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Everything posted by puddyls

  1. so, i won't be able to get my guy to participate in a golden shower, and it's been awhile since i have done any myself, plus not really enjoying it, anyway, i'll have to do a story about it. ( @Sophie) so this came about while chatting with one of my fans in a PM, and i was actually so enamored by it that i asked if i could adapt it for here: casually chatting, he drops a bomb. it's not a big secret, but definitely not something we have talked about before in depth, or even that he has witnessed, save for a few occasions hiking when i've squatted near by. "I love the idea of pee all
  2. a clean pair of undies and a pad. off to bed soon.
  3. well, not that it came unexpectedly, but i wasn't quite ready for it to be here. had a bit of an "oh no" moment on my way home from work. and now my panties are doing the overnight soak.
  4. puddyls


    friday flip up. i wore one of the new panties i bought. and of course have to show them off. also, i knew if i crisscrossed the straps on my convertible bra, they'd be seen too. πŸ˜‡πŸ˜œ
  5. puddyls


    not a skirt. but up my shorts right now. πŸ˜‡πŸ˜ also, i think i have some VPL showing😳
  6. there is no sad reaction. but i feel bad for you. one of the best things about a relationship should be the consensual intimate bonding of both partners.
  7. puddyls


    fun panties. and it was hard not showing them off in this skirt! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜³ i think i made a couple of wives jealous at the store too. the one dude i caught gawking was probably not alone.
  8. puddyls


    at dinner last night. 😝
  9. glad it's ending for you. i hate when they come on worse than you expect. πŸ˜• my last couple months were actually heavy and painful. this time hasn't been so bad. but it's gone longer than normal.
  10. partially dressed for work this morning frantically getting ready. i need to do laundry, so i guess these will have to do today. 😳☺️
  11. potty and refresh at lunch yesterday.
  12. my undies aren't as opaque as i thought.
  13. πŸ˜‡β˜ΊοΈ so i have noticed that white panties, despite being washed and bleached, are sometimes still stained after being cleaned. the other day i soiled this pair 3 times. and after hanging them to dry, they really show. now presoaking them in hopes the become white again after washing. 😳
  14. love it! πŸ’• those pesky commutes get me sometimes too.
  15. amazing posts, grizzly! thanks for sharing. πŸ’‹
  16. puddyls


    sometimes i feel especially naughty and sexy. today is one of those times. i dressed for the occasion, and it's not making matters any better, or is it? πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‚ a little better pix taken later in the day. of course, aside from pix to share, i was pretty conscience of the fact that i was bare, but jean skirts as they are... πŸ˜³πŸ˜πŸ˜‡
  17. i think i've started. actually, i'm quite sure. but the bed feels sooooo nice right now, and i'm so tired, i haven't even tried to check. 😐
  18. 😱 lol. um guys. 😳 you two are so bad.
  19. wow. i clicked on it becuase i was curious. and lol, now i'm kinda turned on from these. who knew?! 😝 so sexy. and i'm totally going to have to second spy's comment. having someone down there like that is like my favorite.
  20. love it! those are some great pix. glad you finally got around to sharing something. keep up the naughty work! πŸ’‹
  21. OMG. yes you did. your boxers are soaked! πŸ˜‚
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