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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. 1) Many times! One of my most memorable was on the journey home after seeing family. I was sat in the back seat next to my sister and dying for a wee. We were driving along unlit country lanes at night so it wasn't the safest place to stop and I didn't particularly want to pee next to the car either. I kept telling myself I could hold it... I couldn't. We was about 20 minutes from home, close enough to see the signs directing us to the town I lived in when I completely lost it. It started out as a few dribbles, a slow trickle but once my sister noticed the wet patch on my jeans and loudly said
  2. You're very welcome 🙂 Things have definitely changed for me over the last 5 years or so but I'm not sure I would say they have changed in a negative way. I feel like I have calmed down a little and prefer the less exciting aspects of the kink. Before I would be really adventurous and naughty, but now I enjoy a simple wetting, or squatting next to my husband, or even just peeing in front of him. There are still occasions where I'm a really naughty girl but they are less frequent. A thing I have started to enjoy more and more is being desperate, not absolutely bursting because I find
  3. I am always happy to answer questions. Ask away, as many as you would like! 😄
  4. I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum, I think he's an absolute legend. I live near him and have met him (even got a photo together!)
  5. Only my friend mentioned in the story knows about it.
  6. She is absolutely gorgeous, a real knockout.
  7. I was in a meeting today for work. I'll spare you the details but it lasted for about two hours, after promising “it’ll only be an hour”. The conversation was rather boring but what kept me going was seeing my colleague sat opposite looking rather desperate for a wee! She's the stunning french girl I have mentioned a few times in the past. Brunette hair, slim figure, amazing eyes. Just gorgeous all over. Things were subtle at first and I wasn't even sure that she needed a wee but after a while it started becoming more clear. Her leg jiggling under the table, drinking her water much less freque
  8. Might have to spend some time with my guitar...
  9. Haha, thank you. I am very lucky indeed! Poor sink? Some would say lucky sink!
  10. I'm making it my goal to watch this by the end of the year
  11. Can I please rate this more than once? That was incredible! I loved every word of it. Thank you! If you don't mind, I am going to do some Sophieing....
  12. Probably because it's been over 6 years since that link was posted.
  13. If you write a message and then edit it, anything after the & gets removed. For example, I can write "M&S" it will show fine, but if I then edit the message nothing after the M will be saved Edit - if I type "M+S" instead I get "M S" everything after is still there this time but the + is replaced by a space Edit edit - <> is broken too. Could this be related to XSS prevention and &lt/&gt? Edit edit edit - %^~|[] {} @#*- =()_£"':;/ all work fine, I've only found issues with <>& and +
  14. B.J.Thomas - Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head TLC - Waterfalls Frozen - Let It Go
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