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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. My husband and I was cuddled together on the sofa and he said he needed to pee, remembering >this< topic I asked if I could go with him. He gladly accepted and we went upstairs together to the bathroom, closing the door behind us but not locking it. He went to unzip his jeans but I stopped him. “No no no, let me help you with that.” With a smile I slowly unzipped his jeans and reached inside before pulling out his member, gently holding it in my hand. “You had better pee before it becomes too difficult” I giggled and guided him towards the toilet, wrapping my free arm around him in a lig
  2. I was in town running a few errands and had parked in a rather large car park, not multistory or anything, just a large patch of tarmac. With the current coronavirus pandemic and it being fairly early in the morning it was relatively quiet and empty. I parked right at the back and I just knew it would be a great place to have a wee. I went about my day and when I returned a couple of hours later I needed to pee. I could have made it home but where’s the fun in that? After sitting in my car for a few minutes thinking it over I decided to go for it, the opportunity was too good to miss. I o
  3. Never happened to me, I wear clothes that fit me. Wear a thong that fits and you won't even notice it.
  4. I'm not sure if this will help you but when I get pee shy in the ladies I count. I sit there with my eyes closed and count in my head, 1,2,3,4,5...etc. Not focusing on anything but the next number. I don't think about sitting in the bathroom, the girls peeing either side of me or even trying to pee myself. The only thing that matters is the next number. It works for me. If I'm counting in second intervals it's rare I even reach 60 before sending a stream down into the bowl.
  5. It's hard to say really. They both dry quickly but I've only ever been in a wet bikini while sitting in the hot sun so that obviously speeds up the drying.
  6. I couldn't tell you, it wasn't planned to begin with and I don't want to set a date because I might not be in the mood at the time.
  7. Thank you! The heavy lifting is being done by the face_recognition python library and I am using a HOG model because CNN slows my computer to a crawl. Yay for no graphics card processing!
  8. I have been working on a little facial recognition image sorter. At the moment it takes a bunch of photos and groups them into individual folders of who it thinks are the same person. The idea being I could just dump my entire picture collection and it would sort it by actress! Here I have a folder containing 13 photos, of two women. It could be twenty women, it doesn't matter. After running the program it has successfully sorted them into two individual folders! The first folder is missing a photo due to the software not recognising a face because her hand covers it.
  9. Whoops I forgot the photo of the dress! Added
  10. Just a quick recap of last night in the chat and not particularly well written I'm afraid. But i hope you like it. Yesterday evening I started filling up for a little fun in the early night, I had to regulate myself because I started drinking lots of water too early and I wouldn’t have been able to wait for the kids to go to bed. I was wearing a fairly tight white dress (similar photo below) with purple bikini cut briefs underneath and some tights. I hopped into the chat about 9pm and I was talking with some of the people there @ejcw123 @gldenwetgoose @Kupar and @foxypiss to n
  11. Just watching BBC news, Joanna Gosling She reminds me of Victoria Coren Mitchell, who I would also like to watch having a wee
  12. Nice story! Personally I would be like the woman in your story and just pee normally, loud and proud! Although my wee usually splashes into the water noisily so it would be even more audible. If I was feeling shy or concerned about the noise I'd perch on the front of the seat so my stream quietly hissed against the front of the bowl instead.
  13. A thin lacey thong dries pretty quickly in my experience
  14. I guess I'll be the boring one Whenever I need to pee I'll go upstairs and sit on the toilet. There are occasions where I'll pee on the kitchen floor, or in the sink or outside in the garden but most of the time I just have a regular wee on the toilet.
  15. Sophie


    It's a date! I guess my rule is, if I'm not wearing a bra, I'm probably not wearing panties either.
  16. Secret Diary of a Call Girl was my introduction to Billie Piper and 18 year old me... enjoyed... the TV show quite a lot. I didn't have access to the internet in my bedroom at the time so she was my weekly go to. Quite a good programme too I must add, the sex was just a bonus.
  17. I haven't tried different browsers but it is the latest version. The biggest issue I have is it isn't consistent. I haven't had the problem since making this topic but it has happened a couple of times in the past. I don't know how to reproduce it reliably so I am unable to say if changing browsers has fixed it or if it just hasn't happened again.
  18. Sophie

    Why I teach

    Dealing with stress and getting frustrated was my biggest issue growing up. I would get so annoyed if I couldn't grasp something it got me nowhere, and eventually I'd give up, usually exclaiming I couldn't do it. It was only when I stepped back, had a breather and tried again that it clicked rather quickly and I wondered why I struggled so much.
  19. Sophie

    Why I teach

    That was one of the best TED talks I've seen and I could relate to it so much. One part that really stood out to me was Rita talking about students not learning if they don't like their teachers. It is so true! Some of the most successful classes where I work have all been taught by popular teachers. The ones who don't really enjoy teaching or aren't very good at it quickly get a reputation and are more likely to have pupils misbehave.
  20. Sophie


    I wear underwear 90% of the time but I wouldn't say I'm uncomfortable without it. The only time I go without is when I'm wearing a long formal dress or something which is rather rare. Even in a long casual skirt in summer I'll wear something underneath. Something like this is the only time I go commando.
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