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Everything posted by puddyls

  1. it was trash day today. and i needed to feed my cat. it's kinda convenient that i happened to wait on my porch until the trash truck was 2 doors down. it paused for a bit after i had stepped out to fill the bowl, i wonder if i had anything to do with that? 😇😝
  2. when you ask him to pull out and so he does this to them in the morning. and then you decide to keep them on and get ready for work anyway. 😝😇 not really my stains, but they are still my soiled panties none-the-less. 😂
  3. this ended up being from my final day. i allowed myself some freedom down there all morning. and only before deciding to get dressed inserted a tampon while i was still on my back patio.
  4. i wore a black lace bikini today.
  5. true. and it doesn't do anything for me really. like it's just a part of life. but, i think its interesting when a guy is actually curious or excited by it. which is why i started sharing mine.
  6. mine just started a few days ago. took some pix this morning.
  7. love it! a lot of guys seem to think these words are interchangable, but, as a woman, i actually feel like they have differing conotations- and you basically nailed them.
  8. i can kinda tell. spywareonya kinda describes it well. although, lol, i don't know if an ant is the right analogy for me. but, there is a sensation i get just before it starts. the wetness she describes is spot on for me too. it is definitely a different feeling of wet from normal, or even aroused, excrement; and pee. mine are usually also preempted by cramping. although, i'm pretty regular, my pre-symptoms don't always allow me the luxury of knowing exactly when i'll start. often that feeling of 'movement' only gives a few minutes notice, sometimes none. i definitely prefer pads over ta
  9. i kinda find them fun. if i go into a single user bathroom with one, i almost always use it instead of the toilet.
  10. so. i think i just made one of my biggest puddles ever. unfortunately, i wasn't able to get a pic. but, i had been conscientiously holding for almost an hour and a half, but had to pee long before that. i got home from work, and ended up in just my bra and thong in front of the tv with some gelato while watching reruns. i had began having to squirm and hold myself but wasn't quite ready to enjoy going. while making some green tea- waiting for the kettle was excruciating- i threw on a cardigan and spent the time checking notifications on my phone standing on front porch. the whole time with my
  11. um, normally only about 3 feet forward when i manipulate myself to do so. if not, and i stand a certain way, only about a foot. otherwise it goes almost straight down. 😇 the farthest i've ever gotten, and this was totally unscientific, was maybe 5 feet, but i haven't been able to replicate that distance since.
  12. awesome. i've had fun with this before. normally, i enjoy keepin mine on after wetting but sometimes the thought of my undies being found by an unsuspecting stranger is kinda exciting. the most recent was walking home from the corner drug store after getting an ice cream cone. i had had to go for a while and decided to wet my panties. it was a warm day and i'm not sure why i decided to take them off afterwards. i originally peed next to the pay phone outside the store. and walked across the street, when the idea came to me. i stopped and looked to see that no one was around then slipped a pair
  13. i don't normally wipe in public either. i do keep a pack of tissue in my purse. but often, like many of you pointed out, i try to just finish and get my pants up.
  14. it's only my speculation, but i noticed this random and interesting puddle on my walk home from some bars friday night. it looks a lot like some i've made from having a squat and it had me wondering if another gal had been in the same desperate predicament as i.
  15. snuck a pic of mine earlier at my desk at work. ?
  16. gathered up a bunch of drying and dried panties for laundry last night. these ones definitely needed it- after i had worn them for almost 24 hours and had been wet like 4 or 5 times. ??
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