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Posts posted by Kirby23

  1. Another story is about my wife's female cousin. One time at a family get together she related an anecdote from a few years prior, when she had been pregnant with her daughter (who was maybe 5 at the time she told the story).

    She was on her way to an ultrasound, so had an extremely full bladder. However there was construction, and related traffic. As she got more and more desperate, she debated trying to pee in her Dunkin Donuts cup.

    But eventually she got through the traffic and got to the ultrasound office. But the appointment was a little delayed, and she told the receptionist she couldn't wait. They allowed her to pee, but told her to only pee a little bit, because she still needed a full bladder.

    She said she managed to only let a little out, but that it was one of the hardest things she's ever had to do!

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  2. My wife always pees after sex, and sometimes it takes her a while to get it going. Especially if she has orgasmed. It's not uncommon that she might sit there on the toilet for 3-5 minutes (sometimes more) waiting for the stream to start.

    I've asked her about it, and she says that when she orgasms, she gets all clenched up down there and it takes a while to relax enough to pee. 

    This is one of the reasons she has told me why she'd never be able to pee during sex. 🤷‍♂️

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  3. For me:

    Kinkiest: I often pee inside my wife's vagina during sex. She's not particularly "into" it, but she doesn't mind, and knows it feels good for me. 

    Naughtiest: I travel occasionally for work, and sometimes I pee around my hotel room for fun. I don't do it anywhere it would be obvious or easily noticed. But for example, I'll pee on the carpet a little (behind the curtains), in the closet, behind the couch, etc. 

    Bonus: most often when I travel for work I drive. I've gotten pretty good at peeing while driving. Into a gatorade bottle, soda cup, etc. It saves me a lot of time not needing to stop for restroom breaks. 

  4. At my previous job I had a coworker ("A"). "A" and I weren't particularly close, but we were friendly with each other, and would chit chat occasionally. She was about 35 and shapely. Thin, but curvy. Short, with shoulder-length dark hair.

    One time she and I were chatting, and she said something like "Hold on, I have to pee. I don't think I've peed since I took a shower this morning."

    Now, I don't know if she meant "I haven't peed since this morning" (a more general statement), or whether she specifically meant that she peed in the shower. I took it to mean the latter. That was super hot to me - not only to imagine her peeing in the shower, but the fact that she discussed it openly/casually.

    She generally tended to communicate pretty directly. So I'm pretty sure she would be the type to pee in the shower and not be ashamed of it.

    That wasn't actually the only time she and I discussed peeing. One time she mentioned that when she swims at her parents' house that everyone (including her) pees behind the shed, because her parents don't want people tracking water through the house. 

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  5. @glad1 Thanks! So, given that, is it easy for someone to watch a member of the opposite sex pee if one wanted to? I'm imagining a small / personal boat doesn't afford much privacy. 

    Do women usually pull their bottoms down, or just go through their swimsuits?

    Any sightings / stories to share?

  6. The 4th of July is a huge holiday here in the US, and since it's in the middle of the summer, people celebrate outdoors, with cookouts and outdoor activities.

    The area where I live is near a large lake, and in-between several other smaller lakes. As such, boating is a very common summertime activity, especially around the 4th of July holiday.

    Many of the boaters drink heavily while boating/celebrating. They'll anchor the boat and spend the whole day on the boat partying and drinking beer. Most non-commercial / smaller boats that a family or individual would use do not have a bathroom. 

    So I've always been curious how / where people pee while boating? The obvious answer would seem to be over the side. But what about when it's men and women partying together? Is it just umderstood/unspoken that people pee off the back of the boat? 

    What about when there are hundreds of boats together, and the back of one boat is only a few feet from the next boat? Do people just see each other pee all the time?

    Another potential answer is to jump in the water to swim when one needs to pee. But the lake water is pretty cold (about 60° F right now), so I don't imagine everyone does that. 


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  7. I don't recall any specific experiences from my youth, or a definite "first time," but I saw lots of peeing girls in college - at parties, outdoors, etc. 

    One time I remember clearly was my friend "S" and I had been hanging out, having beers. We decided to go for a walk on the trail in the woods behind my apartment. In the 45-or-so minutes we were on our little hike, she popped a squat at least twice (that I recall). It was dark out, and I was trying to be a gentleman, so I didn't watch her too closely. 

    One of the first times I saw a girl/woman pee up close was my ex, when we took a shower together after the first time we'd had sex. I noticed she hadn't peed after sex / before we got in the shower, so I asked her if she had to pee. She said yeah, kind of. I asked her if I could watch, and she said yes. So I crouched down in front of her, with my face only a few inches from her pussy. I noticed a thin yellow trickle begin to emerge from her lips, and lasted about 5-10 seconds. I remember it being very exciting at the time.

