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Posts posted by Kirby23

  1. 20 hours ago, Likelettingitgo said:

    That is ironic. Did she know you were into it?

    I never had a 'just go' moment, just fantasies about it. Like in a cowgirl position. That would be awesome.

    Yes, toward the end she knew I was into it. We never made it a "thing", as in "let's do watersports tonight", but she also knew that if we were having sex and she needed to pee that she could just relax and pee and that I didn't mind.

    She tended to get very wet during sex, even if pee wasn't involved, so most of the time we put a puppy pad down on the bed (if that's where we were doing it). So with the puppy pad, she knew that she could pee if she needed to. It definitely wasn't every time, but maybe 1 in 5? And a lot of the time I couldn't always tell if she'd peed; sometimes I'd feel it, sometimes I didn't, and I'd just see the puddle on the pad afterwards. 

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  2. I like the idea of using our own experience with sexual partners as a measuring stick for relative percentages. I haven't had a large number of different partners, but among the ones I've had, only one (my wife) definitely was not into it. 

    My ex-wife was into it (I've made several posts about her in the past), and brought it up to me before I ever brought it up to her. When we first got together, she "tested the waters" with me (pun intended), by mentioning to me that her friend told her that she and her boyfriend (both of whom I knew) "tinkled on each other in the shower". I think she was trying to gauge my reaction. 

    Prior to that was just summer flings, or short-term partners. Among those, the topic of watersports never really came up, I was just happy to "get some" whenever I could, haha.

    During college, "S" and I fooled around several times, and she was very open about peeing, since we often did stuff outdoors, and she would usually pee before or after we did it. But pee wasn't part of our repertoire in-and-of-itself

    "R" never peed with me / in front of me, but I think she would have if I had asked - she seemed kind of kinky. She peed in my basement once when the (only) bathroom was occupied. I didn't hear about it until afterwards, unfortunately. I also don't know exactly where in the basement she peed, just that she did, ha. In later discussion when I asked she was embarassed, so I dropped it. 

    "S" (a different "S", a summer fling) was relatively inexperienced when she and I first got together, but she was very open, and I feel like she would've tried it if I'd asked. I do know she wasn't embarassed by peeing, because she later admitted that she peed in the pool (out of convenience) when we'd swim together.

    Those are my data points!

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  3. I have an update! I have a good female friend, "K" (I am male). We used to work together, and she was kind of my "work wife." We've been close friends for about 10 years, so no topic is off limits. We often talk about sex, and once in a while talk about peeing. K is very attractive - 40, fit, with blonde hair. 

    K and her family (husband, two kids) recently moved to a farmhouse in the country, and have been fixing it up. They installed a big new hot tub out behind the main garage / out-building. The location of the hot tub is a bit of a walk from the house, where the closest bathroom is. When she first sent me a photo of the new hot tub, and I noted its location, I asked her "What will you do if you have to pee, isn't that kind of far from the house?"

    She hadn't really thought about it, but said, "Oh, I don't know, good question. I guess if it's just me and [husband] I'll probably just go over the edge. If it's with company, I'll probably get out and go around the other side of the garage, or maybe walk to the house. I guess it would depend who I was with, and how cold it was outside!"

    I didn't want to dwell too much on it, and creep her out by asking too many follow-up questions, but the possibilities got me excited to think about. 

    In past conversations, she has admitted to peeing in hot tubs before, so I suppose that might be on the table as well, although she didn't mention it this time. 

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  4. Great story! My wife is a daily shower peer as well, and your story is very similar to what my wife often experiences. It takes a long time for our water to heat up, and she'll occasionally hop in the shower early, specifically to pee, before the water has fully heated. Our shower stall is big enough that she can stand in one end to pee while the water heats up at the other end.

    However, unfortunately she does not share my kink, and almost never lets me watch. She will acknowledge it though - she's not ashamed of the act. For example, I might be in the bathroom, hanging out with her while she's getting ready to hop in the shower. I'll give her a big hug/squeeze, and she'll say "not too hard, I have to pee." Or, she'll hop in, and I'll ask "Are you peeing?" and she'll say "Yep."

    She used to let me watch earlier in our relationship - a few times she even peed in the shower with me in it with her. But now she either can't go with me watching, or won't because she thinks it's disgusting that I like to watch. 

    So, knowing that she's doing it has to be good enough for me.

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  5. When my wife was in labor for my eldest (years ago), she had been given an epidural, which can make it difficult to pee (because everything down there is numb). Before "pushing" (beginning the birth process), the nurse wanted her to have an empty bladder.

    Usually the normal process is to have a catheter inserted, but my wife was already in a lot of pain (despite the drugs), and apparently they didn't want to traumatize her more than she already was. So the nurse told her to just relax and try to pee on the bed (onto the pee pad that she was already sitting/laying on). Unfortunately she wasn't able to go (probably because I was watching, hehe). 

    Days later, after it was all over, I asked her if that was common practice (she's a medical professional, and is friends with a few labor & delivery nurses), and she said yes, it's fairly common. She said it's less painful/traumatizing than a catheter and easier for the patient than going in a bedpan (especially if they've been given an epidural). The patient pees on the pad, the nurse changes it, and they're good to go.

    Has anyone else experienced this? Either while in labor, or for any hospital stay? Did you think it was weird, or did you "go with the flow"? Was it difficult to relax and pee on the bed (pad)?

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  6. Long-time reader, first-time poster. I have a handful of topics that I'll post about eventually, but I thought this might be a good one to begin with. 

    I apologize if this topic has already been covered, but I've searched and didn't find much about it.

    I am curious as to what would be considered commonly accepted behavior or "etiquette" for relieving one's bladder, while relaxing in a hot tub, especially in mixed company.

    For example, let's say two couples (2 men + 2 women) are in an outdoor hot tub. Drinks are free-flowing. Someone needs to pee. How is it dealt with?

    Is it considered "acceptable" to exit the hot tub, pee in the grass, and re-enter? Does the pee-er need to go indoors to the bathroom? For a woman, is is ok (common even) to hang rear-end over the edge of the tub, pee, and get back in? Are people in this situation peeing in the tub?

    Does gender influence it? For example, if it is 4 female friends, would they be a little more likely to pee "openly" versus trying to be discreet about it?

    Are "ground rules" sometimes set? For example "Please don't pee in the tub. If you have to pee, please go indoors, or behind the shed."

    I have some experiences on this topic to share, but I would be interested to hear others' input first.

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