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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. First pee experience when I was exploring my interests - Probably the first time I wet myself on purpose. I was a teenager at the time and stood in the bath fully clothed and just wet myself, peeing through my jeans. It was such a strange feeling because in the past it had always come out in spurts over time. I had never just completely let go before. The most challenging thing would be trying to make the right decision. My fellow staff memberts would be able to tell you I am frequently asking in the staff room for advice and worrying I've done the right thing. The most frustrating w
  2. I think about one of my friends often. She has a habit of letting people know she needs a wee or if she's off to the bathroom so everytime I hear those words my mind flicks back to a certain place.
  3. You can pry my manual out of my cold, dead hands 😛 Going for a drive through the countryside later in my baby.
  4. A few things have surprised me, including just how common it is and how many people like it, but what surprised me the most is how many different aspects there is! Just off the top of my head I can think of :- Wetting Desperation Peeing outdoors Peeing on carpets Drinking Destroying furniture Golden showers Voyeurism Peeing on hardwood floors Power pissing Measuring and I am sure there is plenty more i have either forgotten, or just don't know about. What has surprised you the most?
  5. I've peed in the alleys a few times, yes. 🙂
  6. First of all - Amazing post! It's very funny indeed, I could have spent ages laid there in bed, even fallen asleep for a few hours without a single dribble, but as soon as I got out of bed I felt desperate and it rapidly grew and grew. I'm not sure if it's the shift in position that caused it, or my brain playing tricks on me but I bet I wouldn't be able to get comfortable laying down again. The same thing happened this morning only on a less dramatic scale. I immediately felt desperate again (this time I didn't need to pee at all while in bed) but I was able to get fully dressed before w
  7. A neat landing strip! A picture says a thousand words so here is a photo of someone who has it styled like mine.
  8. That smile is GORGEOUS!
  9. I briefly mentioned this in the chat but I thought I would share it here with a little more detail. I woke up at about 7 this morning and I was laid in bed for a while with the need to pee but nothing urgent, I could have easily fallen asleep again. I decided I should get up so I climbed out of bed, walked over to my dresser and then the urgency hit me. I could not stand still at all, I had my legs twisted together while my husband was fast asleep behind me. I pulled out some clothes and quickly realised I wasn't going to make it. I'd wet myself as I was getting dressed. I put down
  10. I do when I'm at work 🙂 There's a cafeteria of cooked food available to me but a lot of the time I'll have a pot noodle. Bombay bad boy 90% of the time. When I'm at home I'll occasionally eat them but not so often.
  11. Favourite animal is a tough one. I'm quite fond of sloths, they're just so adorable. I also really like the slow loris, such a cute creature! I have a handful of Koi carp fish and a cute cat. I used to have more fish and when I was growing up I had two cockatiels. Favourite movie of all time is Chicken Run, hands down. I have watched it more times than I dare count and I could probably recite it word for word. I even have lots of chicken run stuff, folders, sticker albums...
  12. Nope. The videos are for my husband and I only.
  13. My goal between now and September is to spend as much quality time with my family as I possibly can because I know things will get busy again. One of my all time favourite things to do with my husband is walk through the woods together. It’s what we did all the time when we first started dating. Yes we went out for drinks, to the cinema, a meal etc. But more times than anything else, we held hands and slowly walked. Every time I do this I get butterflies, I’m teleported back to those early times. I have mentioned it many times on the forum and I apologise if I’m becoming boring with my constan
  14. I have a little freedom. I guess I can pee anywhere if it's cleaned up straight away but carpet takes a while to dry and I can only have fun when the kids are in bed.
  15. Haha I don't mind at all! A couple of the ladies are the same "style" I tend to go for. Innocent on the outside and sexy underneath. I don't really show off that often when I'm out in public.
  16. Hard no! hahahaha sorry guys but it's just wrong!
  17. I'm not actually sure. There wasn't a specific day where it clicked. I know i had an interest in peeing when I was young but I cannot put my finger on an exact time.
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