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Everything posted by puddyls

  1. puddyls


    when you’re not even trying, but you’re showing anyway. 😇😳🤣 so what the heck, right?
  2. lol. i kinda knew i’d have a pantyline in these pants. but didn’t realize it’d be this noticeable.
  3. i have. but not often. the only places i can think of are, a park bench, in the mens room, beside my car, and in a changing room. it’s kind of inconvenient to do so in odd places- like not having anything available to clean up with if i need to, and not having someplace to put it- flushing them is frowned upon usually.
  4. i just bought a package of goodnites. my first diaper like undies. personally, i actually enjoy wetting normal panties, so this is something i did just to try
  5. i too, just picked up a package of goodnites. the last time i wore anything diaperish my parents bought them for me and i was like 4. lol. so, these are my first foray into them as an adult.
  6. no real reason. it’s just been a few days and i felt like i needed to rub myself to climax. 🤪😇
  7. not exactly panties, but still. 😇☺️ i’m guessing some imaginations had fun today.
  8. puddyls


    it was so peaceful last night, i only put on socks and a jacket to have cocoa on the porch. i guess i shouldn't have been surprised as much as i was, but 2 bicyclists rode by and i didn't have time to react, sooo they may have had a glimpse of my muffin. like since i was sitting how i am in the middle pic when they went by. 😳😇
  9. puddyls


    probably not the best choice under a white skirt. but it is normally pretty opaque. i was running late though this morning, and checking for VPL was not in the cards.
  10. glad i'm done now. and happy you're feeling better!
  11. so, i thought there was a post about this already, but can't seem to find it. i didn't really want to start a new one, just because, but i guess i will. it has been a looong time since i have done this, and when i tried earlier today, i recalled why. so anyways, i was just having a glass, or 3 of wine, and began to get very desperate. i have pants on, and they are still clean enough to wear again, so really didn't want to wet. decided, after almost wasting it bursting in my shower, to try something. i still had about an ounce of pinot gris in my glass. positioned myself on the stool in
  12. puddyls


    just got out of work. lol.
  13. puddyls


    jean skirts sometimes make it too easy to be a bit playful. 😇☺️😝
  14. omg. it's been a brutal one. but i feel much more 'normal' today. i couldn't even share the pix i took yesterday morning, because my pad leaked over. it was kinda gross. lol. 😱 but, good morning.
  15. omg. i am a server part time, and there is kinda a bit of truth here. lol 😂😇
  16. so, i won't be able to get my guy to participate in a golden shower, and it's been awhile since i have done any myself, plus not really enjoying it, anyway, i'll have to do a story about it. ( @Sophie) so this came about while chatting with one of my fans in a PM, and i was actually so enamored by it that i asked if i could adapt it for here: casually chatting, he drops a bomb. it's not a big secret, but definitely not something we have talked about before in depth, or even that he has witnessed, save for a few occasions hiking when i've squatted near by. "I love the idea of pee all
  17. a clean pair of undies and a pad. off to bed soon.
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