxury of mine
  18. these today. so far i’ve just been using these nylons as pants. haven’t decided if i’ll wear a skirt or shorts if i get out of the house today.
  19. totally planned. haha. but i have been feeling super horny lately. brought a vibrator out with me to have coffee. it felt soo good, i almost choked on my drink at one point from an unexpected convulsion. lol.
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