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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Sophie


    Always trying to find that lost sock...
  2. I did a little more thinking today and while I still don't have a definitive answer, it might help a little. I grew up watching people who could do really awesome things, whether that was inventions, being good at maths, excelling at sport, I often thought to myself. "I wish I could do that!" but then I always thought "Why not? Why can't I? What's stopping me?" I never allowed myself to get to the point where I said "I can't do that". Sure there's lots of things I'm not good at but I've always thought, if they can do it, so can I. We're all human after all. I think that's what drives me,
  3. Have you tried actually submitting the post anyway? The images don't embed but it still posted as a link when I tried it. (I get the same error)
  4. Awww thank you! I hope you enjoy what you find.
  5. Aww thank you! I agree I am quite driven but i don't really know where it come from. My parents weren't huge achievers academically and I am the older sister so I didn't really follow in their footsteps with my career choices. My mother plays piano so I think I got that from her but for the rest I don't really know. I guess I enjoy trying to be the best I can be, I thrive on the feeling of accomplishment I get when I achieve a goal I've set myself and it becomes addictive, I set myself goal after goal so I can get that feeling again. I've always looked up to clever people, especially scie
  6. Thank you to everyone who has nominated so far. The awards wouldn't be able to happen without you! Nominations will close at midnight 23rd December. (10am UTC on the 24th to account for timezones)
  7. @Eliminature do you have a goal or a target for something you would like to be able to play? When I was learning I was kept motivated by wanting to play Turkish March by Mozart. It took me a while to get there but when I finally did it I felt like I had won the lottery.
  8. Thank you! That is a huge compliment. It seems like I have it out of my system for now Thank you! He loved the little surprise. I passed him my tablet with the post open and just sat watching as he read it. Thank you! As they say, sharing is caring! There is a lot of things that happen behind closed doors that I like to keep private but I am happy to share most of my pee related adventures. Thank you! Oh wow, a huge compliment! I am ever so critical of my writing so that really means a lot to me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You
  9. Sophie


    Elizabeth Hurley!
  10. I'll reply to your lovely messages tomorrow but I just wanted to say... he liked the story! He hasn't been able to keep his hands off me all evening, even "helping" me make an omelette earlier (read - fondling my bum while stood next to me) so I'm going to have an early night and make some more memories 😉
  11. This amazing cover 🙂 (That's the founder of Patreon having the time of his life on the keyboard)
  12. He was making a joke, relax lol. You're more than welcome to write about it, we'd love to read it.
  13. Looking at B&Q all they have is 50cm2 so you were not far off! But yeah, pretty small. My puddle would likely exceed that. I've used an off cut of carpet in the past.
  14. I am in such a wetting mood at the moment, I don’t know what has come over me but I’m not complaining! I came home from work earlier today quite desperate to pee, I wasn’t absolutely bursting but full enough where I couldn’t sit still properly. After spending a few minutes with my family I went upstairs for some much needed relief. Everything was pretty normal until I closed the bathroom door behind me and saw the toilet. It was like a switch inside my head, I suddenly had this huge urge to be naughty and pee through my clothes again instead of pulling them down. To be honest it didn’t ta
  15. I remember teaching my younger sister to pee outside. We had been playing together in this patch of trees.Too small to be a woods I think but dense enough it was great for hide and seek etc. After a while we both needed to pee and of course there was no toilets, we were in natures toilet! I showed her what to do and she basically copied me, pulling down my clothes and getting into a squat, telling her to pull up on her jeans so she didn't pee into her lap. She was right next to me copying what I was doing.
  16. I was taught how to pee outside by my mother when I was young. I remember it well. We had been to the park for the day, I can't remember exactly what we was doing but I remember needing a wee but not wanting to say anything, I was enjoying myself too much and didn't want to stop. My mother eventually noticed my desperate state and took me to the toilets, the usual brick like structure with a gents and a ladies side. They were locked for some reason and I was too desperate to make it to some other toilets, it probably wouldn't have been the case if I had spoke up earlier! My mother to
  17. I woke up about 9 o'clock this morning and after some cuddles with my husband I told him I needed to pee. He said he needed to as well so we both got out of bed, I had slept only in a pair of shorts so I put on a t-shirt and and we walked across the landing to the bathroom. He said that I could go first so I kissed his cheek and stepped towards the toilet, turning to face him. I was still feeling a little naughty after my wetting fun with the chat last night so I did something a little different, I smiled as I sat down... still wearing my shorts! I had been sitting for only a couple of s
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