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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. I have a huge crush on Nancy Wilson
  2. Pianist of nearly 26 years. I enjoy a mixture of classical music, Mozart, Beethoven and a few others (Canon in D will always be my favourite piece ever ) and I play a lot of piano covers of more recent popular songs. Usually from around the 70s onwards. Rolling Stones - She's a rainbow, Heart - Alone, Whitesnake - Here I go again, Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine are a few songs I have played this week.
  3. I've asked for one person per category only please. Someone else may nominate ppgirl if they wish and I may do so myself later if nobody else has.
  4. I have a number of times. I've peed on my patio a few times, squatting with my back against my shed and also squatting in between my shed and the back gate.
  5. My dream pee-themed holiday would be loosely based on the Big Brother TV show. There would be a bunch of us in a really nice house somewhere warm, possibly a mansion with cameras *everywhere*, even in the toilet. The difference being there wouldn’t be any tasks, any nominations or evictions. We would all know each other, or know a friend of theirs and we would all be into pee in some way or another, or at least curious. The idea being it was two weeks away from everyone to just enjoy ourselves, anything goes, and it’s all captured on camera. For the housemates I’d like it to be me and my
  6. There's no picture of their streams?
  7. It's getting close to the end of the year so I decided to host the 2020 Golden Stream Awards! There will be a number of categories and I would like you to nominate a member for them. You can nominate a member for multiple categories if you wish. You can nominate for as many or as little categories as you like. You cannot nominate yourself however. I hope there will be something for everyone. One nomination per category please! Category One : Best forum contributor The first category is for the best forum contributor. Who do you think has contributed the most this year? Who
  8. Something like this? It would sense the puddle you make on the mat and recreate it digitally. excuse my poor artistic skills.
  9. Sophie


    That's not me in the photo.
  10. In typical fashion, report it and it suddenly starts working. Was this your doing or just sheer coincidence?
  11. On another note - Kupar is saying he does not have the option to use the prefix "Site Error / Bug". I would have thought that was available to everyone.
  12. @Admin Another chat box bug report from me... The chatbox is visible but blank, both on the homepage and on https://peefans.com/chatbox/. The little live chat in the corner still works. @Kuparis reporting the same issue so it isn't isolated to just me and my device.
  13. They could work, I'd definitely consider it.
  14. I've considered it but they're a little too bulky for my liking.
  15. Probably Suzy actually! Porsches are nice but I'm really not a fan of Lambos or hypercars in general. I'd want to do a track day in the car I own so anything I learn can be applied to my everyday driving. People are always eager to tune their cars to make them faster but they never reached the limit of the cars capabilities to begin with. The best modification you can do is the driver. I wouldn't mind an off road driving experience though!
  16. Sophie

    Why I teach

    We did something similar when I was at school. We ran up and down the stairs as many times as we could in a minute and then measured our heart rate. I'm a little biased but science teachers are the best! In my experience they are always the ones who are a little bit nuts but also the most fun and creative. They always seem to be the most popular because they can have a laugh and don't take the job super seriously, and that in turn keeps the students engaged because they're having fun. We also get to enjoy all the mad science experiments. A geography teacher is never going to make elephants to
  17. What was it like the first time you peed in front of your partner? Was it your average every day wee in the toilet? Or something a little more interesting? I remember mine very vividly so I'll describe it below. The first pee in front of my husband was in the first few weeks of us dating, the first time he invited me back to his place in fact. He had been to my flat a few times but I had always closed the door when I went to the toilet. He would have heard me peeing, but not seen it. The first time I stayed at his was after our third date and we slept together that night. The next morning
  18. Oops! I forgot to answer this. If money was no object what would I drive for fun.... a tank! Road legal, deweaponised and road treads added. I've always wanted to drive a tank ever since I was little. Something a little more serious and realistic? A kit car. Many years ago I watched a series called "A Racing Car is Born" starring Mark Evans. He built the car from the ground up and it is something I've always wanted to do but I could never justify the cost. I'd love to spend a summer (or longer) and build my very own car, take it to a track, have some proper racing lessons and just le
  19. The most significant thing that has moved up my priority list is "me time". For the last few years I've always been all work and no play and I didn't realise until the schools were closed just how much it was effecting me. I still have the odd hiccup as you will know, but overall I have been much happier this year and I think it is down to me just spending some time for myself, doing what I want to do. It doesn't have to be anything fancy either, it could just be spending some time by myself at the computer, not worrying about work, not worrying about anything going on at home. Just thinking a
  20. You may 🙂 Ask as many as you like, no matter what it is. I'm afraid I haven't really driven any other exciting cars 😞 The most exciting thing I've even sat in, nevermind driven was a MG TF, Very nice but I'm not sure if people would consider it exciting.
  21. I don't mind at all. He proposed to me. We had been in a relationship for quite a while and we had discussed the idea of marriage but never seriously, it was just casual conversation while watching tv or something. We had gone out for a meal to a restaurant, the very same restaurant as our first date. It was ever so lovely. I didn't see it as anything else other than a date at the time, I never suspected anything. When we got home I took off my coat like I always do and when I turned around he pulled the ring out of his pocket and got down on one knee! I said yes without a second thought.
  22. Good question! We met while I was shopping. I was carrying lots of bags and one of them either split or the handle snapped I can't quite remember, but all the contents spilled across the floor in the middle of the city centre. Without a second thought a man was right there to help me pick them up, he was so nice. He even helped me carry my bags to the car. I said thank you, we had a little chat and went our separate ways. The next week I was doing my usual weekly food shop again and who do I bump into? The same guy who had helped me before. We made a little chit chat and whatnot. Eve
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