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  8. Has anyone else noticed that the topic of pubic hair management seems to be becoming more mainstream in advertising? 

    I am seeing ads all the time, not just online, but even on TV. For example "Gilette razor for skin and pubic hair," "Nood laser hair removal," and (I don't remember the product) targeted at "manscaping."

    These advertisements don't beat around the bush (pun intended) - they say things like "tired of shaving your vulva?", and "tame your balls," etc.

    It doesn't offend me, I've just been surprised at how mainstream the topic has recently become. What do others think?

  9. I only have a relatively small amount of experience with peeing during sex. My ex used to do it once in a while (out of necessity/convenience though, not as a kink), and my wife allows me to pee during sex (PIV) if I want to. I've told about these encounters in past posts, so won't repeat myself here.

    Peeing during sex (especially female peeing during PIV) is one of my biggest turn-ons. For those that have done it, I'd love to hear your stories and hear more about it. I'm curious to know what it feels like? How did it happen? For example, was it planned, or was it spur-of-the-moment out of convenience, necessity, etc.?

  10. On 6/4/2023 at 10:28 AM, Catie_lee said:

    ...Trust me when we fall for a guy the word no stops existing. 

    Tell that to my wife!

    Kidding aside, I agree completely with @Hightower that you have to find a partner who's into you first, then hope that the kink-related compatibility will follow. Some get lucky, others don't. 

    I've only been in two long-term relationships. My ex didn't mind indulging my kink (and was a little into it herself), and my wife, who is 100% not into it, and does not indulge it.

  11. On 5/23/2023 at 2:20 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

    Think you’re on a par with my wife there @Bacardi  - she’s the same. She’ll use bathrooms in a shopping centre or similar but not every time. 

    Mostly it’s just ‘it’s ok, I can wait’.  And she doesn’t restrict her intake of liquids either particularly. 

    My wife too. She'll hold it forever. But once she crosses the threshold, it can very quickly turn into "gotta go right now."

    It never ceases to amaze me how much she can hold. A 45-second pee is not at all unusual for her. 1L for sure, maybe 1.5L. 


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  12. I'm not sure how unusual this is, but one of my fantasies is what I'll call "just go" moments. Imagine you're having sex, and during the act, one partner says "I have to pee." Swept up in the sex, and not wanting to stop, the other partner says "Just go" (and they do).

    I had a few moments like this with my ex, mostly in the pool. But it was a long time ago, so I don't remember much about the details.

    I think part of what makes the idea sexy to me is the idea of being comfortable enough with each other to be uninhibited, and just let it out during sex (or oral, or fingering, or whatever the situation might be).



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  13. I like the idea of ranking them. Here are my top five:

    5. Female peeing outside, such as next to the hot tub, pool, etc., or during camping. 

    4. Female peeing in the shower. My wife does this every day, and occasionally lets me watch.

    3. Female nonchalant peeing. Especially "just go" moments.

    2. Male peeing during sex (PIV). I do this fairly often with my wife (at least once/month).

    1. Female peeing during sex (PIV). Did this a few times with my ex, 15+ years ago, but don't really remember too much about it, unfortunately.

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  14. The second update is from this past Friday. It was another situation where it was just she and I home during the day, and the kids were at school. It had been about two months since the previous pee-related sexual encounter (described in my previous post), and I was itching to do it again. It's a delicate matter of timing because if I'm going to pee during sex, it works best if it's a time when she hasn't showered yet. She usually showers in the morning, so it's unusual to find an ideal time. She also doesn't generally like daytime sex. So I don't often ask for it. 

    But this past Friday, around lunchtime she hadn't showered yet, I had drank a lot of water, was peeing clear, and said to her "now's as good of a time as any."

    She said ok, so we went upstairs. I definitely had a full bladder, but wanted to do some foreplay first to get her warmed up. I knew this would take 15-20 minutes, so I actually went to the toilet and peed a little first, just so I wouldn't be quite as bursting for those 15 minutes of foreplay. 

    We did some oral, some fingering, etc., and got her close, maybe 60-70% toward orgasm. But she felt like it wasn't going to happen, so she said "we might as well just do it." I had to pee bad, so I didn't really argue. 

    She was adamant though, that the shower stall was too uncomfortable, so she wanted to just do it on the bed. I asked "are you sure? I feel like I'm going to pee a lot." And she said it's fine, just put towels under us."

