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Everything posted by glad1

  1. At an early age I was pretty sure girls didn't pee from their butts. Too bad I missed that opportunity for you to show me what I already knew. I don't suppose I could conveniently forget? :biggrin:
  2. I love your latest collection. The photography is good and the subject matter is outstanding. :thumbsup: If they were meant to be erotic, you've certainly succeeded. Something at this end is also out standing. :wink:
  3. That's kind of my story, too. I must be a little slow, though, it came about ten years later for me on a day hike with a date. There must be something magic in those woods. :wink:
  4. For someone who just stumbled, you picked yourself off the ground awfully quickly. :biggrin: I pretty sure a lot of us drop by these days to read more stories from you. :thumbsup:
  5. Much as I know you'd like to pee your new jeans, I'm guessing there are some who like to see you release your torrential stream while you're still in them, only they're unzipped. I don't suppose you know a way to keep them dry? :wink:
  6. The favorites for me are the ones where she is in a realistic situation, even better when she appears to be in conversation with me, then finds herself caught short and with no other options. To me, it's always better if it at least looks like she's been taken by surprise rather than a obviously scripted event.
  7. Wanting attention? Mine is already there, standing straight up better than any marine corps honor guard.
  8. I certainly would have hoped so. Just the thought of you peeing on my cock has a, er, definite effect on me.
  9. I imagine it had to feel pretty good for him too. :biggrin:
  10. It's been too cold to have to step outside every time, so I hope this will do.
  11. Some years back I used to have an "old school" Triumph. Like any good British bike of its day, it had the antisocial tendency of dripping oil, especially in the poshest neighborhoods. It also vibrated like crazy whenever I got up to highway speed, so my kidneys always got a great workout. Riding it was always a race to see who would first spring a leak, me or the bike.
  12. Guess I must be one hot guy, because I seem to make steam quite easily. :biggrin: Sephora, I hope tomorrows's coffee feels even better. :wink:
  13. I don't know whether it's true for women, but my own bladder seems to shrink in winter. I know I have less holding ability. In fact, I've stepped from the warm indoors to the cold outside and had to pee almost immediately, even if I hadn't planned to. :redface:
  14. Lizz, I trust you'll do everything you can to keep your core warm. :laugh:
  15. The first woman I ever peed along side was my mom. I never thought that was strange. No, the only thing I wondered about was why wasn't she standing up like me.
  16. That's good to know. We don't want to see you dehydrated. I think even Hydro Quebec is counting on you.
  17. That's most impressive, Sephora! :biggrin: Adding up your figures comes to 5100 ml. Congratulations, you've made the Five Liter Club! :thumbsup: But, I do hope you drank more than just that 2 to 3 liters of water. Otherwise, you're soon going to run dry.
  18. I suppose so, but I'm a bit afraid of an electric car. If my stream ever were to get out of control, I should think I'd get a nasty shock. :dead:
  19. I travel long distances regularly and often try to make as few stops as possible. My car can go six or seven hours, sometimes eight, before it needs to refill its tank. I almost always need to empty mine a bit sooner. :O_o: What I find most useful is wide-mouth water bottle, at least one liter in size. It takes a bit of skill to pee while driving, especially when it takes one hand to aim and the other to hold the bottle, but I've learned the art of steering with my knees. It's still though a bit of a challenge in rush hour traffic. :eek:
  20. Not quite a bridge, but one night I was with a date checking out some boats, when I had to pee rather badly. She told me to pee off a rather high dock, which I did much to her delight as she watched my stream splash into the water.
  21. I'm sure as a young boy I must have done this, as I used to go on lots of walks with my mom. I know there were times I had to pee, but I'd never thought anything weird about the situation. I suppose it's all relative. :wink:
  22. I think the only good reason for using a bathroom is when you want some privacy. I'll be the first to admit I like watching women, but I'm not one to follow them in there. Besides, there are far more interesting and creative places to pee.
  23. How many women really enjoy peeing outdoors? I'd like to think the proportion is about the same as men, even if they often have a bad case of penis envy. :wink: Certainly, on my hiking trips, I'd notice a few who made sure to drink extra water, just so they could make another stop or two along the way.
  24. I'm betting that tree or bush was just a seedling not so long ago when you last gave it a good watering.
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