    So I grabbed 3 towels, folded them neatly, and put them under her hips/butt (missionary style). I put my tip in her entrance and peed a squirt to help ease the slide in. I was both hard, and ready to pee immediately. I went fully in, and began peeing. As it always does, it felt AWESOME. It's both the feeling of it coming out, like ejaculating, but also the warm, wet sloshy feeling all around. I peed a LOT. I peed like 20 seconds, thrusted some, then peed about 20 more seconds. She laughed out loud multiple times. An unexpected reaction, but she said it just feels so weird when it comes out and drips down her buttcrack. 

    I asked if she wanted to continue playing to try and come, but she said "no, you just go ahead and finish." I didn't really need much more convincing, I came almost immediately. 

    As she got up, there was a decent size wet patch on the topmost towel, but not really anything on the middle or lowest towel. I helped her wrap the towel around herself like a diaper, and she "waddled" to the shower.

    Another amazing experience.

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  15. A few updates to post. Twice now, I've been able to empty my full bladder into my wife's vagina.

    The first time was about two months ago. It was a similar situation to my previous post, only she let us try doing it in the shower stall again. It was during the day on a weekday when both my wife and I were home, and the kids were at school. I had been wanting to try a full bladder pee during PIV ever since the failed attempt described previously. She had not showered yet, so I figured this would be a good time to try it. We did our normal foreplay to get her warmed up, and when it came time for PIV, we went to the shower stall.

    As before, it was difficult to get the angle right. She bent over, and I entered her from behind. I did a few thrusts to make sure it was going to work. My bladder was very full, so I was ready to pee. Through practice, I've figured out how to stay hard enough to allow me to stay in, but not so hard as to prevent peeing. I still have to concentrate a little to get the flow started. 

    I began peeing and it felt REALLY good. It's hard to describe the feeling of peeing while inside a vagina and do it justice. It's sort of like a 30-second orgasm. In a weird way, to me the peeing may feel even better than an orgasm. 

    I managed to pee a lot before it started coming back out. Her insides must have filled up like a water balloon. As it started coming out, it flowed down her legs. She laughed a little and remarked that it was like she was peeing her pants, or the feeling when your water breaks. I rubbed her pussy with my left hand, and enjoyed the warm, wet feeling. 

    After I was done peeing, I hadn't come yet, but we both decided it was too uncomfortable to continue sex in the shower stall. So we went back to the bed, laid down a towel to catch any residual drips, and resumed sex. It was easy to slide in because it was still really wet from my urine. I came quickly, as I always do after peeing inside her. She got up and headed to the shower. 

    Afterward, in these situations, I take "after care" very seriously. I want to make sure she's ok with things, that she doesn't feel degraded in any way, used, etc. So we talked a little, I asked her how she felt, etc. All in all she's neutral on the whole "peeing during sex" thing. She hasn't had any adverse effects, physical or emotional. But it also doesn't really do anything for her either. She insists she can't feel me peeing inside her until it comes out. Then she said it just feels weird, but not particularly good or bad. But she doesn't care if I want to keep doing it, because she knows how good it feels for me, and how much I like it.


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  16. Found this in the "Youtube Finds" topic:

    Seems like the most common answer is that people (at least those in the video) pee in the hot tub. I think only one woman in the video said she doesn't.

    Of course, that could be selective editing - they could've edited out answers where people said no, as that doesn't make for as interesting of a video. 


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  17. On 4/10/2023 at 10:11 PM, weequeen said:

    most my partners who’ve had a penis could pee some while erect (ie, going in the shower when they were hard), but nobody has been able to pee while erect having sex. Who I’ve asked anyway. Next time I have a penis having partner going to direct them to this to train themselves lol

    I can! It has taken some "training," so to speak, but once you're used to the sensations, it's not too difficult. 

    Essentially I just have to stop "thrusting," concentrate a little, and I can get the flow going. It doesn't make too much difference how full my bladder is - I can do it when pretty full, or while only holding a little. 

    My wife says she can't feel it. It doesn't do anything for her. But she doesn't mind if I pee during PIV because she knows I enjoy it. 

    If I'm really aroused, peeing during sex can often trigger my orgasm. So I use it sparingly - or sometimes wait until I'm ready to come.

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  18. 9 hours ago, Havelock said:

    The best videos are of talking between people that actually have a relationship like bf/gf or a cam girl and her crew.  I also like outtakes from porn videos or cam girls lives where they legitimately have to pee and don’t care that its in public. They say things like “I have to pee” or “can I pee here” and just get to it.

    @Havelock I totally agree! I love these type of "nonchalant" scenes. One of the best ones I remember was a female pornstar who had just finished a sex scene on a bench press. Her face was covered in cum. The crew was congratulaying her on a great scene, and all she could say was how bad she had to pee. 

    One of the crew members told her to just pee there on the weight bench. She unleashed a huge stream, right there where she sat, and the crew cheered her on. So hot.

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